Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 478: Yami Final act 5

Chapter 478: Yami Final act 5

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"Who the fuck are y" began the ninja, only for the Bearman to start wailing at him even faster, silencing him for the while.

Natasha dashed towards another Kuremisago master and started to fight with great intensity to end the fight fast so that she could help others.


Though 3 of the Kuremisago masters had been pushed away, there were still 3 left there. Chin Sougaku quickly blitzed through, digging holes behind each disciple, declaring them to be graves for them all.

Still, even with this declaration that sent chills up their spines, Shinpaku and the Unarmed Division of Yomi didn't falter.

"Then let us help you," voiced Ryuto, suddenly appearing beside the Armed Division, using Seikuuken to suddenly knock them out of formation.

"Rimi is here!" shouted Rimi as she sped in and kicked a few of them away.

"Saeko I am here as well" Bobbi said as she waved her hands towards Saeko.

Kenichi, who had been playing with Satomi and the others, took a step back as the Capoeira team attacked the ones trying to stalk behind Kenichi.

"Yo, here to help!" grinned Shinobi as he and Aisha both kicked the same opponent, "Lucas is a little miffed that the Stanley twins are on our side now, but that's that."

"Get back into formation!" warned Hyogo as they tried to regroup against the increasing numbers.

Ryuto quickly glanced around the area before having Berserker, and Natsu accompany him to fight Chin Sougaku while Ukita, Kisara, Freya, and Takeda were ordered to fight Ortal Sin while the last one was left for Saeko and Bobbi to deal with. The rest were to sweep up and take out the others, to which everyone agreed.


Another battlefield

Jennifer Gray was worried about the other locations where she knew the fights were at, but she had a job to do; leading a team of special forces to attack. Their goal was to also draw out as many soldiers from the base to allow Niijima to sneak in unhindered as possible.

Besides, the army was the Zanshin Taisha-ryu, accompanying them to take out the Yami soldiers, which was a good thing. Currently, the grandmaster of the Zanshin Taisha-ryu was fighting against another Master Class of Yami.

Suddenly, they all felt something oppressive fill the air around them, and looked to the source to see a giant transparent figure that looked like Kushinada rising up from the island. Realizing that was where Ryozanpaku and the others were, Jennifer ordered the troops to charge toward that battlefield.


kushinada-ryu sen-nen-naga (kushinada 1000 year throw)

kushinada slammed her palm into the ground, her silhouette following her every motion. countless hands sprung out from the ground from her action, forcing Reaper to dodge those hands as he knew if he was caught by them he would be thrown so hard that he may break his back.

Shinto Gourenzan

The Armed Division of Yami began to meld with their respective weapon, becoming one with it. The process was almost complete until Shigure stepped in, her Ki flaring up into the air.

Kousaka-ryu. Saishu OugiSouten Kyourenzan

Suddenly, the Armed Division felt something else intervene as if somebody else was becoming one with their weapon.

"It can't be!" gasped Rin, "Did that old man Hachirobee actually manage to complete that technique? She's managed to transcend past Shinto Gourenzan and make her opponent's weapon a part of her own essence as well!"

Still, the fact that Kushinada's technique was still active made it dangerous for them all. As this attack of hers wasn't completely focused on Reaper and other Masters from Ryozanpkau or their allies Mai hey caught in it.

"Fuck! I thought she wouldn't be able to focus fully because of the doubts I put in her mind but it looks like she is much more hard headed then I thought" mumbled Reaper

Seidou Goitsu

And add the fact that Ogata was using the technique as a final ploy meant it was time for the finale. Though he was being contained by Shizuha alone it is clear that this technique of his was able to help him fight an Advance Grandmaster.

We'll back up the weapons mistress," declared Agaard as he, Cyril, and Sogetsu suddenly took the vanguard position.

"The only way to break their formation is by putting together the power of your Katsujinken and infinity."

"Don't count us out yet!" shouted Daiki as he waived his staff, with Kagero behind him, both using Shinto Gourenzan.

Though hesitant about allowing their allies to become essentially meat-shields for them to break through, Sakaki, Akisame, Kensei, and Apachai nodded their heads together as they prepared themselves.

Shigure and the others charged forward while the members of the Eight Executioner Blades struggled to fight against Shigure's Souten Kyourenzan before attacking back.

With the added numbers as well as Shigure partially sealing away Yami's ability to fuse with their weapons, Sakaki and the others were able to make their way right towards Kushinada, who's eyes began to glow with Ki as she prepared to receive them, with Seitaro behind her, fully fused with his weapon as he managed to break through Shigure's infusement.

But there is no way Reaper would let anyone interfere in his battle against Kushinada so he released his full ki pressuring everyone present it was clear he didn't want anyone interfering his fight so Sakaki and others decided to take care of the Weapon division fast so that they could get to the base.

Reaper appeared in front of Kushinada and the two clashed once again.

The resulting clash could be felt for miles.



Satomi was starting to spam his signature powerful move, hoping to get a hit on Kenichi, who was dodging and parrying them all away. Kenichi couldn't counterattack as he was also busy dodging two more Expert Class opponents, who were trying hard to catch Kenichi to let Satomi finish him off.

Still, it was getting harder to dodge with every attack. Satomi was filled with Dou Ki that would shut down his body systems if he landed a clean hit.

'Should I end it now' thought Kenichi as he glanced at Miu

The Kuremisago were very vested in capturing Miu, so he wanted to make sure that there aren't many left before he goes to look after Niijima.


Satomi threw a kick, to which Kenichi managed to grab and toss him away, though not before feeling a little pinch in his arm. His concern was more towards Satomi though, who began to cough blood from using Shinogidachi so many times.

"That's not a move you should be using so often," warned Kenichi as he parried a punch and a kick from his two other opponents, "You'll shorten your life, like abusing Seidou Goitsu."

"Do you even have the luxury to worry about your enemy?" coughed Satomi as he stripped his shirt and armor off, deciding to put everything into his offense and mobility, "I live for the sake of martial arts, just as my fellow brothers and sisters do! I even created a final technique that is so dangerous that both my masters forbade me from using it, but I'm willing to put my life on the line by using it to end this!"

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