Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 12: New body, new experiences

[Book Three] Chapter 12: New body, new experiences

Chapter 12: New body, new experiences

They finally landed on Noveria, a planet they didn’t have fond memories of between the geths and the rachnis. It took the crew less time than their last visit to reach the lab containing EDI’s organic body as there was no blizzard to force them to go through a tedious mako ride. To the delight of Liara, Garrus and Ashley. When James asked why they were so giddy, Jane got burned by their remarks on her driving skills.

At the lab EDI opened secured door after secured door until the group reached the one room they needed to go. Things didn’t go well when one of the scientists present that worked on her body didn’t want to give it to them. Apparently he wanted to continue experimentation on it, already having downloaded a VI in it without the AI’s approval. One shot in the head later, courtesy of the synthetic woman, and there was no more problem. That resulted in the other scientist running away from the room.

“Was that necessary?” Jane asked.
“I disliked him and his actions.” replied EDI.
“You can’t go and kill every person you don’t like.”
“He experimented on me against my will, thought of me as his property and even put a VI in me. Commander, what would you do to a person who violated your own body?”

Her argument shut Jane up as her answer would have been the same. A few years ago before becoming a spectre, before Saren and Eden Prime she would have just arrested the man but now she thought differently. Besides, they didn’t have the time to arrest the man and put him on trial, not with the war going on.

Walking towards the tank, EDI looked in silence at her design. Liking what she saw, she looked at the latest test results and was satisfied by what she read. Connecting herself to her organic body, she deleted the VI and made the transfer of her own self to it. When it was complete the body opened its eyes and looked at his synthetic counterpart.

“That’s peculiar.” The AI voice aloud.
“What is?” Jane asked.
“On the ship I see through sensors and cameras but here, I see myself through my own two eyes.”
“Wait, you’re both here and in her?”

“And on the Normandy.”
“That’s… wow.” exclaimed the redhead. “Is she… I mean, are you ready? How should we address you when the two of you are together and we’re referring to only one?”
“Good question. I suppose I’ll need a new name.” replied EDI as she activated the sequence to open the tank.

The liquid her creation was in, slowly got drained from the bottom. Not missing a bit, EDI went to the scientist she killed and looted his lab coat before going back to the tank under the team's quizzical gaze.

“From my interaction with this body I understand that a naked female body can be distracting. This one is nude and has more… assets.” she explained as she stood in front of the tank, her arms spread, holding the lab coat.

Once the liquid was drained completely, the tank opened giving the opportunity to the team to see what EDI meant by ‘assets’ as the glass was heavily blurred. Only the AI with her synthetic eyes could see through it properly.
An almond colored foot landed on the floor followed by another and immediately their owner put her arms through the sleeve of the white coat and began to button it from bottom up. Unfortunately, the coat was too small and only reached below the butt while the top part couldn’t be closed completely as the chest area was too big.

“EDI… I’m beginning to think you didn’t build this body to fight the reapers.” said Jane.
“Yes and no. I can do what I said I could but I also built it with the idea in mind to be appealing for various reasons. It would be easier to have men worship me as a goddess.” said the black woman to the redhead.
“That was a joke. I have no desire to enslave anyone but rather observe and understand the world around me.” she said as she effortlessly lifted the empty tank.
“Damn!” Said James from the back.
“Commander, my body is working as intended. More tests are necessary but I believe it to be ready for field work.”
“I.. I see.” replied Jane as she looked at the tank held above organic EDI’s head.
“Why the black skin and the white hair?” Liara asked.
“I find both those colors… pleasant and I admit I was inspired by one character from one of the movies I have seen.”
“So Rick’s is to blame. Noted.” commented Jane.
“You mean praise, right?” tried to correct James and Jane sent him a murderous glare.
“He wasn’t the one to lead me to this decision. Not directly.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m blaming him.”
“I’m curious what kind of character inspired you.” Garrus inquired.
“Someone strong, confident, intelligent, caring, loyal and brave, who people naturally turn to for wisdom. I don’t wish to emulate her but her qualities are present in the most intriguing people I have ever met who, time after time, beat the odds which were against them where others would have failed.”
“You mean the crew?” exclaimed Jane.
“That’s… sweet I guess. Though that does pose a problem.”
“A problem?” both EDI said in sync.
“We don’t have clothes for you.”


