Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 438: Amusement Park

Chapter 438: Amusement Park

"Let's just enjoy ourselves for now and leave the rest fir later" Kenichi said to which the others nodded and went back to enjoy themselves.

___________________________ ________

"Man, that was fun! Thanks for the food!" grinned Ukita as he chowed down on his plate full of food.

Niijima had managed to secure a private room within a restaurant in the amusement park, complete with a buffet. Not only that, but the room was scanned for any sort of bugs, and had Zanshin Taisha-ryu members guarding the area.

"Alright, everyone get your plates and gather around," ordered Niijima, "There is something important that needs to be said."

"What's up?" asked Takeda, taking a bite off a chicken leg as he sat next to Chisato.

It didn't escape Miu's notice that during their free time, Takeda had partnered up with Chisato for every ride. In fact, the two looked quite cozy sitting so close together. Meanwhile, Shiratori and Ukita were sitting with each other as well.

"It's about what's going to happen tonight," said Niijima.

"Oooh, is it about the parade? I wanted to see it!" grinned Matsui, with some of the Valkyries agreeing with him.

"There won't be a parade tonight," said Niijima, raining down on their run.

"What? Why not?" asked Chisato.

"Because Yomi is planning to attack us," declared Niijima, causing them all to fall silent.


A knock on the door interrupted them, to which Niijima told them to come in.

"Ah, you're that shadow guy!" shouted Takeda as Kurando and Tsukasa of the Zanshin Taisha-ryu entered.

"I am Kurando, and this is Tsukasa," Kurando introduced himself to the Shinpaku Alliance, "As Governor-General Niijima Haruo stated, Yomi has indeed infiltrated the park. From what we can tell, they are slowly guiding civilians out of the park to avoid media attention and exposure, with promises of remuneration. From what has been gathered, not only are the unarmed division of Yomi is participating in this, but the armed forces as well."

"Who is participating?" asked Niijima, his eyes narrowed. Though it was a surprise that Yomi's armed division was participating in this, but since they have Saeko, Kaname and Kenichi here he took them within his calculations.

"Hard to tell. It's not easy to get close to them, especially with one of their members especially sensitive to any flow of Ki despite the fact we suppress it," replied Kurando, "But it's not very hard to track them, with one of them waving a poorly hidden scythe all about."

"Sigmaringen," snorted Kenichi, "He's likely sore about his loss."

"Considering you did beat him up in Ten seconds, I'd say so," giggled Renka.

"Seriously? Damn, you didn't play around with him did you?" nodded Tsuji in admiration.

"What did he say to make you beat him up so badly?" asked Chiaki, knowing Kenichi wasn't one to really lay down a beating.

"He.. ummm.. may have insinuated taking my girls by force," said Kenichi meekly, "I didn't react to that well. Though now that I think about it I may have gone easy on him"

"And I'm glad you didn't," smiled Miu, giving Kenichi a quick peck to the cheeks, "But if he is here, let one of us deal with him."

The smile she and Saeko gave off caused all the boys to shiver and back away from them in fear.

"Back to the topic, it seems Yami wants to use us as cannon fodder for Yomi's growth. Well, we're going to change it up. Instead, they'll find themselves being used as stepping stools for the Shinpaku Alliance to shine in an even greater light!"

Miu and Saeko smacked Niijima on the head when he began to cackle, knowing he was about to go into a rant about world domination. It didn't matter to Kenichi as whatever Niijima did it wouldn't be bad compared to what is going to happen in the future.

"Sounds like a plan," grinned Takeda, "Any information we got on them?"

"I've been going over the main players for the past few days. Pay attention!" shouted Niijima, his eyebrows twitching.

"He's right, you know? He even got intel that Shogo or as we know him Berserker is in Yomi too," whispered Chisato.

"I was busy with other stuff?" replied Takeda weakly, "You know I'm not the best with intel stuff like this."

"Then I'll help you," smiled Chisato, putting her hands on Takeda's arm, the two of them looking into each other's eyes for a while until..

"If the gazing couple would stop staring at each other, we can continue with this meeting," said Niijima, causing Chisato and Takeda to quickly jump away from each other.

Kaname slapped Niijima on the head for being so insensitive and ruining her Chisato's moment but as usual, he didn't care.


Night soon fell and everyone followed the plans.

Renka and Miu wanted to ride on some rides hence they went alone. As Kenichi and Niijima said that no one should go solo, the two of them decided to leave the others and went on their own.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't 'Invincible Superman'''s granddaughter! with another girl. Did Kenichi not satisfy you enough that you changed your preference" mocked Sigmaringen as waltzed up towards them.

"You don't have to worry about him, he is excellent at everything he does, you must remember how excellently he dealt with you" stated Renka with a mocking tone.

Sigmaringen's eyebrows twitched at that insult before replying, "Last time, I underestimated him. Don't think it'll happen again! I'll dye my scythe with his blood! But before that I will satisfy it with yours"

With a roar, Sigmaringen charged forward at Kenichi, his scythe raised high up in the air. However, he didn't expect Renka to suddenly blitz towards him, her eyes glowing with Ki.

'Shit another one!?' thought Sigmaringen as he sensed Renka's Ki control may not be the same time as Kenichi but it was stronger than Sigmaringen hence he couldn't really differentiate between them.

Renka threw a swift jab at Sigmaringen, causing him to stumble. Renka then grabbed Sigmaringen's left arm, and with a swift kick to the feet to force him to lose his balance, she threw him up into the air. Renka jumped into the air, to which Sigmaringen tried to slash at Miu to counter. However, before Sigmaringen could fully finish his slash, Renka used her Ki and teachings from her father to stop it short. She then grabbed onto the scythe, using it to roll herself forward on the blade and shaft. Using her Ki, she forcefully wrenched his hands upwards, using her Chinese Kenpo. The result ended up dislocating Sigmaringen's arm before kicking Sigmaringen into the river rapids ride.


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