Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 7: The Castle 2

Chapter 7: The Castle 2

All things considered, it didn't take him very long to reach his destination. The Land of Necks was just outside the border of the Land of Fire, right in between the small blank territory between it and the Land of Wind.

The location of the bandits had already been mapped out and everything, they had taken up residence in an old outpost that hadn't really seen use in decades.

The Land of Necks, didn't have shinobi anymore to man it. They'd long since lost their small shinobi village during the prelude to the second shinobi world war.

If Daiki remembered correctly, the summoner of the Chameleon Clan, was the last living shinobi of the Land of Necks and his last act was to summon the Chameleon boss summon.

Either way, he'd moved at a fast pace, and by time the sun was beginning to set, he arrived at his destination.

That was four and a half hours ago.

Currently, Daiki found himself perched atop the branch of a large tree, hidden within the thick leafy foliage and observed the outpost the bandits had taken over.

It wasn't anything special, a small output a few hundred feet in length and across, surrounded by wooden walls. There were a few platforms with torches inside, but they were left unmanned.

Sloppy. Or ignorant.

'Maybe just plain stupid.' Daiki snorted.

As it was, the only guards they had stationed at all, were two men left at the gates, they seemed to switch over with another pair of men every three hours from what he gathered.

From his observations, there were roughly thirty members in the bandit tribe, which matched up with the estimates on the mission scroll.

…There was one outlier though.

He didn't know if it was misinformation, they were lied to about the mission details for a lower price, or if it was simply something new altogether.

They had a leader. And it wasn't just a common bandit.

It was a burly, dark skinned man with ragged pale blonde hair. A burly, dark skinned man that wore a white clothed headband baring the symbol of Kumo, with a slash dashed through said symbol.

A Missing nin.

Thankfully, not a very strong one by general standards. He hadn't even been able to locate Daiki hiding in the tree he was in. Sure, Konoha ninja were the best of the best at tree hopping and hiding within trees, but it wasn't like he was a particularly overly skilled stealth type shinobi.

He upper middle in the rankings of his graduating class after all. Naruto had been the top of that field for their class, the only one he was top of in their class.

Daiki looked down at the book he held in his grasp. A Bingo Book, they were issued to all members of the Genin Corps.

Name: Komaya Gekazu

Age: 24

Rank: Genin

Threat Estimation: D-Rank

Target Information: A rank and file shinobi, trained mostly in the arts of Kenjutsu, with little jutsu to speak of beyond the basics. Wanted for the murder of his teammate before fleeing the village of Kumogakure.

Reward: 150,000 Ryo

Basically, for all intents and purposes, he was a career genin, nobody special.

But then again-

'I'm nobody special either.' Daiki mused. The question to be asked though, was he more special than Komaya Gekazu?

Well, either way, the man had pitiful detection skills, not even able to notice a genin watching his camp for hours.

Daiki was confident in his ability to wipe out the bandits without the man ever noticing, as long as he did it quietly and didn't venture into the main hut of the outpost where the former Kumo shinobi had retreated to an hour ago.

There were really three options to him. He could get in, kill the bandits and leave, as was the mission, he could kill the bandits then go for the shinobi's head as well, or he could return back to the village and report the change in circumstances.

…Option three would be the safe bet. But also…the bitch option. 'If I'm too afraid to even take on a career genin, how the hell am I gonna get strong enough to survive the shit that's coming?' he grimaced at the thought.

He was leery of fighting other shinobi right now, especially after what happened to him with those Iwa rock humper punks.

No, he wanted to go for this guys head. It would work as a test for him. To see if he had what it took to actually accomplish what he wanted.

Besides, he was well equipped for this. He had his kunai, his shuriken, some smoke bombs, a single sealing scroll made by him and even a few explosive tags of his own making, one even already wrapped around a kunai handle and prepped to be tossed on the fly.

And on top of all that, the element of surprise was on his side.

And on the plus side, the mission details were just to take care of the bandits. So, any valuables they had, were free for the taking.

'Let's do this.' Daiki nodded to himself, standing up and stowing the bingo book in his supply pouch, before drawing two shuriken.

He edged close towards the edge of the branch and lined his arm up, then whipped it outwards.

The two shuriken left his hand in a blur, and a few split moments later, pierced into the jugulars of both bandits guarding the entrance.

They toppled to the ground together, dead.

For a moment, Daiki just stared. And found…he didn't really feel anything from killing them.

They were just bandits after all.

He felt more emotion slitting the throat of the bunny the academy had presented to him in his final year to get him used to killing.

He hopped off of the tree branch and descended towards the ground within the outpost, landing a second later, on the tips of his toes behind one of the huts, making naught a sound.

There weren't any bandits out and about besides a few of them sitting together in the middle of the outpost, drinking alcohol around a campfire.

He drew a pair of kunai and got to work.

It was, almost absurd how easy it was to sneak up on the bandits outside, a pair of kunai through the back throat of two of them, and then before the other could even realise his pals were dead, he had his throat slit and didn't even have the option to make a sound.

