Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 459: Ryozanpaku's Reply

Chapter 459: Ryozanpaku's Reply

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"Looks like it will not be boring" Rin said with a smile

Marmaduke got onto the ship, ready to wreak havoc when a fist came crashing towards her. Marmaduke quickly put her shield up, protecting herself from being punched, but the punch was so powerful it actually pushed her back.

Marmaduke warily glanced at her opponent, ignoring the numbing sensation going through her left arm as she faced the source of the punch.

"Apa!" grinned Apachai as he stood in front of her with his arms raised.


Senzui felt his eyebrow twitch as he witnessed Sakaki, Shiba, Apachai, Shigure, and Rukia Busujima near the tanker, apparently having hitched a ride with the convoy. They shouldn't have even known about the tanker at all. The primary reason the One Shadow Nine Fist had come out publicly was to distract Ryozanpaku from interfering with their shipment of war funds. The fact they were there meant they had guessed by pure luck, or they knew somehow.

'A leak?' thought Senzui, 'But whom?'

Senzui dismissed the thought of a leak. Everyone in Yami was loyal to the cause Though he couldn't deny there was a chance someone accidentally let something slip. Or maybe Saiga somehow managed to discover their plans and passed them to Ryozanpaku.

(A.N - No it was all Kenichi)

Nonetheless, he wasn't too worried. Defectors from other nations' armies were already en route to the tanker to help reinforce it. They were, of course, Yami spies they had planted inside the army, letting them grow in rank before taking what they could with them. The weakness of Katsujinken, especially Ryozanpaku, was that they would prevent any sort of death if they could. Having various battleships bombarding the convoy would be enough to force them back. Not to mention they couldn't possibly know what was in the containers.


"Our plans have been exposed, but not ruined," stated Seitaro, the kodachi user, "Drive them away and they will have no choice but to retreat once reinforcements from the other ships arrive."

The others nodded as Mildred nocked another arrow. Before she could aim it though, a chain wrapped around her bow before a sickle came flying, almost piercing her eye before she blocked it with her arrow.

Kentaro a mercenary and a sword master that is attached to The Eight Executioner blade has taken the place of Mihai for this mission clashed against Sakaki.

Edeltaft, the executioner sword user, tried to attack Sakaki, only to quickly block several right jabs from Shiba. Raki found herself clashing against Rukia Busujima, quickly fending her off with her naginata.

Rin narrowed his eyes at all the fighting, deciding to join in and perhaps capture Shigure when he realized something. The masters of Ryozanpaku that were present were more prone to be destructive compared to the others. He realized just exactly why Sakaki and the others had been chosen to attack their tanker when Sakaki threw a punch that while Kentaro dodged, slammed into one of the cargo containers. The attack pushed the container, crashing into a few others before one of them began to precariously tip off the edge.

"Shit! They know!" warned Rin as he quickly jumped over, grabbing his war hammer and slamming the container back into the ship.

Seitaro ended up having to do the same when Shiba punched a container as Edeltaft dodged a punch. The two ended up on protection duty when Apachai managed to push the fight back into the tanker and began to furiously punch anything he saw. Marmaduke ended up having to use her shield and weight to block Apachai's punches.

The Eight Executioner Blade began to feel awkward as they had to protect their precious cargo, something none of them were used to. They were used to pushing the Katsujinken around, forcing them to protect any innocent civilians, and using them as bait if necessary. Now, it was the other way around, since the attacking team clearly had no qualms about destroying their war funds via sinking into the ocean. This meant they had to save it while also being careful about their own attacks. And the worst part, they couldn't do a damn thing.

"Fucking asshole #$#%$%^ !" growled Kentaro, his words evolving to gibberish, "Fucking back off! Less you want your disciple to suffer! That's right, we sent a few agents after him! Even if he is Master how will he deal with that many, He's gotta be at Ryozanpaku alone right now!"

Sakaki merely smirked as he dodged a slice, all while back kicking another container, much to Rin's misery as he quickly went to prevent it from falling.


At Ryozanpaku

Several Yami masters looked at Ryozanpaku in confusion. They had plans to kidnap Miu and Kenichi as a way to threaten Ryozanpaku they brought a group of masters for Kenichi as they knew he was already a Grandmaster. Not to mention the Kuremisago were very interested in reclaiming the previous "holy lady's" daughter. Yet when they arrived, their situation became worse as their "holy lady" Shizuha was waiting there for them alongside Natasha and a Man wearing a bear cloak who was Tsuji's master taking them out with brutal speed.

For the first time, Natasha saw the full strength of her master who was a step above the rest of the Grandmaster's in Ryozanpaku.


Meanwhile the rest of the kids were safely hidden in a secret base that was being protected by the Tanaka Couple

"I can't believe I am stuck with babysitting duty" Mayu said

"Come on sweetheart I think it's for the best who would be better than us than taking care of Kairi" Tsutomu said

"You think so" Mayu said as she looked at mother direction where Kairi was sitting on Miu's lap while Saeko and the other girls were cooing and taking turns for hugging her.

Tsutomu smiled at the love her daughter was getting and patted Mayu's hand getting her to call down.

Other than the Tanaka couples Kensei's uncle, Hakubi, with his disciples, Ryu and Shokatsu, and the low-wage workers, the Santoryu team, along with specific members of the Zanshin Taisha-ryu were present as well.


Back at the government building.

Senzui felt his eyebrows twitch when he saw the more destructive prone members of Ryozanpaku blatantly destroying their property, all while Rin and Seitaro had to run security duty. Though none of the gold had fallen in thankfully, there would surely be some dented, if not damaged gold inside those containers that might depreciate its value.

Kenichi who instead of looking at the fight was staring Mr. Busujima saw as his lips twitched upwards whenever Rukia was seen fighting.

"We're leaving," announced Senzui, turning around to leave. They had made their statement, and despite the ambush, their plans were still going ahead on schedule.

"It is today we hereby declare the Eternal Sunset."

Ishida made to follow them, only to suddenly be grabbed by Akisame.

"Now, now, we can't exactly allow one of our 'esteemed' congressmen to so easily commit treason in front of the Prime Minister," smiled Akisame, "Even though you're with Yami, you still swore an oath to Japan. While the earlier plan to trap Ryozanpaku might have skirted around that issue, you are blatantly doing it right now. We shouldn't let him go so easily, right Prime Minister?"

"Correct," grinned the Prime Minister, "Though we are not able to do anything about the One Shadow Nine Fist as they are considered 'foreign' dignitaries, you councilman Ishida, are not. To so shamelessly abandon your fellow countrymen that you swore to protect in front of me is not something I will let go."


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