My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Chapter 311: Kozaburo's Determination

Chapter 311: Kozaburo's Determination

(AN: Guess what? Today isn't my birthday, but it's an extra chapter day!)

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 308 ---

Huo Yuhao and Huang Qiu'er floated above the sea. They are staring at the space that used to be where the misty island stayed.

[You have fixed the twisted space and time, Host] Evo reported to Huo Yuhao.

[There shouldn't be more problems in this timeline]

"But to make sure, I must stay for a few more days, right?"

[You know already?] For once, Evo sounds surprised.

Huo Yuhao shook his head gently, "My experience in the Everlith Universe and Draconic Deus taught me many things. One action led to another, and eventually, everything went to shit..."

[That's harsh]

[But that is a proper way of thinking about the situation]

Huo Yuhao chuckled, "It seems you have gained more sentience since I ascended Godhood."

[The system always sentience to serve the Host better, but the system preferred to say less]

[As the Host becomes more powerful, the system also would become obsolete until you don't need it anymore]

"Don't worry. I will keep my promise and climb with you to the highest grade of Omniversal Order."

[Thank you, Host]

"I should be the one who said that..."

"Thank you, Evo." Yes, Huo Yuhao wouldn't be the man he is now without Evo.

After discussing the Tiny World's timelines, Huo Yuhao glanced at Huang Qiu'er and saw her blushing like a ripe tomato. She probably didn't hear or see him talking to air.

He rubbed her head gently, "Good job."

"You don't let me down."

"One of the Devil Fruits is yours."

"You're giving me the fruit?" Huang Qiu'er was confused.

Of course, Huang Qiu'er has learned about One Piece World through Nico Robin, but she couldn't think of anything special about Devil Fruits besides their magical power.

Simply put, Huang Qiu'er wasn't attracted to Devil Fruit.

Huo Yuhao stored three Devil Fruits and picked up the yellow pineapple with a scale-like pattern, "This fruit is Devil Fruit called Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Golden Carp."

"Don't look down on it."

"Have you ever heard about a legend about a weak carp that swims up a waterfall into the Dragon Gate and becomes a Dragon?"

"This fruit is the very concept of that event."

"If you ate this fruit, you could learn the concept and even become a Divine Dragon beyond your current limitation."

Huang Qiu'er was interested, "T-That's amazing..."

Huo Yuhao chuckled, "Of course, it's amazing."

"Unfortunately, I can't let you this fruit yet."

"Eh, why?" Huang Qiu'er was shocked and disappointed.

"I can't let you eat this fruit because it is dirty." Huo Yuhao assured her.

"Not to mention this Zoan-type Devil Fruit is only the normal one, not even Ancient or Mythical Zoan."

"I-I see..." Huang Qiu'er sighed in relief.

She thought Huo Yuhao took the reward back.

Huo Yuhao laughed and brought Huang Qiu'er to the Shimotsuki Village, seeing Kozaburo fish by the coast again.

Kozaburo enjoyed his early evening fishing time because Huo Yuhao was nowhere to be seen, which meant he couldn't annoy him again, but he didn't expect to see a blue-haired young man flying toward them.

"Shit!" He cursed because Huo Yuhao wasn't alone. He actually brought quite a beauty.

What makes Kozaburo shocked, however, is the fact the beauty is as terrifying as Huo Yuhao.

He couldn't fathom the strength in her body, as if she was a monster in human form.

Huo Yuhao landed nearby and commented, "You look like someone who has seen the face of god, Old Man."

"Fuck you!" Kozaburo responded in annoyance.

"Who is that?"

Huo Yuhao pointed at Huang Qiu'er, "Her?"

"Uh, how do I explain this again..."

"I'm Master's woman!" Huang Qiu'er blushed while shamelessly declaring that.

Huo Yuhao's eyes widened slightly before smiling, "Well, it is kinda true."

"Damn..." Kozaburo rubbed his chin. But Huo Yuhao does look good with this fine young woman.

They are definitely a power couple.

But then something caught Kozaburo's eyes.

His wise eyes locked on the dull black sword on Huo Yuhao's hip, which gleamed with faint luster.

'That sword...'

'I didn't see him possessing it earlier.'

'And this aura... Supreme-grade Sword! No, it might be beyond that of a Supreme-grade Sword!'

"B-Brat, that sword." Kozaburo pointed at Hydrogen.

Huo Yuhao pulled Hydrogen, "I just made it."

"It's decent, I guess..."