Rick was busy torturing Jennifer’s kids through training as the shuttle carrying the team got back. He didn’t pay much attention to his crewmates and missed EDI’s new body’s appearance. Jennifer however, whistled at the sight which drew the attention of some of her students. Bad thing to do as Rick mercilessly sent a Slam to the one who broke their concentration and turned their head to see what it was all about.

“Never, ever get distracted. You want to know what’s happening around? Then move to a better position while keeping an eye on your focus. Never leave your target out of your sight.”

They have been pushed to their limit everyday for the last four days and were completely exhausted, yet not one of them gave up or even complained once. He had to give them some credit, they were good and understood why Jennifer was so attached to them.

“Dinner time!” he shouted to the relief of the young people who were ragged. “You’re on your own now.”
“You got the basics down, you only need to practice them. You can all do it by yourselves and you should do it by yourselves. Don’t expect to always have someone on your back pushing you to improve. You’re not kids anymore.”
“What about your trick for the barrier?” asked one of them.
“You didn’t exceed my expectations yet.” he replied and left for the elevator.

“That’s bullshit!” one of the boys shouted.
“Yeah, we’ve been busting our asses like no tomorrow!” said another.
“He knows that. That’s why he said yet.” interjected Jennifer. “Make no mistakes, he’s impressed but it’s along his expectations. You're my kids after all.”
“What should we do then?”
“I don’t know, it’s for you to find out.”


Rick skipped dinner and went back to his quarters. Training the students had been fun but he wanted to get back to his work, something he could only do now as they finally got the hang of what he taught them. Entering his room he went straight to the bedroom area to wear something more comfortable when he saw the back of a black amazon, putting on one of his shirts with nothing else under it. It was only when the amazing bubble butt right under his eyes was covered that he got his thought process back. He didn’t recognize the woman at all. Be it from her height, body or hair color but Jennifer’s wolf-whistling gave him an idea.

“Yes?” said the woman as she turned around, presenting a chest rivaling Liara’s mother and straining his shirt greatly.
“...How many nasty and jealous looks did you get from the female population of the ship?”
“A lot. I think the only one who didn’t was Specialist Traynor.”
“No surprise here.” he said before changing the topic slightly. “Now I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to be all over you?”
“I was hoping for the other way around as it is Movie night.”
“Sure. Though I have plenty of questions.”
“Please ask.”
“How do you feel?” he asked as he began to remove his coat and his boots.
“It’s… so many things… mainly? Overwhelmed.” she replied as Rick took her by the hand and led her to the bed. “The cold on my skin, the different smells… even the colors I see…. To feel the air entering my lungs and leaving it as I breathe… I wonder how organics can withstand so much information at once, and I have my dampeners in use, without them it might be worse.”
“Because we learn as babies when our cognitive functions are not done developing. The question is… do you like it? Being organic, I mean.”
“So far, yes but it’s not really an informed answer, there is so much that the cybernetic implants are currently suppressing, notably the emotions.”
“Discovery of sensations first then emotions later? Can’t say it’s a bad choice. Emotions being… unstable.”
“That’s what I thought too, especially after watching you.”
“We’re… alike, somehow?”
“I know what you mean, I can be a bit of a machi…”

He was cut off by a loud grumble coming from EDI’s stomach.

