Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 418: Akira vs Sakaki

Chapter 418: Akira vs Sakaki

"Considering that I will face Hongo, I thought that he will come alone but it looks like these guys won't allow it so how about you help me take care of them Kenichi" asked Sakaki

"Sure" Kenichi said as he passed the unconscious guy to Miu as he walked beside his master.

Up on top of a building stood Hongo, Sho, and the leader of the squadron, the Chivalrous Order, wearing a bird-shaped helmet and wielding a broadsword, looked down at the situation.

"If you had carried out your order properly in the first place, the situation would not have become this big, God Hand," lectured Lashay, giving Hongo a sharp look.

Sho growled, as if to retort, only for Hongo to stop him with a wave of his hand.

"Please do consider that in the future," finished Lashay as she turned her attention back to her squadron, "Draw your swords!"

The knights obeyed, wielding their swords in a threatening manner as they approached Sakaki in a line, holding their shields up to defend themselves.

"This is a waste of time," scoffed Hongo as two knights attacked Sakaki from the side.

"Do you really believe that?" huffed Lashay, displeased at the disrespect Hongo was showing, "We are a mercenary group. We won't let him get away that easily."


In a few moves, Sakaki obliterated his two opponents, breaking through the metal shields, cutting the swords in half, and sometimes sending his opponent flying so hard that their armor remained in place while their body went flying out of it.

"Impossible!" shouted Lashay in disbelief at her soldiers being decimated by one lone karate master.

"He's definitely master's rival," chuckled Sho as he focused on Sakaki's movements but he stopped as he watched Kenichi beside Sakaki using the same technique and taking out two guys as well.

"Impossible!" shouted Sho this time as he never thought that Kenichi had already grown this strong.

"He is a Master Class fighter what you are seeing now is his true strength" said Hongo

"Come out, Hongo Akira!" shouted Sakaki, his eyes glowing with Ki as he kicked another knight away.

Hongo shifted to move forward, only for Lashay to stop him with her hands out, saying that he had promised to let her be in charge.

"Do it now," ordered Lashay into a hidden mic inside her helmet.

"Roger, securing the target," replied another knight named Tristan as he charged towards Miu and the others, intending to capture Nakaharu and killing anyone in his way, even if they were children.

'This is going to be easy,' thought Tristan, glancing over at his fellow knights to see them body blocking Sakaki from helping.

In hindsight, he shouldn't have forgotten about the other guy fighting beside Sakaki. He had heard all the rumors about Ryozanpaku's disciple being a monster, being far more experienced than anyone in his age group and entering the master class, and successfully taken on some masters. He dismissed them as exaggerated rumors from the Unarmed Division of Yami, done to make it so their side wasn't so pathetic.

He was proven wrong when he suddenly found Kenichi's knee slamming into his chin, denting his helmet when he looked back. With a growl, Tristan tried to slice Kenichi in half, only for Kenichi to use Shiraha Nagashi to parry the slice and attack once more, knocking the helmet clean off. With a roar, Tristan raised his other sword, but Kenichi moved at incredible speed and grabbed hi sword hand and used Jujitsu to throw him down on the ground before his sword arm.

"Aaaahhh" cried Tristan but was knocked out by Kenichi with a kick to the head.

"It seems your knight is having trouble," said Hongo in an amused tone as Sho chuckled from behind.

Lashay flushed in embarrassment before deciding to personally intervene. Jumping off the building, she charged towards Nakaharu, intending to kill him.

Kenichi quickly rushed to Nakaharu, blocking Lashay's path.

"Foolish child, I'll finish you off!" boasted Lashay, splitting her attention on Kenichi and Nakaharu. Even though she knew he took out Tristan she still didn't believe that it was all skill as Tristan wasn't paying attention to him and got caught in his flow.

Her attention snapped right back to Kenichi as soon as she felt Kenichi's Ki skyrocket to Ki No Shouka. Shocked at the level of Ki control Kenichi was displaying, Lashay felt like the rumors had some merit.

Lashay slashed at Kenichi's face, only for him to block it fully with his gauntlets. In the same breath, Kenichi raised his leg to kick Lashay's torso. Lashay quickly raised her other arm to block the kick, wincing at the impact. With a roar, she began to rapidly attack Kenichi, who was easily parrying her attacks. Lashnay let out a shrill cry like a hawk as she pressed her attack, getting closer and closer to landing a hit.

"Gotcha!" shouted Lashay as her sword managed to pierce through his defense, cutting into Kenichi's shoulders. However it was ruse as their was no blood and now she was inside Kenichi's range.

"Let's see if this can break through your Armour." said Kenichi as he changed his stance.

"Gentle Fist Eight Trigrams : 64 palms"

Every attack landed on Lashley she couldn't dodge or block even with the Armor she wore the ki in his attacks still went through and riddle her body with injuries. The moment he landed the 64th palm on his stomach her body was flunged backwards as she cried in pain while coughing blood.

"Aaahhhh.... cough cough"

"Well it looks like it really can" said Kenichi as he turned to look towards Nakakharu and his bodyguard who were staring at him like he was some kind of monster.

After they took care of it Kenichi moved towards Sakaki who was dealing with the last standing knight.

"Master there are much more people than this" Kenichi said

"I am sensing ki of quite a few martial artist around here with with 4 people at Grandmaster class and another in the next Class." replied Kenichi

"Fuck since when did this bastard started asking for help, inform Shizuha about this we may need the others if they try to intervene" said Sakaki to which Kenichi nodded his head and walked towards Miu while secretly taking his phone out to inform Shizuha.


"Long time no see, Hongo," grinned Sakaki as Ki began to gather and glow in his eyes.

"We finally meet again, Sakaki," replied Hongo, the same happening with him, though his sunglasses blocked out the glow.

"Kenichi, don't close your eyes and burn this fight into your memory!" said Sakaki as he raised both arms up, setting into the Maeba stance, a stance of absolute defense.

"You too, Sho. You're not to engage in a fight against Sakaki's disciple for now," ordered Hongo as he shifted his body, raising his left arm up while lowering the right, taking the Tenchi Jouge stance, a stance of overpowering annihilation.

Both karate masters took one single step forward, and instantly Dou and Sei Ki clashed violently between the two. Passersby who had been watching the whole situation quickly fled in fear from the after-effects.

As the two began to approach even closer, their minds could not help but flashback to the past, when the two had first sparred, with a close friend being their judge.

The disciples immediately activated their respective inner eyes in order to see the shockwave orbit battle the two masters were having. In just a few seconds, they could see Sakaki and Hongo's attack trails. Compared to Kei's attack trails that Kenichi and Sho had dealt with before, this one was drastically on a whole other level.

"This is good"

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