Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 93 Plan To Engage In Some Sexual Stuff Again.

That he wasn't sure of, so he couldn't answer it. As he strolled, he glanced at the sky, it was darkening a little. Though it was mid-afternoon heading to complete evening...the sky was already darkening, that's how it was supposed to be.

He wouldn't arrive home late, he was sure of that. He hadn't been to this open field before, this was the first time he stepped foot into it...and this was the place he whooped their asses just like he told them.

But he was sure he'll be able to find his way home from this place though he hasn't been here before. He glanced back at the bullies, and they were still lying there. He didn't doubt 'cause of that, he knew they'll get out of this place.

By the time he had walked out of the open field completely and arrived at the place where he could now see people, he disabled both of the defense skills by saying it in his mind.

..He made use of the skills and dealt with the bullies, the system really proved herself undefeatable.


Remember, Aiden wasn't sure if the bullies would heed what he told was based on probability. Would they stop the bullying after he dealt with them? Or would they continue?

..Well, they stopped the bullying.

At school, Aiden noticed that they've treated their bruised faces. But glancing at their faces, one could still notice the bruises, one could still tell they were beaten. Throughout that day at school, they didn't bully Aiden, and they didn't bully other kids.

While Aiden was walking on the compound heading to the cafeteria with Oliver and Ava, they didn't push him or something like that. They didn't push other kids either.

While Aiden was heading home along with his friends, they watched as the four of them walked past them without picking on Aiden. They just walked out of the compound heading straight to their different houses.

'They truly learned their lessons'. Aiden thought to himself as his lips curved in a smirk.

Oliver and Ava had noticed it. Throughout today, they didn't see them bullying other kids, they didn't bully Aiden either. They even walked past them just now without trying to pick on, Aiden...what happened?

But there was something they haven't noticed, the little bruises on their faces. You know, they were hiding them to the best of their capabilities, and they treated them. So someone would have to look closely to notice them.

This kept on going for days, the bullies didn't pick on other kids nor did they pick on Aiden. Could they even be called bullies anymore? They weren't picking on anyone anymore.

Oliver and Ava found it really surprising that the boys would suddenly stop their bullying just like that? The both of them knew something had happened...but they didn't just know what it was.

Did Aiden do anything? They contemplated it, but they couldn't just come up with an answer...instead, the question kept lingering. And what did they decide to do? They decided to ask, Aiden.

Maybe he had reported them to the teachers, or he reported them to his father. Either of them, that was their mindset. They were in class and were sitting in Oliver's seat when they decided to ask Aiden the question.

And Oliver was the one that was gonna throw the question at, Aiden. The first thing he did was to call Aiden's name and grab his attention...


Aiden glanced at Oliver, then Oliver uttered,

"Aiden, you've noticed that those boys aren't picking on you and other kids anymore. And I and Ava couldn't help but wonder what happened, they couldn't have stopped bullying all of a sudden just like that? Something must have happened. Aiden, did you do anything to stop their bullying?".

"Something like what?". Aiden inquired.

"Like reporting them to your dad which he immediately handled, or reporting them to the teachers". Oliver uttered once again.

"I did no such thing, I didn't report them or anything like that. And I wasn't the one that stopped their bullying, I didn't do anything. Maybe one of the kids they've been bullying couldn't take it anymore, so he reported them. Something was done about it, and they stopped".

..Aiden denied it completely.

Oliver and Ava did nothing than nod their heads. He said he didn't report them, what can they do than believe him? And what he said even made sense. Maybe one of the kids they've been bullying couldn't take it anymore and decided to report them.

..Well, they were glad the bullying had stopped, Aiden could now live his days at school freely.


Aiden landed on the bed, but he didn't just fall to the bed, someone pushed him. And who was that person? It was Alora. At this moment, she had taken off her servant's clothes as she was wearing her bra and panties currently.

She wanted to do some sexual things to Aiden again, she wanted Aiden to pleasure and satisfy her...she was f**king horny. Before this event, she masturbated for minutes.

Remember, she said she and Aiden can engage in another round of sexual activities once they find the chance, when no one was at home. Well, no one was at home at this moment apart from her and Aiden.

Aiden came home from school to meet his mum, Alora, Lydia, and Hazel. The only person that wasn't at home was usual. But not too long after, Emma said something like it was about time for her, Lydia, and Hazel to head over to the market to get some things 'cause they were running short of some things at home.

..Now, Hazel doesn't follow her mum to the market that much, it was always one of the servants that do follow her to the market whenever she wants to go to the market...especially, Lydia.

But Emma said something days ago, Hazel would follow her to the market the next time she wants to go to the market which had already happened. When she wants to go to the market again to get some things, Aiden would follow her next.

Now, that one hasn't happened. But Aiden was aware, the next time his mum wants to go to the market with one of the servants, he was gonna follow them.

​ And he was somehow anticipating it 'cause he had never followed his mum to the market before. He wanted to see what it felt like walking around in the market, speaking to sellers, and buying things.

So not too long after he came back from his academy, Emma, Lydia, and Hazel left. It was mid-afternoon heading to complete evening. After they left, Alora went straight into her room, sat on the bed, and began pleasuring her pussy with her finger.

She masturbated for minutes, and she was aware she and Aiden were the only ones at home currently. She wanted to do some sexual things to him again, she wanted him to satisfy her sexual urge.

So she stood up from her bed and began strolling out of her room until she strolled out of it completely. Then she headed straight to Aiden's room, got to the door, and began knocking on it. She was aware Aiden was in his room.

..Now, Aiden that was a perverted person normally had begun imagining what it would feel like to eat Alora's pussy at that moment.

How it would feel like getting his dick sucked by her like how she did the last time they engaged in some sexual activities. He knew they were the only ones at home currently, and he wanted them to do some sexual things again.

He remembered her telling him they would engage in another round of sexual activities when next they see the chance...well, now was the chance. But the thing was, was she horny? Does she need him to satisfy her sexual urge?

..Those were the thoughts running through Aiden's mind. And those same thoughts were still running through his mind when he heard a knock on the door.

And what followed next was Alora's voice saying,

"Aiden, I know you're in there. Come out let's engage in some stuff".

The moment Aiden heard that, a smile appeared on his face. That stuff she was speaking of must be 'some sexual stuff'. She was horny and wanted him to satisfy her sexual urge...and he was fully ready for that.

He stood up from his bed and began sauntering toward the door. He wanted to pleasure her, he wanted her to pleasure him, he wanted to engage in some sexual stuff with her like before...

..But the thing was, he didn't want to appear desperate.

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