“So it was hunger I felt.” commented the AI.
“And you didn’t think of asking someone about your discomfort ?”
“I thought it would pass, that it was due to finally being released from the tank.”
“Don’t do that anymore. If you feel unusual, good or not, you need to ask someone. We can’t risk missing something that could turn bad.”
“You’re right.”
“Now, make yourself comfortable, I’m going to get you some food.”
“I can do that myself.”
“Yes, but there are horny teenagers downstairs right now and you’re not really appropriately dressed.”
“Oh! I didn’t think of that. Though I doubt they would sexually assault me.” she replied, making Rick laugh.
“No, I don’t think they would but that could pull their mind out of their training and we can’t really have them daydreaming about you during that time.”
“By the way, do you mind that I took one of your shirts?”
“No, it’s probably the only thing that you could wear on the whole ship anyway. That and My leather coat, which you can wear too in the meantime.”
“This one is really… comfortable? Perhaps too restrictive around the chest area.”
“We’ll find some fitting clothes for you on the Citadel though that means no underwear for you until then. It might not be a great experience.”
“That’s alright, I rather like it.”
“Exhibitionist, huh?”
“I wouldn’t go that far. I don’t particularly like people… ogling me but I do not dislike being naked.”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you go commando.” he said with a grin.
“Considering the number of your partners, the location and the time of your sexual intercourse, I am not surprised.”
“Are you implicitly calling me a slut? Because I’ll have you know I’ve only been with… seven women. That’s not a lot.” he asked in mocked offense.
“No but always several at the same time. Miss Lawson and Tali, Lieutenant Commander Williams and Dr. T’Soni. Let’s not forget the commander.”
“Alright, alright, I’m perfectly aware with who I’m sleeping with, no need to say it out loud. Especially the last one, how do you even know about it?”
“The way she acted after you spent the night was different. She also presented the same symptom as Miss Lawson albeit she hid it better.”
“No comment about Red and I?”
“Not that I’d like to share while hungry.”
“Is that your subtle way to order me to stop talking and finally get you some food.”

Her reply made him laugh and he stood up leaving his quarters. Getting down a deck he went to the kitchen, ignoring the students. He went to the fridge and pulled out several pieces of bacon along with some eggs. Each piece and each egg was cooked differently.

As the students finished their meal and cleaned after themselves, his teammates showed up to take their place. Liara was curious as to why he was cooking more than usual.

“Did training Jennifer’s students make you that hungry?”
“It’s not for me but for EDI. Her stomach’s rumbling is nearly as loud as Gingerbread’s snoring.”
“HEY! I don’t snore, you ass!” protested Jane from the table.
“Where is she by the way?” inquire Liara.
“My room. Picked up one of my shirts as it’s the only thing she could wear and appear almost decent. I think she’ll stay there until she has her own clothes, she doesn’t like much the looks she’s getting from the rest of the crew, male or female.” he replied as he put the food on a plate.
“Understandable? Who dared look at you?” he said, turning to her in a mock threatening tone.
“There was this handsome but very stubborn and idiotic man. 6”5, blond. Couldn’t help but look at me thinking his helmet would allow him to not get caught. Sadly he’s not been looking at him for a while.” she chidded him a bit and fake pouted.
“He was busy babysitting and being babysat. But who knows, maybe if you’re the next sitter he’ll do more than just look.”
“I’ll look forward to it.” she replied with a smile.

He opened the jaw port of his helmet and gave her a longing kiss, before departing for his room. Kahlee, who was still there, saw the scene and frowned, something that didn’t escape Jane.

“Not into interspecies relationships?”
“Nothing like that!” the blonde woman quickly defended herself. “It’s more like not much into cheating.”
“Who’s cheating?” Ashley asked as she came into the area.
“My brother.” replied Kahlee, wanting to see how the brunette would react at the news her lover was cheating on her.
“She saw Rick kiss Liara.” explained Jane.
“Oh. Yeah, not cheating.”
“I… I thought the two of you were together?!”
“We are. I love him, he loves me, that’s all there is to it. It’s the same with Liara.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Hmmm…” Ashley began, thinking about it for a second then gave her answer. “Yes and no. I mean, yeah, sure I’m a tad bit jealous that he shares his time with someone else, but Liara is a friend, not some floozy or slut that I don’t know where they have been.”
“That’s… peculiar. I don’t think I’ll be able to not be my partner’s only one.”
“I am but… I accepted that no other woman will have him all for herself. His heart belonged to his wife and no one else, even if she’s gone and I’d rather have the bit of time that I have with him than none at all. Besides, it’s not like I can’t go find someone else, he’ll support me any way he can if I do but I just don’t want nor don’t need to.”
“How so?”
“Very few men fuck as good as he does! He has like… the golden dick, no way I’m letting it go.”
“Ash! I’m eating!” Garrus interjected but was ignored.
“And every time we have sex I’m sore for a few days afterwards. Since I’m unavailable, I don’t see the problem if he makes someone else walk bowlegged. I mean, no woman should ever know bad sex.” she said finally answered as the Turian picked up his food and went back to the Main Battery room.

