Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 461: School Event

Chapter 461: School Event

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"Nonetheless, the funds have arrived," said Senzui, turning around to leave, "We will proceed with the next part of the plan. We have agents already attempting to recover the container that was lost in the ocean, though some funds may have been lost now."

What wasn't known to both Yami and Ryozanpaku was that there was really nothing inside the container at the ocean's bottom. The Farmer Kenichi had taken it out and brought it back with himself at the island.


"So it looks like thanks to Kenichi and Niijima we were able to create problems for Yami" announced Akisame as they all returned home. The Bearman was currently residing at Tsuji's new apartment, provided by Niijima. What Tsuji didn't know was that he had signed a deal with the 'devil', or more specifically, an 'alien overlord', and that his life basically belonged to Niijima.

"So the Elder is really stuck fighting with some guy." Sakaki said as he cracked open a bear.

"That guy must be impressive to be able to keep up with him for so long."

"Saiga's agent has confirmed that they're still fighting," nodded Akisame, "Hopefully the Elder will have the upper hand soon and help us in this fight. Though not having the Elder here with us is troublesome, the fact that he is also keeping Yami's most powerful fighter occupied is also a blessing."

"Thankfully we now know where there base is and can plan attack when necessary " Kensei stated

"Lucky," drawled Shigure, giving a peace sign.

"No it's not luck but talent, I have to say whoever this spy is, he is making our life easier " Shizuha stated

"That's true bhut should we ask Kenichi to stop this spy from taking anymore risk we don't know him because he doesn't want his identity be know so we can't even save him if we knew he was in trouble " Sakaki asked

"Kenichi said that this spy could handle himself so let's believe in him" stated Akisame

"Apa, so what should we do now?" asked Apachai.

"In the end, we can do what we do best," hummed Akisame as all the masters' eyes began to glow, "The great 'Wait for the opportune moment and beat them up' plan!"

"You guys really need to plan" Kenichi shouted as he ducked under Natasha's kick and Miu's punch.

Despite having future knowledge, Kenichi had no real way of stopping Yami from raiding a military base halfway across the world, especially since not even Kenichi knew where it was. He couldn't even issue a general warning, as it would draw unnecessary attention to him. And so Yami began to launch tactical strikes at military bases to showcase their power. However, they did get some warnings thanks to Jennifer Grey and Phil Coulson issuing warnings to everyone who would listen to them, thanks to their position and influence.

So the only thing Ryozanpaku and the Shinpaku Alliance could do was relax and prepare for the next phase.


Kenichi was currently in a school-issued marathon with Miu and Renka by his side. Saeko was training with her father since she wanted to at least catch up with Natasha. Though she has also found new sparring partners one of whom is Bobbi Morse while the other two are none other then Melinda May 'The Cavalry' and Clint Barton 'Hawkeye'.

Kenichi was surprised to hear about them as he never thought they would be learning from Mr. Busujima though after thinking about it he understood that shield wanted someone under them to be bale to go toe to toe against YAMI but that wouldn't be possible even for their best fighter like Melinda May and Clint Barton so they decided to send the two to learn more from Mr. Busujima.

I hope they don't try anything stupid," mumbled Kenichi, remembering it was at this time a black van took him hostage. According to the interrogation that Akisame and Sakaki had conducted in the original timeline, Shigure had been uncooperative, so the scientists of Yami had hoped by kidnapping and holding Kenichi hostage, she would obey their orders. But since nothing happened to her, Yami may not try anything against him though he wasn't sure as he did break one of the right Executioner blade and he was sure that no one else other than him could treat him fully so they may try to get him for that.

"Do you guys already know about the Eternal Sunset!?" whispered Natsu as he came beside Kenichi

"Yeah, but don't worry we will deal with though I hope by that time you understand right from wrong" Kenichi stated

Natsu didn't say anything on the one hand he is grateful to Kenichi for saving his sister and on the other hand he didn't liked what he had heard about the Eternal Sunset and not even his master liked it so it wasn't hard for him to choose sides but he just couldn't say it now as that would put him in a disadvantageous position as he doesn't want to put all his eggs in one basket.

While Natsu was contemplating in his mind Hayate and Elfreda jogged up next to Kenichi.

"My master wished to tell you that should you wish to join us along with Shigure, you will always be welcomed," stated Hayate.

"I refuse," replied Kenichi curtly, "Shigure and I would never join Yami."

"See, told you he'd refuse," said Elfreda.

"It was an offer my master wanted to relay and try," said Hayate, "Though it would've not likely succeeded, it was his desire to see his sister-in-discipleship and her disciple join him. If there is even the smallest chance, then it is worth testing."

"I guess, but even I could've told you the chances of it were still zero," hummed Elfreda before looking over to Kenichi, "Aren't you nervous about all this? For all you know, we could still try to do something."

"Despite being on opposite sides, I trust you wouldn't drag the innocent populace into this fight," stated Kenichi, though mentally adding the word 'yet', "At least the current members of Yomi that are here. Moreover I think I sent a pretty clear message after the way I dealt with that scythe bastard"

"Ah yes Mihai and Sigmaringen" Elfreda hummed, "I have to say we were surprised the way you dealt with them, the doctors still can't find a way to quickly treat him and they are still in doubt about whether Mihai will return to his full strength "

"Trust me if they are able to fix him with even half of his strength then they have done a good job" Kenichi answered

"Oh, You are quite confident aren't you" asked Hayate

Kenichi shrugged his shoulders but didn't say anything to that.

"Aren't you supposed to be back with Yami, though?" asked Miu.

"Not yet, though we'll most likely be transferring out soon," acknowledged Elfreda. "But for now, we'll be here. Plus, it's fun to watch this comedy-drama happening in front of us," pointed out Elfreda.

Niijima was getting stomped by Sho and Rachel though the reason was unknown to others.

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