Reaching the age of thirty, my income randomly doubled

Chapter 29: Parents Arrive

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Parents Arrive

On the morning of the next day,

Chen Pingsheng drove his Panamera with his family to watch the flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen.

Like his father's generation, he had a special affection for the flag-raising ceremony.

Watching the motherland become increasingly prosperous and strong moved him to tears.

This was actually quite normal for someone born in the early eighties like him, who, apart from being hungry for two meals every three days, didn't really suffer much hardship.

After all, by that time the country had already started reforms and opening up.

It was different for his grandfather's generation.

When the enemy soldiers entered the village, his grandfather hid in the haystacks and was even stabbed a few times with a bayonet.

According to his grandfather, it was just by a hair's breadth.

He almost died in that massacre by the enemy soldiers.

Surviving was purely a stroke of luck.

Reality isn't like a TV drama; no matter how the strong men in their village resisted, the enemy killed them one by one with their guns.

It was too horrific to behold.

Even now, there stands a massacre memorial in their village.

As a child, Chen Pingsheng watched anti-Japanese dramas the most; simply because his parents enjoyed watching the enemy soldiers being beaten.

It didn't matter how exaggerated it was, as long as the enemy soldiers were beaten into howling was all that mattered.

Now the country was peaceful and in a state of flourishing prosperity.

All of this had been achieved by the predecessors who had fought against the enemy's advanced planes and cannons with their bare bodies and rifles.

Now, when watching the flag-raising ceremony again, Chen Jianjun couldn't help but raise his hand.

He gave a standard military salute.

This was both a special tribute to that era and a way to honor his ancestors.

Like his grandfather's generation, most had died fighting the enemy soldiers.

This included his Second and Third Master among many older family members.

Without truly experiencing that period, it was hard to imagine the brutality of that special era.

So much so that later, being a little hungry didn't matter—having a full meal was happiness.

After watching the flag-raising ceremony, Chen Pingsheng then took them to see the Forbidden City, Great Wall, and other places.

Famous cultural buildings of Capital City.

The older generation liked seeing these.

At noon, they even went to eat the famous Peking Duck at Quanjude in Capital City.

A day of touring was more tiring than a day of work.

Not until four o'clock in the afternoon did the family drive back home.

He had already sent out a notice in the morning, today, everyone was to come to his house for dinner, as a formal housewarming celebration.

Liu Fen and Song Huamin arrived quite early; Peng Ying and Chen Jianjun were very polite in receiving them.

After all, during the previous marriage, Song Yanxi indeed didn't ask for a dowry but instead added a dowry of one hundred thousand.

It was also unfortunate for her body, which had many lingering issues from her younger years, leading to frequent hospital visits that drained their finances.

These years had been somewhat better, and now seeing her son so successful, her mood greatly improved and she recovered faster from illness.

Liu Fen was even more polite, mainly,

The son-in-law from another city had now become a sought-after commodity.

With his credentials, if he were to divorce, he could easily find someone at eighteen.

Before thirty, a son depends on his father; after thirty, a father depends on his son.

A successful son meant that everyone treated Chen Jianjun with great respect and politeness.

This is the meaning of making money.

When Zhang Tao arrived, he was carrying a Huanghuali chair.

Old Chen was moving to a new house, and he didn't have anything good to give, so he gave a boss chair.

Liu Jing gave a luxury tea table that also cost over ten thousand.

As for Chen Hao and others, they also gave various kinds of upscale furniture.

Now that he had received gifts, when they moved to new houses, he would also need to return the favor.

Song Yanxi and her mother-in-law Peng Ying cooked four hotpots and six home-style dishes together.

In the hot summer, spicy crayfish were naturally indispensable.

There were also Southern Province's favorite chopped chili fish heads and sautéed pork.

The dishes were indeed rich.

The family enjoyed a lively meal.

Late into the evening, Chen Jianjun even suggested going to a big hotel tomorrow to arrange another gathering, mainly to invite Song Yanxi's relatives.

His son had been alone in Capital City for so many years; since he was here, he wanted to thank Song Family's relatives.

Liu Fen was, of course, very happy to hear this.

Song Huamin, however, felt somewhat awkward; he clearly understood the implication.

Yet, although Chen Pingsheng had been in Capital for six years, he had never benefited from them.

