Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 480: Yami Final act 7

Chapter 480: Yami Final act 7

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Mayu slammed two attacks into Kenatro, who tried to swipe her arm off with his sword, only for Mayu to kick the handle away from her, though leaving her unable to continue her attack and open. However, Tsutomu was still there.

TWO! ONE! Kazoe Nukite

Tsutomu finished the combo, shredding through all of Kentaro's Kevlar clothing.

"Fuck you!" coughed Kenatro as he tried to attack Tsutomu, only to leave himself open for Mayu.

Tenchi Mushin Ryuu Mogaridachi

Mayu slammed a barrage of heavy palm strikes that stunned Mihai for a second before he screamed out curse words.

Tietur de Snge de Lun (Moon Blood slash)

Kentaro slashed upwards, leaving a crescent-like moon from his slash, only for the two of them to dodge it barely, with Mayu's hair being nicked while Tsutomu's glasses were slashed in half. However, the two continue forward.

Tenchi Mushin Ryuu Jyuji Kuhiki

A double knife hand struck Mihai's neck from both sides, with Mayu from the left and Tsutomu from the right, was enough to finally knock Kentaro unconscious.

"Whew, that was hard," sighed Tsutomu as he tried to grab Kentaro's scythe with his right hand, only to find Kentaro still gripping it tightly even when unconscious.

"Let go, bastard!" growled Mayu as she stomped Kentaro's arm viciously until a crack could be heard, meaning she had just broken a bone.

"Mayu! There was no need to be that harsh," reprimanded Tsutomu as he managed to heft the sword away from Kentaro as a result. The main reason they were taking the scythe was to disarm Kentaro and give it back to Shigure, who had been hunting down her father's blades.

"But honey he almost took your arm of your haven't learned Kenichi ki barrier then you would have lost your arm" Mayu said tearfully. Though Tsutomu was able to protect his arm but both of them were sitting multiple cuts in their body after so Kentaro was a sword Grandmaster.

"But it didn't happen so stop worrying" Tsutomu said as Spartacus and his brothers and sisters came towards them after dealing with the soldiers.

Before they could do anything, both masters' instincts suddenly began to blare at them, warning them of the danger.

"Dodge!" they shouted, with Mayu grabbing the girls and jumping away, Tsutomu grabbed Alec while Spartacus grabbed Oenamaus.

Instantly, the hallway they were in exploded into pieces as Senzui and Saiga's fight broke through the building, their momentum carrying them past them all.

What was that!?" shivered Iris.

"Two martial arts who stand near the peak of all," said Mayu as she gently calmed Iris and Crixus, "Come, we should go. They seem distracted by each other now."

"We'll carry the sword," motioned Spartacus as he and Oenamaus managed to take the sword from Tsutomu so that he can fight freely and doesn't have to worry about the sword.

"Let's go," nodded Tsutomu.


Disciple Battlefield, Ukita, Takeda, Freya vs. Ortal Sin.

Ortal Sin took a step back, taking in the situation. He had not expected such heavy resistance against four Disciple Class fighters though at this point, with their rate of growth, they could be considered in the Expect Class. Especially Kisara, as she grew exponentially in a fight.

"Impressive," noted Ortal Sin, "To think you could last this long. But this ends now!"

The jamadhar user began to attack viciously at them all. Kisara, Takeda, and Freya bore the brunt of the attack, but Ukita wasn't a threat that Ortal could just ignore either. Especially with the gloves they were wearing that was able to actually block his stabs.

Ukita managed to step into his space, hooking his arm under Ortal's leg while the other grabbed his neck. Ortal tried to stab Ukita, but Takeda and Freya's attack stopped him from being able to.

Arashi Nyagurumi

Ukita lifted Ortal, turning and slamming Ortal into the ground. Right on impact, Kisara came diving down with a double foot stomp to the face while Ukita turned and slammed a back body slam to Ortal's chest.

Ortal felt the air being pressed out of his chest but stuck in his throat from the attacks before gathering himself and managing to push the two off, slicing as he spun to regain control of the situation.

Ukita and Kisara managed to back away in time, though Kisara's shirt was shredded in the middle, revealing she was wearing chainmail. and no bra, but in a life-and-death situation, it was ignored.

Freya shouted as she thrust her staff forward like a spear, forcing Ortal to cross his blades to block. He intended to block it before using his strength to overpower her attack and push through her space and gut her. However, just as he felt the impact of the staff, Takeda punched the back end of Freya's staff.

Kugatchi Ryuu Gokui Ougi: Rai Eikyo (Lightning Impact)

The sudden additional force from Takeda's punch caused Ortal to miscalculate how much strength was put into that thrust, and was pushed back, unable to counterattack. Not only that, but he heard a distinct crack coming from his blades. Looking down, he saw cracks forming on his blade and frowned with worry.

He didn't have time to think about it more as the four rushed at him once more.

"I'll start with the weak one first!" shouted Ortal as he managed to finally push Kisara, Takeda, and Freya away with one jamadhar, using his other to cleave down Ukita's head.

Ortal saw Ukita raising his hands up and sneered, thinking he was trying to intercept his arm. An ultimately futile effort, as he knew he could overpower his attempt, as he was pouring his whole weight and strength in this cleave.

He, however, misunderstood Ukita's aim and purpose, as well as the durability of his gloves made by Shigure.

Ukita instead grabbed the jamadhar blade with both hands, his fingers curling up completely. Thankfully, the gloves extended past the proximal interphalangeal joint, otherwise his fingers would've been cut off.

Ukita was promptly shoved into the ground, his back screaming in pain. However, he had completed his goal. The Jamadhar was halted just before his head, his hands having stopped it from moving.

"Impressive, but that won't stop me!" roared Ortal as he raised his other hand to stab Ukita's gut, knowing the boy below him couldn't possibly use his hands to block the other jamadhar.

He was correct in the regard that Ukita couldn't block it with his hands. However, he still underestimated Ukita when he used his legs, wrapping them around his arm to stop him from gutting him. The blade managed to cut flesh, but luckily not too deeply to hit organs.

Ortal roared in anger, lifting Ukita up before swinging him down to his knee, intending to break his spine.


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