My Hermes System

Chapter 355: Sudden Thoughts

Chapter 355: Sudden Thoughts

"Dionysus… is here? How would you even know something like that?"

"Ten thousand years is more than enough to build my own network of people that report to me, King Evans. Do not mind the tiny details, that is why I am here; to ease you of that burden. You just do your thing… and right now that's passing judgment on our dear old friend."


Van had no idea why Dionysus would be in a city so close to the college; perhaps it was another one of Athena's calculated guesses, or maybe Athena had somehow influenced Dionysus using her so-called network so he would be here at this time and place. One thing he does know, however, is that if ever Athena betrays him and becomes an enemy-- then Van might as well give up. Because the only way he was going to win against Athena was if he will destroy everything, and maybe even that would be included in her calculation.

Athena and Evangeline; sometimes Van wonders who between the two is more clever. But since Athena is literally called the Goddess of Wisdom back in her universe… surely it is her? If Evangeline has an advantage, it would probably be that she held this mysterious and seeming all-powerful ability to shape scenarios into her will.

Truly, a realm that Van could never think of standing in; and perhaps he never will. Even if he had the power to do so, it just seemed like a lot of work.


"What the!?"

As soon as Athena barged inside the tavern adorned with almost a thousand different luminescence, the music and cheering that were seeping through its door instantly dissipated. There were at least 40 people inside, half of them on the mezzanine of the 2nd floor, and all of them were looking at the women who disrupted their fun.

Half-naked people, men and women in different awkward dancing positions, and heaps of wine in their hands and mouth-- a Dionysus trademark.

"I see you have grown extremely fat, Dionysus."

"A...thena?" Dionysus was right in the center of the tavern, being carried by his male and female servants that seemed to be already reaching the limit of their strength as he ceaselessly moved around in his lifting chair.

"You… so that's why I received an invitation to host a party here!" Dionysus yelled, and as soon as he did so, the grapevines, as well as the unlimited puree that were flowing from then ceased; withering and turning into ash.

All of the goblets and wine that the people were holding also turned into ash, causing most of them to let out gasps of shock and disappointment. "Party's over, folks! It would seem we have an uninvited guest!"

"Technically, we are the main guests," Athene chuckled as she stepped deeper into the tavern, "You're right, I was the one who sent you that letter."

"...Ever the conniving bitch," Dionysus gritted his teeth in anger; however, after a few more moments, he raised his eyebrows, "Wait, what do you mean we?"

Athena did not answer Dionysus's question, instead, only walking towards the table nearest to her and sitting on the table. The patrons were confused at first, but as soon as Athena summoned a spear out of nowhere, they finally realized what was going on, or rather, what was about to happen.

But instead of running out of the tavern, they all just rushed to the mezzanine so they could get a clearer and full view of what was about to unfold. They were here to party and have fun, and since Dionysus was a part of the Palace-- then whatever battle that was going to happen here would surely ignite their excitement.

"What do you mean by 'we', Athena!?" The servants lifting Dionysus and his chair once again gritted their teeth as his fats wriggled around in place.

Athena, on the other hand, just pointed to the direction below his palanquin; in the middle of his servants. Of course, with it being directly below him, Dionysus was not able to see what she was pointing to; his servants, however, can.

And as soon as they turned to look, Dionysus almost fell out due to all of his servants flinching heavily.

"What!? What's in there!?"

"It's… a boy, master Dio--"

"Get me out of here!" Dionysus did not even let his servant finish her words as he slammed his palm several times on the side of the palanquin, "Get me out of here no--"

*BANG*-- was the singular sound that almost pierced Dionysus's ears before he saw all of his servants flying in all directions. Dionysus was about to fly away on his own before the palanquin fell to the ground, but it never did.

Instead, the palanquin slowly started to move towards Athena. Dionysus wanted to fly away, but he already knew who was beneath the palanquin; he would never even make it to the door.

Another banging sound then reverberated inside the tavern as his palanquin was carelessly dropped, almost cracking the entire floor. Dionysus didn't have time to flinch, however, as his head now slowly followed Van as he moved in front of him.

