My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 301: Another Lost Lamb Has Fallen

Chapter 301: Another Lost Lamb Has Fallen

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 298 ---

Java Island, Angel's Kiss Restaurant.

After receiving a short message that someone wanted to meet and talk with her, Qianye Ying'er spared some time because it was from Huo Yuhao. 

Qianye Ying'er checked her smartwatch and stood before a white building with an angelic theme. "Is this the place?" 

"Well, let's see who wants to meet me." 

Qianye Ying'er pushed the entrance casually and entered the Angel's Kiss Restaurant. Her unique presence brought light to the room. She examined the white porcelain interior style and gold chandeliers with cloud carving on the ceiling. 

She spotted a familiar-looking girl in a white dress sitting alone at the far-most left table and fidgeting in her seat.

Qianye Ying'er raised her brow slightly, "Guyi? Why did Yuhao want me to meet this girl?" 

She didn't think much of it and strolled to the table. 

Ye Guyi was nervous inside the restaurant. She had been waiting for a few minutes and thought the Zero Disciple Huo Yuhao was playing with her. 

Of course, that was just a sliver of Ye Guyi's imagination because a high-end person like Huo Yuhao wouldn't do that. 

"Hey, are we going to talk or not?" A sweet voice filled Ye Guyi's ears. 

Ye Guyi turned around instantly and saw a goddess-like young lady. 

She has fine golden hair, with each strand beautiful and more precious than any golden silk. And her amethyst-colored eyes are even more precious than any gem. 

'I can sing my praise for hours, but it won't be enough to describe her beauty.' Ye Guyi thought to herself. 

"Oh, girl. Stop with the gaze. I'm not a decoration." Qianye Ying'er sat beside Ye Guyi. "Waitress, give me three slices of lemon cake!" 

"Three slices, coming right up!" The waitress, who had been staying idle because Ye Guyi only sat there for a few minutes, finally had a job to do.

Qianye Ying'er snapped her finger, "Start talking."

"And don't even ever mention anything related to my father. That guy is deader than death ever will be." 

Ye Guyi swallowed her saliva, "Yes, Sister Ying'er." 

"I'm here to ask for help." 

"Help?" Qianye Ying'er tapped her finger on the table.

Ye Guyi nodded, "Yes, help." 

"After some idiots from the Main Family decided to contact your fiance and told him to fetch you in the Shrek Academy, the Dragon Nest sent forces to wipe them up." 

"D-Do you know?" 

"I know. I'm the one who ordered it." Qianye Ying'er replied while seeing the waitress coming with three slices of lemon cake.

"That trash deserves it." 

"What? Don't tell me you went through all this problem only to ask me to spare those people?" 

Ye Guyi hurriedly shook her head, "No, no, no!" 

"P-Please don't misunderstand my intention." 

"Although Mister Azazel has taken over the Main Family's management well, I'd like the Holy Angel's lineage to stay pure into the future." 

"That's why please take the Branch Families under you." 

"We will be your sword and shield, though we aren't up to your standard yet." 

"Hmm, continue..." Qianye Ying'er sliced her lemon cake with a fork and stabbed it playfully.

Ye Guyi's breath took a sharp turn. After all, Qianye Ying'er doesn't seem to care about the Branch Family's fate. 

Ye Guyi bit her lips, "After the Dragon Nest wiped the Qianye Clan's force, the Main Family forced the Branch Families to hand over their resources so they could recover from their losses." 

"They promised that the Branch Families would get their resources back in a month or two. Obviously, we never did."

No one wants to get on Dragon Nest's BAD side, so the Main Family's businesses start falling off like buildings made of cards." 

"They are declining so fast, like falling stars." 

"Even our Branch Family's business was affected by it. We made a loss rather than a profit." 

"Some family members couldn't even sell their businesses anymore due to your sanction." 

"Anytime someone hears 'Qianye' name in the business or spirit master's world, we will get condemned." 

"And?" Qianye Ying'er ate her lemon cake.

"Without my mother, your Branch Families are nothing." 

"She did all those benefit programs to make your life better, but all she got is assassination that resulted in her death." 

"Even without my sanction, your Qianye Clan would die eventually."

"P-Please show some kindness... Sister Ying'er." Ye Guyi was on the verge of crying.

