Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 431: Death of Jenazad

Chapter 431: Death of Jenazad

"What!? Is there something else I am missing" asked Jennifer as she is still able to see the fight between Reaper and Jenazad as she has Great eyesight as a sniper.

"He is copying his moves" stated Sakaki

"What!?" exclaimed Jennifer and the kids.

"Every move Jenazad makes is being copied by Reaper thats why Jenazad is surprised enough that he has to throw his body on the ground to dodge the grabs that looks like his own" explained Hongo

"This-This is incredible! There is someone talented enough to copy a style in mid-fight doesn't this mean that he can easily learn all styles " asked Jennifer though neither Sakaki nor Hongo replied to it.

Sakaki because his disciple had the same talent and knew that it wasn't hard for him to learn a style but he still needed practice to use it well but still what Jennifer said was somewhat true but he didn't want to accept it so he didn't say anything.

Hongo on the other hand didn't care as he believed that no matter how many styles one learns he can still beat them with his Karate.

Reaper grunted as he slammed himself into a wall before his eyes narrowed and charged forward, seeing a small opening to attack and thrust a knife hand. However, he soon found out the opening had been a trap laid by Jenazad to destroy his defense when Jenazad grabbed the offending arm.

Hantu Glundung Pringis

In an instant, Jenazad used one of Silat's secret techniques, striking at Reaper's vital areas while spinning him around, making it almost impossible for Reaper to escape out alive.

But Reaper also used his arm as a bait as he knew this was the only way he could have Jenazad drop his guard and released a Ki blast from the hand that was caught by Jenazad.


Came a noise as the two parties were separated.

Jenazad survived the attack as he used his ki to block some of the force from the blast while he tried to dodge it at the last minute but couldn't so he braced himself and flowed through the blast to not fully feel the brunt of the attack but still it wasn't successful as Both his arms were charred black along with his chest sporting 3rr degree burn from the heat of the ki blast along with bleading from different cuts around his body because of the blast and even the mask he wore was broken.

"Tch, Using ki based attacks even that, monster Hayato doesn't use them like this, you are good" said Jenazad

"You still survive though" said Reaper while holding his left hand with his right.

Even though it was Reaper who attacked but he didn't get unscathed out of it at least his left arm that he used to blast a ki attack also took the burnt though it was only second degree burns as Reaper had used his ki to protect himself.


The fact his face had not changed caused many of his followers to cry out in joy, knowing the man up there was indeed the savior of the Tidat Kingdom. Some had thought that the real one had died, and a fake one had taken up the mantle to continue the legacy. Seeing his true face strengthened their faith in Jenazad once more, despite all the atrocities he had committed.

Reaper continued to attack, drawing closer and closer to Jenazad with each thrust of his arm until he almost pierced Jenazad's eye out. Even though he didn't want to show it, it was clear that Jenazad was heavily injured from the Ki blast and had become slower than before. However, Jenazad easily caught the thrust, countering with his own thrusts that drew blood. Soon, it became obvious that Jenazad intentionally made himself appear weaker and get Reaper's guard down

as he began to damage Reaper, his punches caused serious damage to Reaper's right leg and left arm even more, even piercing through skin and muscle with his fingers.

Saruarsa Umeguraha

Jenazad's last attack slammed Reaper into the floor with heavy injury everywhere that made it seem impossible for Reaper to recover. Lohan covered her eyes in fear and turned to the nearest body for comfort, which happened to be Sho.

"Well should I eat a Karate Master now though you won't be as good as him but with my injuries it should even the playing field right" asked Jenazad with a sickening smirk.

Reaper suddenly stood up behind Jenazad with his body glowing with ki as he thrusts his right arm covered in ki with his full strength.

Jenazad had no time to jump back as Reaper's attack reached him and the thrust pierced through his stomach destroying most of the vital organs as his hand exited out of Jenazad's back.

"Demon God Fist Silkwat Jenazad. I admit you are more experienced than me, but victory is mine!" declared Reaper before jerking his arm back out.

Jenazad coughed up blood as he felt his life slowly ebbing away before laughing, "To think the day that I would be defeated would come! Excellent job, Reaper! Could you come closer so that I may memorize the face of the man who defeated me?"

Reaper instantly took several steps back, knowing it was a trap. Jenazad couldn't help but chuckle, proud that the man who defeated him was still cautious enough to know that he had enough strength to take him down with him.

'Still, there's one last thing I must do,' though Jenazad. With the last of his strength, he threw himself off the tower, surprising them all.

His target? Kenichi's group.

Without even a warning, Jenazad blasted a massive killing intent at the group, but more specifically, at Kenichi.

'My last will will to dye Kenichi's hand in red!' cackled Jenazad as he saw Kenichi jumping towards him, the others around him too slow to react.

But Reaper wasn't slow as he already knew that this was something Jenazad would do so before he could reach Kenichi, Reaper appeared before him.

"Stop it Jenazad it's over" said Reaper stopping Jenazad's attack.

"You again" Jenazad gritted his teeth but couldn't do much as he was slowly losing consciousness.

In the end, he accepted he had lost and was going to die.

With a chuckle, Jenazad remained standing, looking up to the sky before dying while standing.

"You may be a psycho but you were right about one thing sometimes killing becomes necessary" said Reaper which was heard by everyone that was standing there.


Before anyone could do anything, they all heard something loud rumbling closer and closer. Suddenly, tanks and well-equipped soldiers came pouring out of the forest. Lona immediately recognized them as the Tidat regular army led by Colonel Gaja.

"Ah I fell asleep I am sorry your highness" said the little girl following Lona behind then remembering her blunder she corrected herself, "I mean what is going on your highness"

"The Tidat Army has arrived" answered Menazad's daughter.

"Everyone get back" said Lona

"Now that Jenazad is dead and King Raden Tidat Jihan is currently not here, we, the Tidat army, will assume control for the safety of the country!" declared Gaja.

"Colonel Gaja! Dismiss your troops! This is an order from Raden Tidat Lona!" ordered Lona, only to be dismissed by Gaja.

"Please rest at ease and leave the country to me," said Gaja, "You're still too young to rule the country, and you don't have the governing ability as your late brother did."

Lona felt insulted but knew it was true. Her brother, despite his attitude, knew how to work through the streams of politics much better.

"Collect the corpse of the Demon God Fist! His body will be the symbol that will organize the people of Tidat!" ordered Gaja.

Immediately, the remnants of Jenazad's forces stood in front of them all, raising their fists and blades to stop them. Despite all his madness, he had their loyalty to the end due to what he did for Tidat.

Gaja clucked his tongue before ordering his soldiers to prepare to fire, and to never let their guard down.

Before the first shots were thrown, Lona stepped right in between the two forces. Then, without hesitation, she raised her kris and dagger up in the air for them all to see before dropping them to the floor.

"What good will more killing between countrymen do?" pleaded Lona loudly for them all to hear, "The evil god that has split the country and made us fight each other is dead. The darkness of Tidat is gone!"

[Thank you

Miguel Pineda


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