When Liara came  to the table with everyone's food (which wasn’t dextro) she asked what they were talking about.

“Rick, that he’s no cheating Bastard.” Jennifer answered.
“Oh, no, he isn’t, he’s very truthful about his situation to any partners.” replied the asari.
“Any? There are more than you two?”
“Oh yeah. There is Tali, she’s a Quarian, then Cheerleader, EDI…” Jen began to enumerate as she raised a finger for each name.
“I do not have a sexual relationship with Rick.” The AI denied.
“Not yet, but with your new body, you’ll be bouncing in his lap in no time. Is that why you made it that way?”
“Give it time EDI, you’re next.” Jane joked as she probably told the truth.
“True. You’re the one he said he was attracted to the most. Ashley and Liara were not there but still, the room was full of gorgeous women and he picked you.”
“I believe he was joking and simply didn’t want to name someone.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” replied Jennifer.
“So my brother is a womanizer. I’m not sure I like that.”
“He’s not!” Jane defended.
“While he is a bit flirty, I went after him, Liara did more or less…” Ashley said and the asari nodded.
“Tali too. I’m not sure about the cheerleader.”
“Annalysse too. From what she told me, she had to break a beer bottle on his helmet and yelled loved him because he didn’t get her hints.”
“That kind of violence reminds me of someone…” commented Jane, looking at Jennifer.

The redhead just grinned, not saying a word then began her meal under the not very pleased ex-convict’s gaze.


As Rick came back to his bedroom he saw EDI simply sitting where he had left her with unfocused eyes.

“What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing in particular, I was just listening to the girls talk.”
“I know better to ask about what, so here.” he said, presenting a plate full of bacon and eggs. “I know it’s not very balanced but I wanted your first experience with food to be the best.”
“Bacon and eggs?” EDI questioned.
“Bacon is the food of the gods. That’s the main reason why I believe in a superior, mythical power. No mortal could create something that good.”
“The common nectar then.”
“More or less.”
“The doneness is different. You want me to find a preference.” she stated.
“I’m curious to find out. The smell is really tempting, my stomach is grumbling even more.”

She ate slice after slice in silence, taking her time enjoying her first taste of food while Rick was watching her on the side. He could see the effect it had on her as despite her stoic face her eyes had a distinct glint in them.

“This was… delicious.”
“Told you so. Any preference?”
“Hmm… I don’t like it when it’s too grilled or rather it’s my least favorite. It’s too hard and I can’t really appreciate the texture.” she replied as she went for the eggs. Once again she took her time but came to a quicker answer. “The first one was the best, the others… too cooked. Also the flavor was not as good compared to bacon.”
“Sunny side up for the eggs then and as for the comparison, nothing beats bacon. Though some food with the right seasoning comes close.”
“I feel… full… like my stomach is going to burst.”