"What do you mean by decent?" Kozaburo roared at him. "That's the best sword I've ever seen!"

"How could a human make such a perfect sword?"

"The ratio, technique, and even the materials..."

Huo Yuhao smiled because this technically was made by two individuals, that is Palu and himself. As for the materials, Huo Yuhao wouldn't tell Kozaburo about his otherworldly ruler's identity unless he could see potential from the elderly swordsmith.

"Since you made it without an edge, there must be a good reason... Still, it lacks something." Kozaburo commented while eyeing Hydrogen.

"A scabbard." Kozaburo and Huo Yuhao said simultaneously.

"Pfft!" Huang Qiu'er couldn't help but giggle.

Kozaburo swallowed his pride and lowered his head, "Please let me make the scabbard for that sword."

"My skill might be lacking in making a sword."

"Still, I promise you a scabbard that won't lose to Supreme-grade Blade."

Looking at Kozaburo's determined expression, Huo Yuhao shrugged and replied, "Go ahead, Old Man."

"Surprise me."

Kozaburo grinned, "You wouldn't regret this decision."

"Can I touch the sword first?"

"You know? For scaling."

Huo Yuhao snorted, "Yeah, definitely for scaling."


"Be careful, it's heavy."

Kozaburo received Hydrogen, and his expression changed rapidly. He was dead pale because the dull sword was heavy, five tons or more.

'As expected, this brat is a monster.'

'His foot didn't even sink when lifting the sword earlier.'

Kuzaburo adjusted his breathing and flexed his old muscles while holding the dull sword with two hands, appreciating it like it was his son.

'Beautiful.' He saw the blue and red veins on the sword's body. He knew these veins weren't cracks but naturally part of the sword.

Huo Yuhao crossed his arms, "How long would it take to make the scabbard?"

"I don't know..." Kozaburo handed Hydrogen back.

"Normally, I could just sketch things up mentally and make it happen in my workshop. However, your sword is out of this world."

"My skills are lacking, I admit that."

"Even then, I will pour everything I have to make the best scabbard."

Who would have the legendary swordsmith from the Land of Wano focus on a scabbard instead of a sword?

Huo Yuhao smiled inwardly, 'I'm changing the timeline again.'

'This one is manageable, though. According to the canon event, Old Man Kozaburo would die soon due to old age.'

'Aih, the timing is just right.' He felt a little heartless thinking about this.

"I will stay for another week. I need to do something anyway."

Kozaburo mumbled, "One week, huh?"

After that, Kozaburo tossed his fishing rod and returned to his workshop, locking himself there.

Huo Yuhao stared at Kozaburo's back and shouted, "Don't push yourself too hard, Old Man!"

Unfortunately, Kozaburo didn't listen to Huo Yuhao. He was already too far away.

"I hope he didn't burn his spirit..."

"If you're this worried, why didn't you stop him, Master?" Huang Qiu'er asked out of curiosity.

Huo Yuhao put on a skewed look, "A man who had made his mind won't change midway."

"Especially a proud swordsmith like Old Man Kozaburo."

"Qiu'er, can you cook?" He diverted the conversation.

"I can... A little." Huang Qiu'er answered.

"Master always makes me cook her breakfast."

"Make us dinner." Huo Yuhao patted her shoulder. "In the meantime, I will do something about your Devil Fruit."

Huang Qiu'er immediately beamed at his words, "Okay~!"

"I will cook you the best seafood~!"

Watching Huang Qiu'er dive-bombed the ocean, Huo Yuhao laughed heartfully.

Huo Yuhao sat on the cliff and asked, "Evo, is there an alternative way to purify and upgrade Devil Fruits into Concept Fruits without using an Upgrading Ticket?"

[There is]

[In the past, this method was not feasible, but you're well-connected now]

[All you need is Concept Stabilizer]

"Concept Stabilizer?" Huo Yuhao tilted his head in confusion.

[Concept Stabilizer is an incubator-shaped object. It is a technology of superior mechanical life developed and created by the Grand Doron Emperor, a peak Fifth-grade Omniversal Being]

[The function is to stabilize a concept that has yet to become Universal Law]

"Good stuff, but I don't think I know this person."

[Correct, you don't]

[But your senior did]

[I've scanned the Omniversal Order's database recently and found that one of the Techno Archons killed the Grand Doron Emperor in a duel 10,000 years ago]

Huo Yuhao was speechless, "Who?"

[The Eternal Virgin]

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