Athena then quickly got up, offering Van a chair to sit on as she stood beside him. And as soon as she was sure that Van was seated, she tapped her spear 3 times on the floor.

"All of you that are present here, the children of Asgard!" Athena then turned her head towards the patrons watching from the mezzanine, "You are about to witness the punishment of one Dionysus. His crime is of the highest degree-- betraying his sovereign!"

"W… what?" Dionysus could not help but look back and forth between Athena and Van. Of course, he knew that a day might come that Van would find him… but to think it would be so soon, and that it would be to pass judgment on him ceremoniously.

The patrons on the 2nd floor also looked at each other, confused as to how Dionysus committed treason when he just came from the Palace. Did he do something to King Odin? And who were these two individuals that popped out of nowhere?

Considering they were able to subdue someone like Dionysus, then that would mean they were of a higher command than him-- but why haven't they seen them before?

"Do you have anything to say in your defense!?"


"Silence!" Athena did not let Dionysus speak as she suddenly pulled him out of his palanquin, forcing him to kneel in front of Van.

"...Is all of these necessary?" Van slightly moved his leg to the side to avoid Dionysus.

"It is, King Evans," Athena nodded, "As one of the only two Olympians left in this universe, Dionysus must submit to our punishment."

"N… no, wait," Dionysus then quickly hugged one of Van's legs; almost swallowing it entirely with his fats, "Just kill me, please… I have had enough of this life!"

Van was going to do just that, but seeing the fear in Dionysus's eyes, he could not help but be curious. "What kind of punishment?"

"Cutting off all the limbs, mutilating his sexual organ, and tying up his mouth for a thousand years. After the thousand-year period is done, he will then be turned into any animal of your liking for another thousand years."

"Turn him… into an animal? I don't have that kind of power," Van furrowed his eyebrows.

"You do not have to worry about that," Athena quickly shook her head, "I can do it for you; I can turn him into a spider if you wish."

Hearing Athena mentioning a spider, Van could not help but let out a small breath. His first dungeon was that of a spider lair, wasn't it?



"...Did Artemis tell you that story?" Athena's eye twitched a couple of times as soon as he heard Van's words.

"No, I met her," Van quickly replied, "She gave me a feather that improved [Gift of Hermes]."


Not only Athena, but even Dionysus, who was about to be punished, could not help but turn all of his attention towards Van.

"She… told me the gods asked her to give it to me? She also told me that I shouldn't trust any of you," Van furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the confused look on Athena's face. "My System even told me that the Gods of Olympus have a gift for me, and then a Portal spawned right where I am," he said as he stood up from his seat.

"King Evans… none of us are capable of spawning a Portal; much less in your universe when we were currently trapped in ours."

With Athena's thoughts currently preoccupied, Dionysus took this chance to escape. But before he could even crawl a meter, Athena's spear pinned his clothes down.

"But didn't you send me a message using that giant bird? I heard your name being said."

"That I did with Dionysus. I was able to recover a piece of a Seraph's feather and managed to reverse engineer it," Athena said as she placed her hand on her chin, "But that's it, I could only use it once-- and surely not to the point of spawning a gate in your location, King Evans-- I don't even know where you were then. The only creature I know capable of doing that would be your mother, Evangeline."

"...Then do you think it's her?"

"It is possible," Athena nodded, "But there's something about what Arachnaea said that bothers me… she told you the gods asked her to give you a feather?"


"Arachnaea would never obey any of the Olympians; She… is mad at us for making her that way."

"Then it's Evangeline then? It makes sense," Van then waved his hand, gesturing to Athena that the talk was over before slowly making his way to the petrified Dionysus; however, before he could even take 3 steps, Athena once again spoke.

"But Evangeline is only a fraction of what she once was when she was still a complete Seraph," Athena followed, "Is she really capable of summoning a gate?"

"...What are you trying to say, Athena?"

"King Evans… your universe, truly without a god of its own?"

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