Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 426: Meeting Princess

Chapter 426: Meeting Princess

"Well, guess that's it then," shrugged Sakaki, "Now onto the next pub I need to find the trail of that mystery challenger"

Later that night

"You had to jinx it!" shouted Jennifer as she ducked behind a wall, avoiding enemy fire.

"You kid, get down and protect yourselves!" shouted Sakaki as he charged forward, weaving past the bullets.

"Tch, these guys aren't that well-trained," scoffed Sho as he dodged a stray shot before rushing towards another mercenary who had been trying to flank them. Sho immediately kneed the mercenary in the stomach before kicking him in the head, sending him unconscious.

"Alright, let's see why these punks attacked us," grunted Sakaki as he lifted one of the attackers up.

"All I wanted to do was get some info on the Demon God Fist Jenazad, and what do I get? A damn bullet storm! That's enough to make the normally gentle me go berserk!" threatened Sakaki.

'Gentle?' thought Jennifer and Sho

"So you going to tell me why you normal village type people are carrying around these toys that's usually carried around by mercenaries?" continued Sakaki.

"To us, the citizens of Tidat, Lord Jenazad is a hero! There's not a soul who would betray him! All hail Lord Jenazad!" praised the attacker as he pulled out a hand grenade, pulling the pin and ready to take out Sakaki with him.

"Gimme that," grunted Sakaki, confiscating the grenade before pulling the metal pin that contained the flint and other vital parts apart from the grenade.

The attacker could only look in shock at that before Sakaki threatened to do the same to his neck.

"Why does it feel like we took out a whole village just to find some information?" questioned Sho.

"Because we might have just done that," replied Jennifer.

"So, you gonna finally show yourself now?" asked Sakaki towards the general area.

"So, you gonna finally show yourself now?" asked Sakaki towards the general area.

A second later, Sham, the maid of Jihan revealed herself. None of them recognized her until she explained to them that she was Jihan's maid who saw that Jenazad had killed Jihan, and that she wanted them to meet a certain person connected to Jenazad.

Sakaki and Jennifer looked at each other before nodding in agreement, following Sham, who guided the four into the ruins of the old capital.

"Not bad. To think you'd get this close without me noticing your presence," commented Sakaki, surprising the other three before they felt a presence too.

Quickly reacting, Jennifer threw herself to the side while Sho and Sakaki turned to meet their opponents, ducking under a sword slash. Sakaki caught his opponent's Javanese kris, only for him to let go to draw another weapon immediately.

Sho parried a thrust, grabbing the opposing arm wielding a hidden weapon before stepping in close, his foot right behind hers. Then, utilizing Pencak Silat, Sho tackled his opponent's chest and into the ground, quickly snaking himself behind her and grabbing her arm behind her, ready to dislocate it if necessary.

"Princess!" shouted Sham in worry as she began to run towards Sho's opponent.

The weapons master looked over to the disciple's fight with worry. Sakaki took advantage of that distraction, landing a punch that the weapons master managed to block, though not before blowing off his feet and into a tree.

"You know, if you don't have any motivation old man, you should call it quits," drawled Sakaki as he watched the weapons master kip-up himself back on his feet.

"What do you mean by that?" accused the weapons master with a glare, "What an odd thing to say."

"Heh, you looking down on me?" scoffed Sakaki, "You hardly have any intent to strike at me."

Seconds passed before the weapons master finally laughed out loud, sheathing his sword behind his back.

"Hahaha, so you found me out? I expected nothing less from one of the famous masters of Ryozanpaku. That was, indeed, very rude of me. I am Batuan," introduced the weapons master, "Now, if I could, please have the young man let go of his opponent. Otherwise, I will be very displeased and introduce my blade to his arms."

Sakaki glanced over to Sho and nodded, who responded by gently pushing his opponent away from him.

"Princess, are you alright?" asked Sham worriedly.

"It's a first to see someone other than my people practice Pencak Silat. As expected of the leader of Yomi, whom my brother was in," coughed the princess as she stood up, removing her hood, "I apologize for my behavior earlier. I had to find out the level of strength you had, and the willingness to oppose Jenazad. I am Radin Tidat Lona, the younger sister of Jihan, and the legitimate successor to the throne of the Tidat Kingdom. I hereby request you to be our allies. I believe we have similar motives."

They soon moved into the old ruins, where Lona sat on a throne looking down at them. Sham and Batuan kneeled in respect to Londa while Jennifer bowed in respect. Sho and Sakaki merely stood there, standing tall, much to Batuan's irritation. He tried to force them to bow, with Jennifer hissing it was impolite to not at least bow to a ruling monarch, but Sakaki stood his ground. Batuan only stopped when Lona told him she didn't mind it at all. Sham was insulted when Sakaki asked why Lona was living in an old dilapidated fortress instead of luxury, but a stare from Sakaki made her cower. Sadly, Sakaki hadn't even been trying to glare, but his natural looks made him very intimidating to little children.

There, the trio explained to the group about the current situation of Tidat, and how Jenazad ascended to his title as a hero and Demon God Fist of Tidat. How even though Jenazad achieved peace for his country, he was unhappy with such a thing, and so began to turn his subordinates against each other before finishing them off himself. Soon, respect for him turned to fear, though they still praised him for pushing back the UN forces when the kingdom had no real military forces yet.

"I heard that you have come here to retrieve a person he had kidnapped, correct? Then we should fight together for we share a common foe," suggested Lohan.

"You say all that, but it doesn't feel like you're a legitimate successor," shrugged Sakaki, shocking Spartacus and Sho at his bluntness, "Those mercenaries you hired are mere decorations, and you reside in this crumbling castle. If you're thinking about using us for your struggle for power, then I refuse, lil' princess."

Sham shouted at him for such impudence, only to cower once more as Sakaki turned his glare at her.

"True, when my brother fell in the foreign lands, Jenazad's influence grew more and more," confessed Lohan, "Now, his followers hold all the power in this land while I'm left with this castle."

"Isn't there a guy who is running around destroying Jenazad's people why not contact him" asked Sho

"We can't find him and though he supports to be strong but Jenazad isn't just anyone l anybody could take on"

[A.N - If you wanna know what happens next in advance than join my Patreo n and support me.

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