Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 434: Reactions

Chapter 434: Reactions

At a hidden Yami base

"Among us, the One Shadow Nine Fist, there is a certain non-aggression pact," began the disguised Senzui, "But in this incident, the Demon God Fist was the first to make the move. And he did so before I was informed. But God Hand didn't kill him and even if he had done that we wouldn't have done anything but it was someone else and that person wasn't a Ryozanpaku Master, that person was an unknown and we need to find about him"

"What is it that we know about him?" asked Agaard Jum Sai

"Only his name though even that is not real I presume" stated Ogata

"Reaper! Whoever this person is, he may be a hindrance to our plan so we need to find as much about him as we can" Senzui stated

"From the reports we have it's clear that this Reaper was as strong as Jenazad so we should look for Advance Grandmaster class man but l don't think we ever heard about someone like that" stated Cyril Rahman

"Use our contacts there is no way someone like him will stay incognito for long" Senzui ordered after which the meeting ended.He had a meeting with logistics and finance anyways. Apparently, their funds were being undercut slowly without having any idea who was responsible for it. Though he did notice something about Kushinada, he couldn't exactly tell. Her face was neutral as always, but his gut feeling told him otherwise. The masters that had been sent to her place came back reporting they had no idea what had happened. Although suspicious, it wasn't enough to question her.

Unknown to him Niijima has started using the YAMI information more aggressively.

Hongo merely marched back to where his disciples were not caring about the Reaper the slightest.


SHIELD Headquarters

Director Nick Fury was not happy it's safe to say he was angry and the reason for his answer was the news he has been recieving.

"So some guy killed Jenazad and we know nothing about him and then Tidat's ruler came right before a Civil War could be started along with the Invincible Hayato Furiniji, is that correct?" asked Fury

"Yes sir" replied Jennifer beside her Agent Phil Coulson and Maria Hill were present as well.

"Don't you think that's it's too convenient?" asked Fury

"I thought so too, so i asked around and then Sakaki told me that none of them knew that Raden was alive and he met Elder Hayato by coincidence as both of them were moving towards the same place. I know Sakaki he doesn't know how to lie so he was most likely telling the truth then I asked Prince Raden himself to find out that it was Reaper who told him to return back to his Kingdom" explained Jennifer

*sigh*"Now I have one more headache. Remove Jenazad from our list and as this Reaper in it." Fury said then looked at Hill and Coulson's faces, "What is it?"

"Sir a Civil war had started in Sokovia" Coulson started "but we found a third party involved in the battery and when we tried to find out about it all our operatives died"

"Mother Fucker!!" cursed Fury as he knew that there was no way that World Security Council will allow him to send anymore agents to Sokovia as the country isn't under SHIELD's jurisdiction and now that a civil war has started they would instead asked him to pull out all their operatives but their was no one left to pull.

"Anymore bad news Hill" asked Fury asked as he saw that she still has something to say.

"Stark is going to Japan" said Hill

"What did you say?" asked Fury with an incredulous voice.

"He wants to see the damage done to his building, though I believe he wanted to find the person who did this as he most likely also had the video of the fight" stated Hill

"That dumb Mother Fucker!" Fury exclaimed, "The situation in Japan is already bad with him there it will be like giving a spark to a powder keg"

"The situation is going to be bad if something happen to him there" Jennifer stated

Fury rubbed his bald head and once again cursed Stark for his stupidity if it wasn't for the fact that his father was a founding member of SHIELD he would have cursed his family as well.

"Coulson you and Jennifer go to Japan make sure that Stark stays safe, if the situation becomes to big to handle on your own then make sure to ask for the help of Ryozanpaku" Fury stated making the too nod their head.

After getting things in order Fury was left alone in his office allowing him to lean back on his chair after which he closed his eyes and decided to rest for 5 minutes.


Takeda was practicing punching the sandbag while a television, generously donated by Niijima, was playing the current lightweight championship fight. He had finished the final fight of the Class A tournament, ranking first in the JBC. All he needed to do was wait for that fight to be over, and he'd be able to send a letter of challenge to the current champion. He hadn't paid attention to whom the current champion was fighting, as he had bigger fish to fry, so to speak. The only reason he was in it, and that James Shiba was along for the ride, was for the money his sensei was earning from those fights. If anything, both wouldn't have been interested in it at all.

"Hmph, amateurs," huffed Shiba as he blew a puff of smoke from his cigarette, "Looks like we know who's the winner now."

Takeda finished his set with a left straight, turning his attention towards the television when he saw just who was the champion, and narrowed his eyes.

"And the winner and continuing champion of the JBC Lightweight division is Akeshita Shin!"

Takeda had completely forgotten about his ex-best friend being the current Lightweight champion of Japan. Still, he gave a small maniacal grin as he saw that he would be challenging Akeshita. This was the perfect little revenge for him, and damn if this plot wouldn't give Kenichi that little edge.

"I remember this brat," frowned Shiba, "Believe he was in that little hurdle when those idiots tried to gang up on you with the alien brat."

"Yea, he was a friend. Until he was the one responsible for hiring people to take out my left arm," nodded Takeda, "It's going to be good to knock him down a few. For that fight, can I go at 100%?"

Takeda had been limiting himself to 30-60%, depending on the opponent, so as not to finish the fight too fast. Still, he did finish most of his fights in 1 round, if not 2 if he was feeling generous.

"A grudge eh? Well, it wouldn't be manly for me to say no!" laughed Shiba, though frowning a little. He had sent letters of challenges to the champion's gym before the whole class A tournament, only to be rejected. Now he had a good look at the champion, he was beginning to realize they were rejected out of probably cowardice. Still, Takeda was the number one ranker in the JBC, so there was no reason for rejection.

Shiba decided to make a little call to the alien brat, just to make sure he could get a little more persuasive power. It didn't hurt to get that help, even if it meant him having power over his gym, even if he was the major backer of it as well as the person to make it happen.

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