Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 537: 537

Chapter 537: 537

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Ken shuts down the TV causing Skye to shout in indignation, "Hey I was watching it!"

"I know that's why I shut it down" Ken said

"But, I wanna know if the government can take the Iron Man armour from Tony Stark." Skye said

"They can't because they don't have any rights over it, otherwise they wouldn't have been trying to do this whole shit and directly seized the Armour but they know that to power that suit they need Arc Reactor which is Stark's intellectual property which they can't forcibly take from him." Ken explained

"Ok, then let me see how he deals with the court " Skye said

"*sigh* I don't want you to be influenced by Stark, Skye he can do what he can because he has his mind and his company to back him up, worse comes to worse he could go to Guatemala or some nay other non extradition country to get away from US so just don't think like him." Ken said as he opened the TV.

On TV Stern said "That is well said Mr Hammer. The committee would now like to invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber."

"Yeah yeah I understand " Skye said then excitedly started to watch the court proceedings.


Toney was surprised to see Rhodey walking in, but he still got up to greet his friend.

"Hey, buddy didn't expect to see you here." Tony said

"Look it's me, I am here. Deal with it. Let's move on." Rhodey said as he can't argue against a court mandate and neither does he want to argue against Tony.

"Ok" Tony said as he sat down, knowing that Rhodey won't talk to him right now.

"I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?" Stern asked Rhodey

"You're requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?" Rhodey asked

"Yes, sir." Stern stated

"It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner." Rhodey said as he didn't want to read just a paragraph which doesn't put Tony in a good light.

" I understand. A lot of things have changed today. So if you could just read" Stern said

"You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summery of my final" Rhodes argued

"Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you." Stern ordered getting fed up of Rhodes arguing

"Very well." Rhodes said and started reading "As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests." I did however, go on to summarise that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh three liabilities and that it would be in our interest"

"That's enough Colonel" Stern said trying to stop Rhodey

" to fold Mr Stark" But Rhodey didn't stop

"That's enough" Stern shouted ordering Rhodes to stop

"into the existing chain of command, Senator." Rhodey said and finally stopped.

"I'm not a joiner, but I'll consider the Secretary of Defence, if you ask nicely." Tony said

The crowd laughs again as they hear his sarcastic comments.

" We can amend the hours a little bit." Tony stated

" I'd like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that's connected to your report." Stern stated

" I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time." Rhodey argued but once again his voice was unheard

"With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we'd be very grateful. Let's have the images." Stern stated and the screen on the right side showed some images.

" Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark's suit. This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground" Rhodey said as different images were shown on the screen of people trying to create their own version of Iron Man.

Seeing which Tony took out his phone and started doing something on it.

" indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational." Rhodey completed his

" Hold on a second buddy. Let me see something here." Tony said as he set's up his device to connect with the screen showing the pictures. "Boy, I'm good. I commandeered your screens. I need them. Time for a little transparency. Now, let's see what's really going on."

"What is he doing?" asked Stern

"If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that's North Korea." Tony said and showed the video of a suit. It falls over and clearly doesn't work very well at all.

"Can you turn that off? Take it off." Stern shouted as Justin Hammer stands up.

"Iran." Tony said showing the video of Iran Military

This suit can fly. For all of five seconds before crashing, judging by the smoke, probably on fire. Justin is by the screen, trying to find the off switch.

" No grave threat here. Is that Justin Hammer? How did Hammer get in the game?" Tony said as he looked at the screen.

It was a video of Justin Hammer. With a suit. Again that really doesn't work.

"Justin, you're on TV. Focus up." Tony said with a smile

" Okay, give me a left twist. Left's good. Turn to the right. Oh, shit. Oh, shit." Justin in the video said

The pilot of the suit cried in pain and Justin finds the plug and unplugs the screen.

"Wow. Yeah, I'd say most countries, five, ten years away. Hammer Industries, twenty." Tony said

" I'd like to point out that that test pilot survived." Justin stated

"I think we're done is the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason" Stern said but was interrupted by Tony.

"The point is, you're welcome, I guess" Tony said

"For what?" asked Stern

" Because I'm your nuclear deterrent. It's working. We're safe. America is secure. You want my property? You can't have it. But I did you a big favour." Tony stated

Stands up and turns around to face the crowd

"I've successfully privatised world peace." Tony said to the crowd

Both hands make peace signs and everyone stands up, all talking at once

" What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns." Tony said as he looked towards Stern

"Fu*k you, Mr Stark. Fu*k you, buddy. We're adjourned. We're adjourned for today." Stern shouted

Tony puts on sunglasses. Rhodey's still sitting down and has the same look on his face as Pepper did. Basically, they're both tired of Tony not taking serious things seriously then he said "Okay."

"You've been a delight." Stern said


"See I told you nothing would happen now suit it down and complete your assignment if you wanna go to Disney World" Ken said

"Yes yes I am going" Skye and ran towards her room to complete her work.


"He is becoming more and more dangerous to himself" Akisame said

"Well since he thinks he is dying he is trying to live his life and whatever is left of it by doing everything he wants"

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