One Punch of Justice

Chapter 20: News Coo

Chapter 20: News Coo

Hey, this isnt yours to take! protested the stranger.

Saitama pivoted on his heel and replied with a vacant expression: I have to return it to its rightful owners.

Oh, thats exactly what I was planning to do, Ha-Ha-Ha! exclaimed Nami, attempting to smooth things over. Just give it back to me, and Ill make sure it ends up in the right hands! Come on, buddy, dont tell me you dont trust me! Look at me, Im a beautiful woman, and Im not interested in that treasure. I was just protecting it! Im nothing like those other three men!

A forced smile spread across her face as she realized she was out of tricks to claim the treasure from the bald man. With no other options, Nami knew she had to think on her feet.

However, when Saitama suggested returning the money, She didnt believe him for a second. To her, the bald man was nothing but a thieving scoundrel trying to keep the treasure all to himself. The notion of him actually giving back the money seemed ludicrous to her just a flimsy excuse to distract her. Nami knew she had to take matters into her own hands if she wanted to get her hands on the treasure.

Nami was eager to follow Saitama, but she knew she had to persuade him to see things her way.

Listen, she pleaded, trying to get his attention. Stealing all of this was exhausting and took a lot of effort. I know you want to keep it all for yourself, but could you at least spare me a little something as a reward for my hard work? And if I come across another treasure like this, Ill make sure to let you know right away. Or even better, what if we teamed up and made a fortune? With your strength and my intelligence, we could become an unstoppable duo and steal from all the pirates out there Hello? Are you even listening to me? Nami finished, frustrated that Saitama seemed to be ignoring her.

Saitama listened patiently as Nami tried to convince him to share the treasure. But then, he suddenly stopped and turned to her, looking at her earnestly.

Where did you work hard? he asked.

What kind of work did you do to get this money? Its stolen money that someone else worked hard to obtain. Money that was meant to help their family. Do you know who youve stolen from? Helpless families, orphans, the elderly people who needed it just to get by. You shouldnt take what doesnt belong to you. Money obtained through criminal means might bring you temporary happiness, but it will come back to haunt you. Youll spend the rest of your life feeling guilty, he explained, his voice stern and serious.

Dont compare me to those common thieves! Nami exclaimed, clenching her fist in anger. Im a pirate. I dont steal from the innocent. I steal for a noble cause, and Im never happier than when Im taking from those scoundrels! she declared defiantly.

Saitama continued walking, ignoring Namis protest.

A thief is a thief, regardless of their supposed nobility, he stated firmly.

This money was stolen from innocent civilians by pirates. Its only right that it be returned to its rightful owners. You claim to be a righteous thief, but youre planning to keep it for yourself. What sets you apart from those pirates who burned and looted for it? he challenged.

Well said, Nami quipped while tailing Saitama. But if youre truly honest, youre a rare breed in this world. Why not send the cash to the Marines?

Saitama scratched his head. Funny you mention that. I am actually a Marine Commodore.

Nami couldnt contain her laughter. A naked Commodore? I find that hard to believe! Ha-Ha This

Saitama interrupted her with a bored yawn and started walking away.

Enough chit-chat. Quit following me. I dont have time for explanations, especially from someone who talks as much as you do. And I definitely dont need any more destruction.

Nami let out a sigh of boredom. This guy has got to be the most insensitive man Ive ever met, she whispered to herself. But now that the moneys gone, theres no way to get it back from him. I guess Ill have to back off for a while and track him down later to see where he stashes the treasure. Then, and only then, can I steal it again!

As Saitama walked away, Nami glared at him with determination. You might have won this round, but I wont give up that easily. Ill get that treasure back, no matter what it takes.

Nami decided to stop following Saitama closely and instead opted to track him from a distance, careful not to be seen. Little did she know, Saitama was fully aware of her presence, but he didnt care much for such trivial matters. Besides, he preferred to avoid her because of her incessant chatter.