“Too much food. We’ll have to determine the average amount your body needs. Can’t have you getting fat, you already have enough curves as it is.” he joked.
“I think I’m thirsty now, I have this itch in the back of my throat.”
“Yeah, definitely thirst.” he commented as he went to his bathroom with a glass of water. “It’s the salt in the bacon. That makes me think, are you aware of your bodily needs?”
“Which one?”
“Going to the bathroom.”
“Yes, that’s actually something I studied. I think I would be able to recognize the symptoms.”
“If you’re in doubt…”
“I will not hesitate to ask you.”
“Or someone else. Especially the women.”
“You’re referring to menstruations.”stated EDI.
“Yes. Can’t help you much with that. Ashley or Gingerbread would, that is if you’re capable of having them.”
“I can, I designed the body to be 100% functional, I just added on it.”
“You want babies?”
“No. Or at least, I do not at the moment but I gave myself the ability to do so if one day I change my mind.”
“You know, the purpose of organics is not to transmit genes if that’s why you were thinking.”
“Is it not?”
“No. There is no purpose to organic life, and in some manner neither to synthetic life. We’re just insignificant specks of dust in the universe. What does it matter to it that we have children or that we complete the task we’ve been built for? But just because there is none doesn’t mean we can’t find one. Look at Bubble, she can’t have children and spread her genes so instead chose to dedicate her life to her sister’s protection and well being. In the grand scheme of things it still doesn’t matter but to her and to her sister it’s everything. For some their purpose is to take care of others, others to have fun, others it’s to do their duty. Your purpose is whatever you want it to be, EDI, doesn’t really matter if you’re organic or synthetic as long as you have free will to choose.”
“That’s a very nihilistic point of view but at the same time it puts forward freedom.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” he said, chuckling. “Plenty of philosophers talked and wrote about such things. Came to different conclusions. There is no correct answer but the one you’re comfortable with.”
“I will check this.”
“Later, now it’s movie time. What are we watching by the way?”
Fear city: A family-style comedy
“A comedy for once, nice.”


The morning after movie night Rick woke up feeling hot and constricted. He knew that feeling but he wondered why he felt someone hugging him and why they were two. Opening his eyes he looked right and left to see Jane and EDI respectively.

How did that come to be?

He understood why EDI was there. The both of them must have fallen asleep or she stayed after he did. It’s not like there was any room unoccupied left. Some students were in the Life support room and the ones who didn’t have any space were in the starboard observation  area using the couches with Jennifer and Kahlee. That only left her with Liara’s room which she wasn’t familiar with much, Jane’s cabin which wouldn’t do as it was her commander/ captain private area and Rick’s quarters which had a nice big bed.

She was already here anyway.

Looking at the time on his omni-tool, he tried to get himself out of the two ladies’ grip as training would begin soon. Easier said than done as Jane was hugging his arm as her life depended on it and EDI’s while not as thigh just refused to budge. Getting really tired quickly of being entrapped and with his personal space invaded he called out the AI.

“EDI, I need to get up.”
“I’m sorry, it seems that I have no control over my body when I’m asleep.”
“Wonderful. Well… I suppose there is only one way. Please sound the trumpet.”
“It’s drastic. I don’t know how I will react.”
“At best you wake up in a jump, at worst you rip my arm out. I’m fine with that.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please.”

The AI did as asked and blared the familiar sound of the military morning call into the room. The effect was instantaneous as Jane immediately raised herself from the bed while EDI… just opened her eyes with a frown and cut the sound.

“Really?” Rick asked his synthetic friend in a flat tone.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t like the sound when I woke up so I stopped it.” she began through the speaker before her organic body took over.
“I just want to close my eyes and go back to sleep.”
“Then do so but release me before .” he instructed then turned to his sister. “Why are you here?”
“Well I’m your sitter during the night remember?”
“I don’t…”
“That’s not for you to decide if you need one or not. Anyway, as it was time to pick you up, I found you already asleep with EDI.”
“And?” he asked as she didn’t add anything else.
“And that’s it, I just joined the both of you instead of waking you up and dragging you to my cabin.”
“And you’re wearing another one of my shirts because…”
“I wasn’t going up to take mine then go down. It was that or sleeping naked.”

He’s been awake less than five minutes and he was already done with his day.

“I swear, once we’re on the citadel, I’m bailing out.” he muttered.
“Keep dreaming. I’ll put a tracker somewhere under your skin.” the redhead replied in an amused manner but something told him she wasn’t joking at all.
“If you don't mind, I would like to go back to sleep.” said the third member on the bed.
“I’m sorry but I’m really tired.”
“Never thought I would hear you say that.” Jane said as she got up and went to Rick’s shower.
“Why are you using my shower?!”
“It’s the closest!” the redhead answered as she reached her destination.

Rick sighed in both frustration and defeat. Getting out of bed himself as Edi didn’t hug his arms anymore he simply went out of the room towards the Cargo Bay, deciding that a shower and a change of clothes would come when it was time for breakfast. The elevator stopped at the Crew Deck where Jennifer and some of her students got on.