Qianye Ying'er rolled her eyes, "Guyi. Allowing you to call me 'Sister Ying'er is already a kind gesture from me." 

"No one could get to call me that easily." Her voice is even colder than any winter.

It strikes Ye Guyi's heart mercilessly.

Ye Guyi still remembers when Qianye Ying'er was a meek yet joyful girl years ago. Sister Ying'er was the Qianye Clan's heiress and the hope of Holy Angel's lineage, if not for her mutated Martial Soul.

However, all those years have ended.

The young lady before Ye Guyi is a Goddess who doesn't care about mortals like her.

Unknown to Ye Guyi, Qianye Ying'er was as meek and joyful as she used to be around Huo Yuhao. Such a persona only appeared when Qianye Ying'er wanted to get pampered.

"Oh, I'm on my last cake slice already?" Qianye Ying'er said, making Ye Guyi panic. 

Ye Guyi frantically thought of a way and said, "I-I think Zero Disciple saw something in me." 

"What makes you think so?" Qianye Ying'er put on a darkened look.

"Because If I didn't have something special, he wouldn't let me talk with you." 

"He acts cold toward me and only gazed at my body for a good fifteen seconds." 

"Then, he let me into this restaurant." 

"Hah! You call that achievement?" Qianye Ying'er snorted. She activated her divinity and scanned Ye Guyi's body, finding the pure Holy Angel's bloodline and light element.

Qianye Ying'er would have been jealous in the past because this means Ye Guyi had a pure Holy Angel martial soul. But now? She barely cares.

'Ah, I see...' 

'Yuhao, really throw a big piece of work at me.' 

'Fine, let's consider this a new lamb entering the herd.' 

Qianye Ying'er twirled her fork and commented, "Guyi." 

"Have you heard about lord and savior, Haoyu?" 

"Um, no?" Ye Guyi answered honestly.

"I will give you a book. And I will accept your proposal if you finish it tomorrow morning." Qianye Ying'er added with a smile.

"I Will Do My Best!!" Ye Guyi nodded like a chicken. She couldn't waste this chance.

Qianye Ying'er giggled, "I like the enthusiasm."

After finishing her last lemon cake slice, Qianye Ying'er pulled out a thick book about Yuhaonism and patted it proudly, "Finish this by tomorrow morning, remember." 

"I will be waiting at this restaurant, same seat." 


"O-Okay!" Ye Guyi clenched her hands in determination. 


The next morning.

Qianye Ying'er ordered three more slices of lemon cake. 

They were delicious yesterday. 

She sliced one with a fork and ate it, humming as hasty steps approached her seat.

Qianye Ying'er doesn't need to turn around to know who it is.

Ye Guyi is still wearing the same silver-plated dress and hugging the thick book of Yuhaonism. Her breathing is uneven because she probably ran to the restaurant while carrying the holy text.


"What's new?" Qianye Ying'er couldn't hide her grin.

The current Ye Guyi has this new light in her eyes. She looks enlightened in the way she sees the world.

"Free." Ye Guyi answered.

"I felt free." 

"Thank you, Sister Ying'er." 

"I realized my worry is for nothing. As long as I believed in Yuhaonism and devoted my body, spirit, and soul to it, there is nothing I couldn't face." 

"Good girl." Qianye Ying'er praised, and Ye Guyi's body shivered in delight. 

The Goddess picked the lemon cake with her bare hand, "You must be hungry. Eat this." 

"Thank you." Ye Guyi's eyes flashed as she lowered herself to Qianye Ying'er's hand and ate the cake hungrily. She even licked the cream off her fingers.

Like a baptism, Ye Guyi felt her body filled with newfound power.

Qianye Ying'er watched a stream of primordial runes moving on Ye Guyi's lips before settling on her exposed collarbone. 

"From now on, you're one of me." Qianye Ying'er grinned at Ye Guyi.

Ye Guyi grinned back, "Yes, Sister." 

The power of devotion is scary.



Huo Yuhao yawned on his bed. 

He just woke up but suddenly felt cold.

'Why did I feel cold all of a sudden?' 

'Uh, oh. It is not a good sign.' 

Unknowingly, Huo Yuhao just turned an innocent girl into his fanatic.

Another Lost Lamb has Fallen, and this is just the beginning.

Qianye Ying'er has yet to expand Yuhaonism outside the Dragon Nest.

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