As Saitama walked down the street, Nami trailed behind him, keeping a safe distance. She watched as he nonchalantly strolled along, oblivious to her tracking him. But Nami was determined to find out where he was hiding the treasure, even if it meant putting up with his indifference.

Meanwhile, Saitama couldnt help but feel a sense of relief that Nami was no longer following him closely. He had enough of her constant talking and was grateful for the peace and quiet.

However, he couldnt shake off the feeling that she was still lurking somewhere behind him. Saitama shrugged his shoulders and continued on his way, wondering when he would finally be free from her watchful gaze.

As Saitama wandered through the town, he stumbled upon a crowd of villagers gathered around the old man who was covered in bandages.

Saitama scratched his head in confusion. Whats going on here? he thought to himself. Then it hit him: the old man had been stabbed by a knife.

Oh, right, Saitama muttered under his breath, feeling a bit embarrassed for forgetting such an important detail.

Without wasting any time, Saitama stepped forward and addressed the old man.

Hey, old man, Ive got all your stolen goods back, he said, holding up a bag of stolen items. Its up to you now to return them to their rightful owners.

Thank you, young sir, the old man said, his eyes brimming with gratitude. Youve saved our lives and our town. Youve helped us so much that we really dont know how to repay you Oh! Are you married? I could introduce you to the loveliest girl in our town.

Theres no need, Saitama replied, waving his hand. Heroes dont eradicate evil to get something in return. However, there is something thats been bothering me. Could I borrow a set of clothes, please?

Just clothes? How many do you need? The men around him eagerly rushed home to fetch clothes, stuffing them into Saitamas arms.  On that scorching day, Saitama wore at least seven or eight layers of clothes to please the enthusiastic townspeople. He stumbled through the streets, his body swollen like a panda.

Finally, he made his way to a dense forest where he could strip off the surplus clothing and breathe a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Nami had been following Saitama and was astonished to see him return all the money to the people in the town, refusing to accept a single penny. He was telling the truth! she thought to herself, eyes wide with surprise.

He really didnt want the treasure for himself. How can someone believe so strongly in justice? Hes a truefool! As a thief, Nami could never be as selfless as Saitama.

However, she couldnt help but admire the upright man. A light sigh escaped her lips as she turned and walked away. Good luck in your life, Mr. Commodore! she whispered to herself.

 As soon as the ship carrying him had docked, Saitama had already forgotten about the orange-haired girl he had just met.

Upon arriving at the harbor, Saitama immediately instructed his crew to protect the town until reinforcements arrived. A small group of soldiers took charge of switching to Buggys ship and preparing it for sailing.

An hour later, the ship set sail from the harbor, making its way slowly towards Loguetown.

With a sense of relief, Saitama thought to himself, The entrusted task is successfully completed. I should be able to rest for a while.

Feeling relaxed and content, he sat on the mast of the ship and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

With the salty sea breeze caressing his face and the soothing melody of seagulls singing in his ears, Saitama basked in the beauty and tranquility of the moment, savoring the perfect afternoon.

Lost in the moment, he heard the flapping of wings growing louder and closer. His eyes snapped open to see a massive seagull-like bird perched on the mast beside him, staring intently at his bald head.

Saitama, with his usual emotionless expression, stared at the bird like it was just another villain in need of a good punch. After a moment of confusion, grabbed the bird and turned to the sailor standing nearby.Do you know any good recipes for bird soup?

The sailor was taken aback by the question, and his eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Saitama clutching the struggling bird tightly in his hand. Absolutely not! he exclaimed. Thats a News Coo! It delivers our daily newspapers!

Realizing his mistake, Saitama scratched his head sheepishly and attempted to save face. Oh, a news bird! I remember Bulin and Tashigi talking about those. They were in charge of giving me the daily paper, so I never saw one before.

The sailor shook his head in disbelief, muttering to himself about the eccentricities of the heroes he encountered on the high seas. Meanwhile, Saitama shrugged off the incident and resumed enjoying his peaceful afternoon, with the bird now perched on his head.





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