Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 442: Rimi Going out of Control

Chapter 442: Rimi Going out of Control

"Looks like your Ki control has improved a lot," commented Kenichi, keeping his eye on Berserker

"Thanks to that training with you it hasn't gotten better," whispered Miu, though the blush on her face clearly showed that it was a special method of training that Kenichi only does with his girls, the smirk on his face was clear evidence of it.

"So in the end, you still went after him even though you were warned against it," voiced Ogata as he suddenly appeared before them.

"So you went easy on her so there wouldn't be a fatal wound, huh?" said Kensei, glancing over to Rimi, "Typical Katsujinken. Berserker, you don't seem to be doing as well either. Though that's to be expected, I suppose. Lugh seems to have been defeated."

Kensei looked over to Kenichi and Miu, eyeing them in interest, especially on Kenichi though.

"Something seems different about you, boy," commented Ogata, "Something must have happened at Tidat. I heard you went through some unpleasant stuff there. I do apologize for the misconduct that happened, but considering the offending party is dead, there's not much that can be done."

"It's alright, I just thought of it as more strict training for myself and in the end I was saved by my master so everything is alright" Kenichi replied in a nonchalant manner. Though he looked nonchalant in the surface but internally he was moving his ki ready to attack at a moments notice as he knew how much a martial fanatic Ogata was and how much he was willing to sacrifice for it.

Ogata frowned as he instinctively felt a threat from him which was ridiculous so he decided to ignore it as unimportant, he pushed it away as Rimi had managed to crawl towards him.

"I'm not done yet!" shouted Rimi as she managed to push herself up, "Satsujinken aren't defeated until they're dead. And Rimi isn't dead yet! Kensei-sama, please! Teach me that technique! If I can do it, then Rimi will be able to fight! The one that Ryuto-sama used!"

"Atlantae, no!" shouted Ryuto as he wheeled himself forward.

"I see. So in the end, you want to rely on that technique, the activation of Sei and Dou simultaneously, which could be considered the greatest taboo. that is SeiDou Goitsu."

"You can't!" Kenichi said, only to be distracted when Shogo began to attack him again causing Kenichi to glare at him.

Miu tried to intervene, but a glare from Ogata stopped her cold.

"If a disciple of mine appears before me and seeks to reach the pinnacle of martial arts with this technique, then I will, without fail, pass on my technique. For that is the 'equality' which martial arts is based on!" said Ogata.

"Kensei-sama! Rimi wants that power! Please finish teaching me SeiDou Goitsu that we started in the mountains!" begged Rimi

"Okay," nodded Ogata, "But keep in mind your opponent can almost be classified as a master class. It will shorten the gap, but she is still a superior opponent."

"It doesn't matter!" shouted Rimi, "You once said that the winner isn't always the strongest, but the one with the most tenacity! Rimi will win, even if Rimi has to bet her life on it!"

"Atlantae!" shouted Ryuto once more, only to be ignored while Kensei began to explain the intricacies of Ki to Rimi.

"Kokorone Rimi!" shouted Ryuto once more, hoping to use her name to snap her attention away from Ogata.

"Watch me, Ryuto-sama. Rimi will definitely win," said Rimi as she stood up once more.

Taking a deep breath, she began to activate both Ki types within her body before finally activating SeiDou Goitsu.

With a roar, Rimi charged at Miu, firing a Ki-infused punch. Before the punch could make an impact, Rimi found herself being flung up into the air. Looking down at Miu, Rimi saw Miu's eyes were not only glowing with Ki, but she was giving off an aura not unlike Ogata.

"Impressive. Your Ki control of Ki no Shouka for someone your age is beyond what I expected," hummed Ogata, "But that technique. It's the Kuremisago Clan's style? How did you learn that? They are quite secretive about it and ignores me every time I try to ask about their technique in more detail. I get the general gist of it, but not the finer points. Didn't they tried to take you before so? Is this the reason!"

Miu didn't answer as Rimi had already rushed forward once more, this time throwing a barrage of punches. Miu couldn't parry all of it with her Ki alone, so she quickly jumped away to dodge. Pushing her senses to her limit, Miu was able to 'see' Rimi dashing around, sending a barrage of kicks to her back. Miu quickly parried them all, feeling her arms sting a little before landing a kick to her stomach, sending Rimi away. Thanks to Kenichi passing them the knowledge of Ki no Shouka Miu still had the upper hand but if Rimi continued to attack her with this ferocity Miu won't be able to hold back.

"No! Rimi can go on further!" shouted Rimi as the sclera of her eyes turned red, "This is the power of Rimi's love!"

'She's starting to lose control,' though Miu to herself, gritting her teeth, 'This technique really is too dangerous! Although it can give explosive power, it's a ticking time bomb! The only way to save her is to defeat her before she can damage herself further!'

"Kensei-sama! Stop Atlantae. Stop Kokorone Rimi!" shouted Ryuto at Ogata, who seemed to be ignoring him as he sat down on a bench, "If this goes on, then she'll end up crippling herself, if not killing her! You're the only one who can stop her!"

"I could," acknowledged Ogata, "But I don't feel like doing so. Ryuto, you of all people should understand my dream. Isn't that why you became my disciple?"

"It's true that it's only fair to give martial arts to those who pursue it, but Rimi clearly hasn't thought this through!" shouted Ryuto.

"Do you really think that?" asked Ogata, causing Ryuto to look at him in shock, "Look at her clearly once more."

When he looked at Rimi, he could see not only the damage that was building up in her body as she continued to attack Miu viciously, but her desire to become a strong woman, stronger than any other woman, so Ryuto would look at her only.

"Rimi!" shouted Ryuto once more, knowing it was pointless to ask Ogata. Right now he was considering standing up but even then he knew he won't be able to stop Rimi.

"It's no use. In her state, she can't hear any words you utter. I'd give up if I were you. Right now, the girl's heart is somewhere where I can't even reach. Right now, she's nothing more than a moving mass of martial arts," warned Ogata as Ryuto wheeled towards her.

'Shit! What can I do!?' thought Ryuto as a guilty conscious plagued his whole being. He never wanted Rimi to do this. But there was nothing he could do! Ogata refused to help, and he could only just control and balance his own Ki, but only with the help of Kenichi.

Ryuto realized there was one more person he could ask. The same person that helped mitigate his own abuse of SeiDou Goitsu.

"Kenichi! Help Rimi as you helped me! Please!"

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