Instead, he had received a lot of cold stares.

Now that the in-laws had suggested inviting the Song family, he was clearly feeling a bit guilty.

Chen Pingsheng himself didn't mind much, mainly because his relationship with Song Yanxi was good.

Even with all the cold looks he had received.

His wife had never blamed him once. Instead, she scolded all the relatives on her side of the family.

Having the chance to ease the relationships now wasn't a bad thing.

When evening came, after Chen Qi had helped to clean up the dishes, she pulled her brother aside.

"Brother, give it to me straight—are you a billionaire now, and am I the sister of a billionaire?"

"What are you thinking? Not to mention a billion, your brother doesn't even have a million now. I still owe two million on the house."

"Brother, that's no good, you need to strive and fight to become a billionaire soon!"

Chen Pingsheng: "..."

What's the meaning, I strive and fight and you just lay back comfortably?

"I'm saying, Chen Qi, what in the world are you thinking about all day long?"

"Isn't it just hoping you can become a rich tycoon soon?"

Chen Qi, pulling him to sit under the old tree in the backyard, said, "Bro, you have a house now, and you've got the car and cash. Do you have less motivation moving forward?"

"Of course not. I'm nowhere yet. With your brother's conditions here in Capital City, I'm less than an ant. But what about you? What are you planning to do here in Capital City in the future?"

"I'm just going to sell fruit with you, what else can I do with my low education level?"

"Now you realize your education isn't high enough?"

Chen Pingsheng advised, "Back when you were studying, I always told you to work hard, but you just ignored it."

"Huh..." Chen Qi had her comeback ready. "When you were studying, your older sister also told you that every day. Did you listen?"

Ah well, the oldest doesn't talk about the third, and the third doesn't talk about the fourth.

The whole family lacks educational genes.

Just look at Chen An'an, swinging her hips watching Teletubbies after dinner.

She probably inherited his good genes, and reading might be out of the question for her as well.

It might only be worth planning to leave her a few houses in the future. Spending her days collecting rent might not be too bad either.

Chen Qi verbally doubted her older brother's reliability, but inwardly, she still admired him a lot.

She had already thought it through, and was going to talk to her sister-in-law tomorrow.

Working in the fruit shop wouldn't require any special arrangements; she'd start as a merchandiser.

That was about all she was capable of right now.

Of course, if her brother directly arranged an easy job close to home with high pay for her,

she would happily agree.

Finally having a brother to rely on, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

The next day at noon, Chen Pingsheng booked a private room at a big restaurant.

The main purpose was to invite his wife's maternal family for a meal.

It was a rare visit from his parents and gathering them all wasn't something to overlook.

Naturally, there was a lot of toasting at the table.

All the nice words unspoken before now flowed like a relentless river.

Like mother-in-law Liu Fen, who stood up patting her chest, boldly proclaiming:

"From the moment I first saw Pingsheng, I knew he was bound for greatness."

This was definitely about me, Chen Pingsheng wondered confusedly.

Liu Fen continued, "After he came to Capital City, I applauded his efforts. Why?

"Isn't it just like a dragon crossing the river? A man like him, it's as if a great responsibility has been given to him. First, there's something else right?"

"It toughens his resolve," Song Huamin interjected awkwardly, this old lady could really switch faces fast.

You can change, but don't lose your face while doing it.

"Right, it toughens his resolve, and what's the next line?"

"It hardens his body," someone else chimed in.

"Exactly, it's to harden his body," Liu Fen transformed into a wise old granny as she vigorously concluded, "That's why when he came to Capital City, I didn't give any help but supported him completely spiritually.

"It's all for the kids."

Song Yanxi was flabbergasted; her mother really had the nerve to say it.

Back then, she remembered her mother saying as long as Chen Pingsheng bought a house, she'd kneel down and apologize.

Now, she took the stage first with a bit of stand-up comedy, forcefully explaining her years of indifferent sideline watching.

Song Wu felt the most awkward at the table.

As the youngest aunt, let alone being the cherished junior, not getting poked with needles was already something good.

Her mother, delivering a line of talk assertively and swimming her way ashore to cleanse herself, don't just throw her daughter out to sea.

Liu Fen even kicked her lightly.

It was time to apologize and if necessary, lose face quickly.

One has to admit, the son-in-law from out of town isn't what he used to be.

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