Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 421: Teaching Sho

Chapter 421: Teaching Sho

"Impossible where did you learn the move of our Kuremisago Clan" asked the man fighting Natasha but he didn't get any answer.

The other man fighting Natasha was Jenazad's follower hence he didn't know much about the Kuremisago Clan's fighting style but how could a member of Kuremisago Clan not know their style.

Natasha of course didn't say anything as she ducked under a swing and did a split kick taking advantage of the distracted member of the Kuremisago Clan to push him backward as she took out Jenazad's follower with a scissor kick.

"Dammit bitch i don't care where you learnt it but you are going to die for it" said the Kuremisago Clan member as he attacked Natasha with vigor but since it was one on one now he couldn't overpower her.

Miu also took care of one Kuremisago Clan member she was fighting and focused her fight against the other one left.

"Guff," spat out Sho as a punch landed into his ribcage. With a shout, he elbowed Komu who had landed the attack, only for him to block it. Sho tried to follow up, but ended up having to dodge the head cleaver.

"I've analyzed all your movements! You prefer to attack and attack, and so there are gaps in your defense that I'll viciously exploit!" taunted Komu from a safe distance.

"Asshole!" grunted Sho as he used Gamaku to trick his opponent into thinking he was going to kick right when in reality he kicked left.

"Sho, catch!" shouted Kenichi as he tossed a gauntlet to Sho, who immediately caught it and put it on, using it to block a dagger.

Kenichi has already taken out the two master class he was fighting as there wasn't a reason for him to hold back his strength, so he broke through their defence as they weren't vigilant enough making it easy for Kenichi to take them out. Which made Sho grumble as he was only able to take out one and that too barely.

"I need to ask sensei to get me one of these," muttered Sho in appreciation of the gauntlet.

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you, traitor," sneered Komu.

"Like hell it is," growled Sho as he raised his hand, taking the Tenchi Jouge stance only for Kenichi to stop him.

"Idiot why are you copying your master don't you know that Maeba suits you more" said Kenichi.

Sho understood what he meant and changed his stance to Maeba stance.

Sakaki grunted as he dodged a spinning swing from Mihai, his injury from his fight with Hongo acting up. As he landed next to Hongo, when the two heard Kenichi's voice berating Kenichi.

The two masters looked in their disciples direction only to see Kenichi standing with his arms crossed around his chest while Sho changing his stance to fight against two men.

'I should've taught Sho the Maeba stance,' scolded Hongo to himself, 'He's like Sakaki, prone to be on the offensive.

"Changing stances won't change the outcome!" shouted Komu as he rushed forward to attack Sho. Swiftly attacking, Komu targeted places that should've been Sho's weak points in his defense. However, upon going in, he found all the weak points had suddenly been shored up by Sho's new stance. Sho was easily parrying not only his attacks, but from the other man, too.

"What's taking them so long?" hissed the fighters, taking their eyes off Miu and Natahsa to look at Kenichi and Sho.

It was a vital mistake that girls capitalized on. Quickly rushing at their distracted fighter at speeds surprising and surpassing what they showed before, the two girls quickly jumped up, wrapping their legs around the attacker's head. With a quick twist, the two threw their attacker into a head-on collision with another, knocking two out.

"What the!?" shouted the surprised assassin before they were knocked out, causing the Komu and his partner to be distracted.

Sho used Seidou Goitsu to make sure the one he attacked was taken out

"No Impossible! I can't fail here!" shouted Komu, as he jumped into the air, intending to kick Sho on his face but he was ready and dodged the kick coming for him and returned the favour with a roundhouse kick and since Komu was in the air he couldn't defend himself properly and took the kick on his head.

Hongo smirked the way Sho took out the last man, not fighting in the air to show his supremacy but thinking with his brain to end the fight at once.

"Tch so the bastards failed in their task" scoffed Mihai as he licked his scythe, relishing the taste of blood that had splattered onto it.

"He's my disciple. He's not going to fall to some crappy assholes," replied Sakaki, flipping Mihai with his right hand, "And now that I don't have to worry about him, I'll start by kicking your ass!"

"Rude, I'll chop your middle finger off!" shouted Mihai.


Saiga was also there taking out a hoard of Kuremisago Clan and Tidat Assassin making sure that they don't overwhelm the others.


"Well it looks like the plan was a bust" said Jenazad as he stood in front of Shizuha, "Though at least now I know who is the reason behind it"

Shizuha's scarf that was covering her face has fallen allowing Jenazad to see her face.

"I also see why you cover your face, it does not fit the terrifying image you have created for yourself" Shizuha as she looked at Jenazad whose mask was broken by her.

"Hmm.... you are right but it doesn't really matter since I am still terrifying as I am now, let me show you" Jenazad said making Shizuha vigilant, but Jenazad just smirked at her and whistles.

10 Men wearing mask appear around Shizuha with different weapons.

"Enjoy your company" said Jenazad as he disappeared from the place leaving Shizuha with 10 men.

Shizuha understood that these people were only there for distraction and buying time for Jenazad. And he have thought about it carefully cause if they weren't weapon users she could have just followed Jenazad and shirked their attacks but she can't do that against weapon.

"Shit bastard" cursed Shizuha as she took her anger on the 10 weapon users trying to stop her to go to her children and save them, "Get out of may or die"

The blast of Ki she released did cause them to flinch but the still didn't stopped attacking her, Shizuha instantly understood that these were deathsoldiers of Jenazad and wouldn't back down.


"Looks like we're in the clear now," huffed Sho as took a deep breath as he took off the gauntlet Kenichi had tossed him, letting his guard down. The girls also nodded their heads and took a deep breath of relief but then they saw Kenichi who was still vigilant so the three followed his lead.

Unfortunately, because they had let their guard down for that second, it made all the difference.


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