And the rest spread around the outpost huts were just as easy. Especially since the vast majority of them were sound asleep.

And a simple transformation into one of the bandits outside, was enough to make the awake ones drop their guard and allow him to murder them before they could even realise what was going on.

All they had to them were weapons, little to no training at all to make them worth anything within combat in this world.

They were unremarkable in every single way, right down to their weapons. There was like, no individuality in them, every single one of them had common iron swords, and only a few of them even carried any spare weapons in a few daggers.

Who even used daggers these days? Kunai were cheaper and easier to get your hands.

Dumb fucks.

In total, by time he was done and looted them for all they were worth, he found himself the proud new owner of thirty two common swords and three daggers.

…And all they had between them was thirty thousand ryo. The cheap poor fucks.

Seemed their boss was keeping anything of value to himself.

All the bandits were dead within less than five minutes. Shinobi, even ones as weak as he, were just that far above the common populace.

He sat down at the fire, were the corpses of the bandits outside lay around him and eyed the main hut where the leader was.

His mind was half on how he'd approach killing the man, and half on the fact that he'd received no notifications or anything.

Which meant he probably hadn't gained something like experience for killing them.

As usual, this game system of his, was quite different from anything he'd seen in actual games or stories.

But just in case, 'Status.' he thought.

[Name: Daiki Yurei]

[Age: 13]

[Chakra Capacity: 6500/6500 (Elite Genin)]

[Strength: 31/500]

[Endurance: 47.2/500]

[Durability: 31/500]

[Agility: 31/500]

[Taijutsu: 105/500]

[Ninjutsu: 55/500]

[Genjutsu: 10/500]

[Bukijutsu: 15.3/500]

[Chakra Control: 155/500]

[Chakra Affinities:]

[Lightning - (N/A): You have no training with this element.]

[Fuinjutsu - (Novice): You have reached the level of a Novice.]

Yeah, as expected. His endurance and chakra capacity had increased a tiny bit, and even his bukijutsu had went up a sliver, which kind of made sense, it was his first time using his weapons to kill.

But nothing like experience or levelling up that made his stats go through a drastic change.

Well, whatever. It told him some things, but opened up many more questions about this thing.

Could it possibly be some form of bloodline?

Eh, that didn't matter right now. He had a former Kumo shinobi to kill.

Well, either way, as far as the missing nin went, there was no point in fighting him if he didn't have to, to kill him. Shinobi combat wasn't all about head on taijutsu and ninjutsu exchanges.

Daiki reached into his supply pouch and drew the four explosive tags he had left, before creeping over to the main hut stealthily and planting one on each side of the small building.

Then, he made his way back over to the fire and drew the one kunai he had already rapped with a tag and smirked.

"Boom, baby." he chuckled, before running his chakra through the tag to ignite it and tossed through the window of the hut.

A moment later, the insides of the small building erupted into an explosion, triggering and detonating the other four explosion tags, enveloping the small building in a massive explosion.

Debris flew through the air as the building itself was destroyed and Daiki tensed, preparing to shoot forward with a body flicker and lay into the man with all his strength.

…Yet as he stood there, tense and ready to act at a moments notice, ten seconds passed by, then thirty, and before he knew it an entire minute with no sign of movement.

And by then the smoke from the explosions began to die down.

Soon, the remnants of the of the hut came into view, more or less a pile of rubble and wrecked furniture remnants, and laying sprawled within the rubble, half submerged, half not, was the charred corpse of Komaya Gekazu.

Daiki blinked, "…That was easy?"

Way, way easier than he was expecting. He thought he would be having some epic fight with this guy who would be injured and all in a rage.

But no…he was just dead.

Then again, he had basically hit him with what amounted to five grenades and pulled a small building down on top of him.

Tough as shinobi were, this guy was still just a genin like him, and not an impressive one like Sasuke or something, he was just a scrub.

So it kind of made sense?

Shaking his head, Daiki made his way over and pulled the corpse out of the rubble.

His skin was lightly smoking and his eyes were rolled up into the back of his head, the skin on his face charred and burnt.

Hell, his gear seemed to be in better condition than he was. A typical white handled Kumo blade that they all seemed to have and a pair of charred weapon and supply pouches.

He sealed the sword in his sealing scroll, before rifling through his pouches. He found some kunai, some shuriken, a spool of ninja wire, a total of fifty five thousand ryo-

"Hello, what's this?" Daiki blinked as he observed the last item he found. A small rolled up scroll.

He opened it up and his eyes widened in shock, "Holy shit!" he gaped.

Reflected back at him was the title: B-rank - Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder.

It was the instructions for a lightning style jutsu! And one he even knew of, holy shit what was his luck here man!?

Quickly, he sealed it away in his scroll with the rest of his loot, before bringing out one of the swords and cutting the mans head off and doing the same with it

His heart beating rapidly with excitement, and not even thinking of what he just did, he retreated back to the tree he'd hid in for the last few hours.

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