My Hermes System

Chapter 357: Children

Chapter 357: Children

"...Is that an order?"


The streets of the city that Athena and Van were exploring were by no means quiet; the people hustling and bustling around, the people that were running around in the market-- as well as the random creatures that seem to fly in the skies were all making noises.

But for Van, even with the vendors shouting at him to come take a look at their wares, everything was silent. He turned to look Athena straight in the eyes, trying to see if he really heard from her the words she just spoke; and seeing the look of resolution in her eyes, it would seem that she was serious.

"...I was kidding," Van muttered.

He only said it in passing and as a joke, but Athena seemed to really be thinking about them creating offspring. It is true that Athena was a beautiful woman, one might even say more beautiful than even Artemis-- but even from the first time he saw her, Van did not really feel anything for her, unlike with Artemis.

"...You were?" Athena blinked a couple of times as she looked Van straight in the eyes, "But if you wish to do it, then we may do so. It is just sexual intercourse, even if I have never done it before, I am sure it is a battle that I could do well in. If it is preserving our kind, then I am certain that even Artemis would not mind."

"...Let's not talk about this for now," Van then quickly waved his hand as he started walking away, "We should probably return to the Academy before Dionysus's reinforcements arrive."

"You don't want to wait and devour them?"

"..." Hearing Athena's words, Van slowly turned his head across the street. The children laughing, the families that were just out for their meals, the vendors… If one were to forget the incredible strength these people had, then one would mistake them as just that-- people.

Even the giants, and maybe even the races he hasn't seen in this world yet-- they were all just people.

If this is what Athena wanted him to learn about the Aesir, then it was clearly having an effect on him; whether the effect was positive or not was something he didn't know yet. It might seem hypocritical of him, seeing as he had already been killing this world's population in cold blood.

He had no remorse in doing so-- after all, even if it was him as a child or now as a young man, even if it was in the old world or here in the new one… life had always been a survival of the most merciless.

But with his brief interaction with his students in Heven Academy, he was sort of starting to reflect on all of the actions he had done, not only here, but back when he was still in the Old World.

He had always hated those who used their power to step on those who were lower than them, those who prey on the weak and defenseless. But right now, was he not one of those who held power?

He was now in the position that he could probably cause a war to break out if he wanted to-- No, he was doing just that. Before he was sent to Asgard, he was amassing an army for the simple reason that he wanted information.

'And I will make everyone kneel even if I have to cut off their feet'-- was something that directly came out of his mouth. One might even say that he was so obsessed with himself, that he was starting to forget that each of these people… had their own stories and struggles.

He saw Sigrid; her expression of complete despair as the events of her abuse resurfaced in her mind.

These were real people, and not just an intricate and calculated buffet for him to feast on created by his mother.

"...Let's just go back," Van then muttered, shaking his head as he looked Athena straight in the eyes, "We've done enough in this city already."

"...As you wish, King Evans."

The two then headed back to their ship, which was privately owned by Heven Academy to bring their people from and to the college-- and since Van and Athena held a certain prestige in Headmistress Hilda's eyes, this ship was solely for them to freely use as they desired.

Van opted to just run to the city, but since Athena was with him, they made a mutual decision to just use the ship. And taken from Athena's words, the ship was a more relaxing and comfortable way of transportation.

And feeling the fresh ocean wind of Asgard wafting through his face-- Van would agree. Looking at this vast sea surrounding him, it was as if he could taste the luxurious freedom that he so-ever sought in his life; and just for a moment, as he closed his eyes... he was at peace.

"You are still thinking of what to do with the Aesir?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

His peace, however, was just that-- a moment. Van opened his eyes and let out a small smile before turning his head towards Athena, "You wanted me to learn about the people of this world, and now that I am… I'm still as confused as I was before meeting you again."

"I apologize," Athena also smiled as she stood beside Van, taking in the endless sight before her, "A King does not only think of his own citizens but all those that exist around him; for what is a King that does not exist outside his castle? What is a King, if there is no one to rule?"

"If this is your way of telling me not to devour the Aesir, then just say it straight."

"No, King Evans. I am telling you to be the ruler of the 9 Realms. Not just for the forest giants, not just for me; but for everything that exists."

"I already planned that even before meeting you again, Athena. I am gathering an army back in the Branch, remember?"

"To rule, not to conquer," Athena then looked Van straight in the eyes, "To inspire, not to spread fear. You are more than capable of doing that; you have lived a life filled with hardships, pain, and sadness. You have lived through the worst that your world has to offer, you were at the center of it all."

"We have Evangeline to thank for that," Van scoffed.

"And your mother could have easily created a monster," Athena shook her head.

"She did."

"A monster would have already devoured the city we visited. A monster would not have taken revenge for a girl he had only met. Give credit to Artemis, King Evans-- she wouldn't fall in love with a monster… and give credit to me; I would not serve you if I think you are not qualified to do so."


"Child of Hermes,"

With the cold breeze of the ocean still wafting through his face, a hint of warmth covered Van's cheek as Athena suddenly placed her palm upon it; turning his head towards hers,

"You are my King. And I want to share that gift to this world," Athena whispered, her words being carried by the wind, "The mistake of the Olympians, as well as the God and Seraphs, was thinking the creatures below them are just pets to watch, control, and play with. You will make many mistakes, but that will not be one of them."

"...Athena," Van muttered as he held Athena's hand.

"You are not a monster, King Evans…. You are the most human of us all. And that is why Athena… as well as I, have fallen for you."

"..." Van slightly flinched from Athena's words, letting go of her hand momentarily, but quickly returning.

"I do not think I am meant to rule, Athena."

"Rulers rarely think they are."

"My path is already filled with blood."

"Paths will always be filled with blood, even the path to peace. You can do it, I could think of no one else but you, King Evans."

"This place already has a King."

"Then you will rule Odin as well."

"You're forgetting about the World Eaters. If Evangeline thinks that only if I devour everyone here would I have the chance to face them, then that is probably so. I may despise her, but if she went through all this trouble just to ensure that… then that might be the only way."

"Well, your mother isn't the Goddess of Wisdom, I am," Athena then let out a giggle as she removed her hand from Van's face, "We will find a way, King Evans; There are always infinite possibilities as long as one has the capability to create change."

"But to actually rule a place that already has a ruler… how do we even start that?"

"You've already started, King Evans. I know at least one Aesir that would kneel in front of you if you ordered her to… two if you include Hilda."

"...The Academy?"

"Indeed," Athena breathed out, "To rule a place that already has a ruler, one has to rule the people that will soon live within it-- the children."

"...And how would you know they would follow me?"

"Because they always do."

"Are you relying on faith again?"

"History, King Evans. Wherever you go, people always tend to stick to you."

"So that is your real intent in having us work in Heven? To win the hearts of this place's future?"

"It's one of my many intents," Athena then said as she once again placed her hand on Van's cheek,

"And another is to let you learn how the system works... we will need it for the birth of the 10th Realm."


"My King does not deserve handouts. We will find and build a Realm of our own... I have already scouted several suiting worlds from my years of being here."

"You mean--"

"Yes, King Evans; I want you to choose where your kingdom will be built."

"...But I can't breathe in space."

"You can, I can teach you. But first-- Children."

"...What about them?"

"No," Athena shook her head as her hand remained on Van's face, "I have decided...

...let's create our own."

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