Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 104 Lux’s Demonic Defender

Eiko was sleeping peacefully on top of Lux's chest. The latter lay on the grass, looking up at the star-filled sky.

It had been two hours since Baronar became their ally, so he decided to tell Colette and the others to rest because their quest would continue the next morning.

It had been a long night, and he knew that the Dwarves were exhausted from the battles that they had fought earlier.

'I guess now is a good time to use the skill ticket I received earlier,' Lux thought as he summoned the red ticket from his Soul Book. All of Baronar's skills were good, so he wasn't picky about whichever skill he would end up acquiring.

Activating the ticket in his hand, Lux immediately saw a row of text appear in front of him.


You have acquired the "Summon Elite Spirit Warrior" Skill.


< Skill Evolution [EX] detected a new Skill. >

< Since the Skill is obtained from a reward not from a Beast Core, evolution requirements will be waived. >

< Choose which path of Evolution you wish to take. >

Option 1: Summon two Elite Spirit Warriors to fight for you instead of one.

Option 2: Upgrade Summon Elite Spirit Warrior to one of the three options.

– Upgrade to Spirit Shield Warrior

– Upgrade to Spirit Raider

– Upgrade to Spirit Skirmisher

Option 3: Give your first Elite Spirit Warrior a name. Named creatures will be stronger and more intelligent than normal creatures. Also, you can upgrade your named creature individually if you wish it.


"Oh? I get to have another named minion, not bad," Lux muttered as he decisively clicked the third option, adding a third Named Creature in his team.


< You have chosen to give your first Elite Spirit Warrior a name. >

< Please choose a name >


"Pazuzu," Lux said softly. "From now on, your name will be Pazuzu."


< You have chosen the name "Pazuzu" as the name for your first Elite Spirit Warrior. >

< Is this your final answer? >

< Yes / No >


After choosing yes, a very fat spirit warrior with a pair of black wings on its back appeared in front of Lux. It had a very hideous appearance, which would have been enough to make Eiko cry out in fear if she saw him right now.

It was holding a tower shield in its left hand, and a mace on its right. Its height was over two meters, and its body was fat enough to block the entrance of a cave, preventing others from coming in or out of it.

Even Lux flinched when his gaze landed on his Spirit Warrior's face due to how scary it was. In the end, Pazuzu gave Lux a brief nod as a greeting before disappearing without a trace.

Lux looked at the new page that appeared in his Soul Book and read the information about his new Summoned Creature.


< Pazuzu >

"Have no fear! Pazuzu is here!"

– Named Elite Spirit Warrior

– Protector Spirit

– Rating: C

– Mana 10

– Progress (0/500)

Health: 13,000 / 13,000

Mana: 400 / 400

Strength: 20

Intelligence: 20

Vitality: 260

Agility: 20

Dexterity: 20

Attack: 20 - 40

Attack Type: Bludgeon Physical Damage

Defense: 360

Active Skill: Duel [EX], Taunt, Shield Bash, Body Slam, Madlad Rush, Shield Wall.

Passive Skill: Equip Item, Guts, Very Tough, Enhanced Fortitude, Intimidate

Title: Demonic Defender


– Pazuzu is your third Named Creature and has been bestowed the title of Demonic Defender.

– This Named Creature has gained the ability to evolve.

< Demonic Defender >

– Regardless of what happens in the future, this Named Creature will be forever loyal to you.

– All attacks made by Pazuzu will have a small chance to instill fear in your enemies.

– Enemies under the effect of fear will run away from Pazuzu.

– As someone who bears the title, Demonic Defender, Pazuzu's defense will increase by 100% if his Health is reduced by half.

– When you use Beast Cores to upgrade your Named Creature, its effects will be increased by 50%

Note: After this, we share a drink! Do you like goat's milk?


'A defender type? Not bad,' Lux mused as he finished reading the information about his third Named Creature.

Pazuzu's stats made him a Rank 1 Monster in its middle stages. Since he specialized in defense, he would be able to tank the attacks of Rank 2 up to Rank 3 Monsters without fail.

One particular skill caught Lux's attention and he clicked it out of curiosity. It was Pazuzu's Madlad Rush.


< Madlad Rush >

– Pazuzu's speed will drastically increase, allowing him to travel up to 200 mph on land and in the air for twenty seconds.

– Skill Cooldown: 10 minutes


'What a madlad,' Lux scratched his head after seeing the skill's information.