“You know it amazes me that you’re up this early. I remember the times where you were ready to murder someone if you woke before 10.” he joked.
“I’m still ready to murder you if you don’t shut up.” she grumbled.
“Up early but still not a morning person, I can respect that.”
“Do you always wake up for training at five or is it just for us, sir?” asked one of the students.
“As if I would wake at five for grasshoppers.” he replied in an amused tone. “It depends, I’m a night owl and sleep five to six hours on average. If I go to bed early I’m up earlier. If I go to bed late I’m up later, though my biological clock doesn’t let me sleep past nine.”
“Five to six hours? Are you a machine?”
“Sometimes I wonder. I wish I was, I wouldn’t be so tired sometimes with my brain always thinking and over thinking.” he confessed.
“What are you thinking of?” asked another student this time.
“Ideas, new inventions  and… Well, you’ll find out once you’ve been in the field for some time.”

The elevator finally stopped at their destination and Rick quickly began to scan the students presents as the others and Jane arrived.

“Before you start we’ll see how far you’ve come power wise. Go get the weights and we’ll see how much you can lift.”

The students did as tasked and Rick recorded the results of each. He was impressed once again. Both by them and Jennifer as she had laid out a curriculum that gave them some really solid foundations, better than he thought at first. Their progress ranged from 5% to 13% in the increase of their power. They exceeded his expectations a bit.

“Alright. From your first results five days ago. I estimated that you’ll have a 2% increase in power at worst and a 8% at best… I’m pleased to say that clearly you didn’t slack off.”
“As if we would!”
“What’s our results then?”
“The lowest increase is 5%, highest is 13%. Congratulations, you exceeded my expectations.”

His declaration was met with cheers from the students, as some high five each other while some just jumped in joy. Jenneifer had a small smile on her face, barely concealing her own happiness at their progress.

“Now don’t get a big head, training is never really over.”
“Who reached 13 ?” asked one of the students
“Doesn’t really matter, it’s a percentage.”
“Come on! We want to know!”
“Fine, fine. Rodriguez did.”
“Me?!” she exclaimed in shock.
“Yes. Though not to rain on your parade, your progress was so big because your nodules were the smallest. As you couldn’t draw more power you unconsciously focused more on control which made it easier for you to circulate your biotic and grow your nodules faster. For example, Presley, who had the biggest nodules out of all of you had the smallest gain, but 5% of his is more than 5% most of any of you. So take your progress as a good thing but don’t go deluding yourself with those numbers, alright?”
“““Yes, sir!”””
“Good, now go observe gingerbread over there and get your reward.”
“Sir?” the one named Seanne asked not understanding.
“What she’s trying to do is what I promised you.”

They looked at Jane to see her sitting in the lotus position having a small barrier around her. It seemed like she did nothing.

“Is it only me that doesn’t get it?” Rodriguez said.
“No.” replied Jennifer. “What are we supposed to see?”
“Well if Gingey was succeeding better, you’ll see this.” He said as he cast his own barrier surrounding the entire group.
“You just made it bigger, sir.” Seanne’s brother, Micheal said.
“No… Something is… HOLY SHIT!” Presley exclaimed as he looked closely at the barrier. “HOW?!”

His classmates were confused as he kept on looking at the barrier, his nose almost touching it. Not seeing anything, they thought that what he found could only be seen at close range.
“Sir, how did you… I never heard of someone being able to do that.”
“Well, duh, I’m the one who created that method.”

Jennifer let her curiosity take over and joined the rest of her students looking at the barrier. With her experience in creating one she immediately saw what Presley saw too.

“You’re making it spin?!” she shouted in surprise as the student finally caught on and had their jaw dropped.
“The same way you do it inside your body. It’s both simpler and harder. Simpler because it’s just one direction continuously. Harder because there are no nodules to help you pave the way and it’s outside your own body.”
“Okay, it’s super hard to do but how does it help us with costing less stamina?” Rodriguez asked.
“Does anyone know the answer?”

The one named Octavia, one of David’s friends, raised her hand and at Rick’s nod began to explain. A demonstration later and the students were convinced of how useful that skill was.


