Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 472: Change Sides

Chapter 472: Change Sides

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"CLENCH YOUR TEETH!" declared the Elder ominously as his eyes glowed with Ki, his free hand raised and clenched behind him. Oganosuke could see the Ki gathering into the Elder's fist and gulped as he clenched his teeth.


The Elder's punch slammed into Oganosuke's chest, sending him hurtling towards the ground once more. This time, Oganosuke couldn't recover enough, and slammed into the ground body first.

In the original story, the Elder took this chance to escape after landing such a blow, even though he knew it wouldn't take Oganosuke out of commission, but enough to give him a good head start.

But now however... he made sure that he can't be followed for a longer time.

Furinji Tenkou Ryuujin

The Elder slammed his next big hit right into Oganosuke's stomach while carrying the fox to safety. This time, he was making sure Oganosuke stayed away.

"It's certainly been a challenge, but I must take my leave! Farewell Oganosuke!" shouted the Elder as he dashed away, leaving a semi-conscious Oganosuke in a crater.

"... I lost," breathed Oganosuke, "Though the fox interfered, it is still my loss for losing control of my temper. But still, even if this battle is lost, the war will be o-"

A silver wrapping suddenly floated across Oganosuke's face. Though it quickly whisked away in the wind, Oganosuke clearly saw just exactly what it was.

<Energy Bar! High calorie with high proteins for your body's needs! Sponsored by Shinpaku Alliance.>

"They were prepared," gasped Oganosuke, "They knew this was a trap, and decided to jump it anyway with preparation. They turned the trap for Furinji Hayato into one to ensuring that I wouldn't be there, and risk it!"

Oganosuke managed to pull himself out of the crater, looking into the distance in time to see the Elder, who had been running on water, jump into a speed boat that had clearly been prepared beforehand. He could see a man yelling into the radio before hanging up and saluting the Elder.

"This war the outcome has yet to be decided, it seems," mused Oganosuke before relaxing back onto the ground. Since there was nobody on the island, he would be safe. Not to mention even after taking such punishing blows from the Elder, he was still more than a match for any other masters.

"Everyone, wait for me! I'll be there soon!" shouted the Elder.

"You really do care for your friends, especially her, don't you?" grinned Satomi as he attacked Kenichi once more with Hyogo and the two other Master class Kuremisago ninjas attacked him, "That's why you'll lose! I gave up everything for martial arts! I was someone without talent, someone who originally wasn't supposed to live past 20. Yet I defied it all, thanks to martial arts! You, who were born talented, could never understand that!"

'This bastard is getting on my nerves when will you regain your bearings Chinage,' thought Kenichi as he parried and dodged their attacks.

Furinji Chigiguruma

Satomi crouched before leaping forward, spinning as he did so as both fists punched towards Kenichi.

Kenichi blocked the attack by throwing his weight against the punch, using his arm and leg to block the punches. The impact sent him back a few centimeters, his leg stamped into the ground to prevent himself from falling, leaving a trail of dirt.

"Watch out now, your precious friends are in danger," drawled Hyogo as he stabbed Kenichi, who blocked it with his gauntlets.

With the added units even after taking down many of them, his friends were, indeed, far outnumbered now. Each one of them was now having to fight several opponents at once.

"Kyaa!" shouted Miu as one of the soldiers threw a bolas at her, wrapping it around one of her legs.

"Now's our chance!" shouted one of the kunoichis as she dove for the bola, hoping to grab it and pull Miu to unbalance her. However, in her haste, she left herself open for Natasha to grab her and throw her on the ground followed by a knee kick.

"Don't you realize what you're doing!?" shouted Naoki as he avoided being thrown into the floor, "Honoka and Kaede would be sad you took this path!"

Chikage, who's mood had been fluctuating ever since she had been fighting Naoki, blinked as light suddenly flooded her eyes.

'What was that?' questioned Chikage as she began to ponder what she was even doing. She had shut her mind off just to follow her master's order, but several things shook her mind back on. One was fighting Naoki, whom she only met for a short time but had quarreled with him whenever the boy hung out with her, Kaede and Honoka. The other was Kenichi telling him about sweets and their benefits And finally, a memory that flashed into her mind. Of her time at the gardening club, where she planted some Myosotis, a.k.a. forget-me-not.

"Do you know the meaning of these plants?" asked Izumi with a gentle smile.

Chikage had been ready to snap back a harsh reply when she saw the smile, and decided to humor her.

"It's a really simple meaning. These Myosotis plants are commonly known as forget-me-not. While they are used for many things, the main simple thing is 'Don't forget me'. I like them because of how they can remind a person that no matter what happens, the most important thing is to never forget yourself, and remain true to your heart," said Izumi.

Chikage snapped her eyes open, glancing around to see Chiaki being stabbed in the thigh, Hibiki being slashed from behind by Kanase, and others in danger except for Saeko, Miu, Natasha and Clint who had their backs around each other protecting their backs like this.

"Coward!" shouted Tsuji as he barely dodged a slash from a Danzan soldier as he tried to reach Sigmaringen, only to be stopped.

"It's war! Anything's fair as long as I win!" cackled Sigmaringen.

Ukita roared as he caught two blades with his bare hands, stopping them but struggling against the two soldiers trying to overpower him.

"Oy, quit screwing around and fight! Are you trying to go against our master's orders?" shouted Sigmaringen in irritation, looking over to see Shogo and the others still standing there.

"... This death match is ours, master?" said Shogo sarcastically.

"Don't you get it! This is war!" shouted Albrecht, "All that matters is crushing the enemy!"

"And this one's out!" grinned Sigmaringen as he raised his scythe to split Ukita's head in half.

Suddenly, Chikage dodged Naoki's attempt at a grab, but instead of countering, ran full tilt towards Ukita. In an instant, she threw the Danzan soldiers and Sigmaringen into the air.

"What are you doing?" demanded Hyogo as he blocked a punch from Kenichi, who was surprised at the sudden turn of events.

Kenichi smiled as he looked at Chikage finally coming to her senses.

"I could ask you that!" said Chikage, "Are you trying to soil the name of martial arts! Killing our enemies like this is something I judge that will only sully our principles!"

Shogo and the others, who had merely been standing by, smirked as they charged forward, surrounding the Shinpaku Alliance, but instead of facing them, faced the Armed Division and soldiers, as if protecting them.

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