He could feel his teeth itch at the thought of Pazuzu using the Madlad Rush alongside the skill, Shield Bash, with the full weight of his body.

The Half-Elf believed that even Barca would feel a world of pain if Pazuzu's attack hit him directly.

'Finally I have a defender class Summon,' Lux thought as he let the new Named Creature equip a Norria Light-Plate Armor Set, which further increased Pazuzu's already high defense to a total of 460.

The Half-Elf knew that Diablo couldn't play the tanker position in his party because he was more of a mobile damage dealer. Lux always had this as one of his greatest concerns, so he was quite happy that he finally got a meat shield that would serve as the vanguard for his team.

It was at that moment when he heard the sound of footsteps headed in his direction. Turning his head to the side, he saw Colette walking towards him, with Matty trailing not far behind her.

"What's wrong, can't sleep?" Lux asked the adorable Dwarf girl who served as the vanguard for his friends.

,m Colette nodded. "Yes."

Colette sat beside Lux, and Matty sat beside her.

"Big Brother, I have a feeling that after we clear this dungeon, all of us will finally reach the Apostle Grade," Colette said with a trace of excitement in her voice.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lux asked. "As soon as you step on the Apostle Grade, you will be able to go to where your sister is."

"Yes. I am also looking forward to it," Colette replied, "but Big Brother, what about you?"

"Hmm? What about me?"

"What are your future plans after clearing this dungeon? Won't you also reach the Apostle Grade when this expedition is over?"

Lux smiled before nodding his head. He couldn't possibly tell Colette that he could have graduated from the Beginner's Zone long ago because had more than enough free stat points to level up.

"I plan to stay in Leaf Village for a little while longer after we finish this expedition," Lux replied.

"I see." Colette nodded her head in understanding. "We can stay in the Beginner's Village for ten more days after we reach the Apostle Grade. After that, we will forcefully be teleported out of the Beginner's Zone."

"No. That is not what I mean." Lux shook his head. "I will not step into the Apostle Grade for now. I still have things to do in Leaf Village."

"Things to do?"

"Mmm. I made a promise to myself that I will only leave Leaf Village once I tie up some loose ends."

Colette became silent for a while before she lightly patted the sleeping baby Slime on Lux's chest.

"Understood," Colette said after a while. "When you decide to step into the Apostle Grade, look for us in Whitebridge City. My sister's Guild, Eternal, is based over there. I will be joining her guild as well."

"Eternal Guild?" Lux muttered. "Okay. I'll make sure to drop by for a visit."



Colette smiled sweetly as she looked at Lux's face. She really enjoyed traveling with Lux in Elysium because he acted like a Big Brother looking out for his younger siblings.

Colette had a real big brother as well, but the time they spent together was very little. Her brother was very busy managing their family's main guild known as Golden Slayers. He didn't even have enough time to visit home, and only talked to them using a communication crystal whenever he wasn't too busy with the guild's affairs.

This was why she longed for the feeling of having a big brother spoil her, and Lux played that role really well. Especially when he saved her in the Kobold's Nest. The Half-Elf didn't talk much about the affair, but Helen did.

Colette's best friend told them how the red-headed teenager blackmailed the Riders of Norria and forced them to take an oath in order to force them to save not only Robin, but Colette and the others as well.

"Big Brother."


"Please marry my sister, okay?" Colette said with a smile. "That way, you will officially become my big brother, and become part of my family."

Lux chuckled. "You're still playing matchmaker? Besides, I don't think that's how it works. Once I become your sister's husband, I will become your brother-in-law, and not your big brother."

"Big brother is big brother," Colette insisted. 'Nothing will change."

"...Well, I'll think about it first." Lux could only scratch his head in order to change the topic. "Go to sleep. We need to leave early tomorrow morning and head to the location of the next Orc Warlord. It would not be good if you don't have the strength to fight when you need it the most."

Colette nodded and bid Lux goodnight. Matty gave Lux a side-long glance before following behind the adorable Dwarf girl that had been his childhood friend for many years.

Lux watched the two of them go, and a hint of sadness spread across his face.

"I guess, parting ways is inevitable," Lux muttered as he lightly patted the baby Slime on his chest who was still in a deep sleep.

He had long expected that this time would come, but now that it did, he still felt sad. Colette and her party mates were the first friends he had made in Elysium and seeing them leave made his heart ache.

But, he knew that this was part of the journey that he had to take in order to find a way to help save Solais from its fate.

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