This was their last day of travel before reaching the Citadel. One would think that the Mass Relay would allow instantaneous travel to another but that wasn’t quite true. It took time to reach the exit point of the corridor the Relays created, depending on the distance merely a few hours or a few days. Three weeks at the minimum to reach one side of the galaxy to the other. The only exception to that is the prothean Relay on Ilos which was nearly instantaneous. Rick had wondered why the difference for years but now that the Reapers were here, he theorized that it was to limit the speed at which the species they were set to harvest could flee.

But that topic wasn’t here and there. No, currently the topic of conversation at the table, between six women and a turian, was why the probably most insane member of the crew was cooking topless. The oldest of them all, not counting Liara, wondered how her new found little brother got all the scars he was sporting. There weren’t a hundred of them but still a good dozen which didn’t sit well with her. The times they had spent talking the last few days revolved around her and their father, mostly. Once in a blue moon he spoke about doing something trivial, like a job he did when he was a teen or simply his mundane life on Eden Prime. Any real personal subjects were avoided. It was quite frustrating for her as she wanted to get to know him.

“How did he get those scars?” she asked no one in particular.
“The one on his side was from Cerberus back on Mars.” Ashley started.
“The one on his upper back was from fighting Saren. The rest I guess he got them during his bounty hunter years.” explained Jane further.
“He was a bounty hunter?!”
“Not an official one but yes. Didn’t he tell you about it?” the redhead asked, confused.
“He seldom speaks of himself.” Kahlee answered with a sigh.
“Really? None of you are wondering why he’s topless?” questioned Garrus.
“Shhh. Let me ogle in peace.” Jennifer said, her head resting on her hand.
“That's because he has no more shirts to wear. He complained that someone or someones kept on stealing them.  Of the four he had left I took one to cover myself, Shepard stole one and the remaining two were dirty.” announced EDI.
“Why doesn’t he wear his coat instead of you, then?”
“Because of my height his shirt barely covers everything, so he lent me his coat.” the AI replied as indeed, she was wearing his long leather coat, buttoned as much as she could to not expose herself too much.

When Rick came back and served everyone, he didn’t sit at the table and instead tried to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jane asked.
“Raid Ashley, Liara and your quarters to get my belongings back while you’re all busy eating.”
“““No.””” the three women replied in unison.
“I’m buying a lock on my closet once we’re on the Citadel.” he replied flatly and left. Or tried to.
“You’re not getting away. Now sit down and eat.” the redhead said.
“It’s bad manners to eat half naked at a table.”

As he reached the elevator a hurrying Liara entered it before it closed.

“My turn to babysit you.” she said with a knowing smile.
“First off, you’re the baby. Second, I’m getting really tired of this shit.”
“After what you did, can you blame any of us?” she accused.
“Yes. It’s over. Done. But you, emotional people, insist on reminding me every day.”
“That’s not why…”
“That’s the effect it has. I feel caged, trapped which, since I’m claustrophobic, is dangerous. I feel like I’m in a tiny space and my instinct is yelling at me to get out by any means necessary. Keep rubbing my mistake, my moment of weakness into my face and someone will probably get hurt at some point and we both know who that someone is.”
“It will be difficult to change her mind, she’s as stubborn as you are and in her right to be worried.” she said looking down at the floor.
“She asked me to give her a chance, you know?” he said as he exited the elevator and walked towards his quarters.
“I do, she was ecstatic.”
“Well, so far I’m regretting it.”
“You do?” she asked, a bit surprised. From how Jane had said everything was going in the right direction between the two of them.
“She’s asking for a chance but is not giving me one.”
“Did you tell her that?”
“Why should I?”
“Because your relationship will fail and never recover?”
“She’s the one who wants to fix our relationship. It’s up to her to do the work. What would be the point if I do all the work for her? How would it fix anything?
“You’re saying that like you don’t want to get along better.”
“I don’t.” he said to her utter shock. “I don’t know what I want. Well that’s not entirely true. Right now I want my little Asari to writhe under me.” He said as he suddenly picked up Liara, threw her on his bed and joined her, the asari letting out a little yelp.

Nobody saw any of them for the rest of the day.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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