Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 474: 474

Chapter 474: 474

And so, he had a tracking chip he got from Kenichi despite him knowing where the base was as a backup in case Yami did somehow change bases.

Natsu had 'dropped' the chip in a location he thought wouldn't be discovered If Sogetsu hadn't found it first within the first minute of dropping it. However, instead of telling anyone, Sogetsu took the chip and tucked it within the ropes of his wine gourd. He had been watching Natsu closely, and realized something had changed with the private meeting with Natsu and the three-time travelers. Kaede had laid some hints, not enough to get the whole story, but enough to know that Natsu didn't want to side with Yami for the Eternal Sunset.

Sogetsu knew that no guard or civilian would ever think about checking his gourd for fear of death, and so it was the safest place to put it.

"Sogetsu-dono, do you intend to defy the entire will of the One Shadow Ninee fists?" intoned Kushinada.

"Heh, everyone? I don't think so," chuckled Sogetsu.

Indeed, Agaard defected after exchanging a few punches with Apachai before punching Marmaduke, who had tried to sneak behind Apachai to cut him from behind. He also disliked the Eternal Sunset, and in the end, decided to follow Sogetsu's example. His own disciple was of the same opinion, so it wasn't much of a hard choice.

"Well it looks like not all of you are lost cause" Reaper said, Kushinada could hear the sniggers in his time as if he has won the fight.

Kushinda, getting slightly desperate, tried to threaten Ryozanpaku.

"You should know that we still have a few masters held in reserve here. It wouldn't take much for an order to be sent to capture your disciple. Although the ones in reserve are no One Shadow Nine Fist or Eight Executioner Blade, they are strong enough to capture him," threatened Kushinada.

The plan backfired as it not only fired Ryozanpaku up even more, but caused Cyril to defect, launching a surprise attack at Kushinada, who barely dodged it as her necklace was ripped apart along with parts of her clothes.

"To think you would suggest such a plan!" huffed Cyril, "Throwing your pride as a martial artist and suggesting using a hostage as a shield. And you call yourself a Satujinken? I already noticed from the growth of your disciple. Reducing people to mere weapons and lowering them to match the level of war. It's far different from the ideals of the Eternal Sunset that we once envisioned!"

"Of course she only took Chikage because she needed a weapon and not her. Mikumo Kushinada never cared for her adoptive daughter after all she was just a means to an end" Reaper said as he slowly started to walk towards her.

In the original story she would merely pushed his rambling away in favor of focusing on trying to ensure the Eternal Sunset happened. This time, however, those words penetrated a bit deeper than before.

'I would never raise my daughter as a weapon' Kushinada thought but then remembered what she had done recently and couldn't help but feel ashamed of her actions.

Still, the fact remained that the tables had been turned. Despite Taiki being out of commission for a while, the strike force had gained three more while they lost three.


"What are you doing, Hermit!?" shouted Hyogo in anger.

"What's it look like?" asked Natsu sarcastically before grabbing Albrecht by the chest and smashing an elbow to the stomach, sending him reeling back, "I wasn't a fan of this plan in the first place!"

'Not to mention I owe Shirahama and the others far too much for saving Kaede,' thought Natsu, 'I won't let her live in fear of death from war!'

"You you Why didn't you say anything earlier!?" huffed Naoki, "I thought I would have to tell Kaede about this to make you turn"

Natsu chilled at the thought of Kaede finding out about this and turned towards Naoki and threatened "Don't you dare talk to Kaede!"

"Hmph! Like I care, you owe her an explanation" Naoki said. Chikage , Kaede and Honoka were the only people of his age who were martial artists and whom he could consider as friends, so he really cared about them.

"Kill him! I got word that his master is the one responsible for leaking information to our enemy!" shouted a Kuremisago ninja as he charged towards Natsu, passing by Sho.

It was at this moment, Sho made a decision.

"Fuck this shit, my master would agree with me!" grinned Sho as he grabbed the ninja and kneed him in the stomach.

"Kano Sho!" shouted all Kuremisago members, shocked at Sho's blatant treason.

"Sorry, but I'm joining them!" grinned Sho, "My master is going to be pissed at me, and if I'm completely wrong about his feelings about this, then I'll be dead. But he's always told me to believe in myself, and I believe he would be ashamed of me if I let this continue!"

With this, the tides were changing.

Kenichi had also decided to end the fight fast so that he could help Niijima seeing that all the people who needed to change sides have done it.

Grabing onto the two arms of the masters he pulled them with his full strength and elbowed onto their diaphram making them lose their breaths followed by a slew of gentle fists which took care of them leaving only Satomi and Hyogo as his opponents.

"This is your last chance back off otherwise you will lose" Kenichi said


The tides were turi on the masters side as well with all the arms division going on the backfoot. Kushinada stood infront of Reaper as he asked him questions of which she didn't have any answers off.

"What is Chikage's favourite desert? What is her hobby? What does she likes the most? Come on answer me Kushinada Mikumo as her adoptive mother and teacher you should know these things if you really didn't think of her as nothing but disposable weapon"

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