The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 707 The Painting

At Hindman Manor

Bella started her new day doing her usual routine, but this time she stopped by her private workshop in the mansion before going out to look for a particular piece of art she had painted beforehand.

"There you are!" 

She beamed as she found what she was looking for. Hefting it to her side, the portrait of the Queen Fairy she had sketched and painted before stared at her in all of its beautiful glory.

"Lena really looks like her, huh?" she hummed to herself as she tried to compare her friend's facial features with the painting she made. "It's like Lena is her human version." 

She had already mentioned to Lena about the painting, and the latter quickly asked her if she could see her work. And looking at it now, Bella was sure that her friend would have more questions once she saw it.

Just as she was about to stop looking, Bella's stupor was interrupted when the door suddenly swung open.

"There you are!"

Her sister-in-law's joyous voice echoed throughout the room. Quickly turning around, Bella's face lit up at the sight of her dear friend.

"Sis!" she beamed as she quickly ran up to Jayra and gave her a hug.

"Looks like you really missed me, huh," Jayra commented as she hugged her back. "I thought I won't be able to catch you at home, but Mother said that you haven't left yet. She mentioned that you'd still be here."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Bella let go of Jayra and mumbled with pouted lips, "Of course, I missed you. You and your brother have been away for weeks already. I'm glad you're back now."

"I heard about your business, so I thought to visit you there if ever I won't be able to catch you here in the mansion," Jayra smiled with a twinkle in her eye. "But since you're still here, why don't we go together so you can show it to me?"

"Hey, I'm just starting out, you know," Bella chuckled. "But surprisingly, it's been going well ever since. I honestly didn't expect too much from it. I only did it so that Osman's legacy would remain and be remembered for who it was."

"Oh, that's really good. I'm really glad that you're having a good time," Jayra hummed. "Actually, you look more refreshed and happy. So how about we go now? I can't wait to see it."

"Right, just a minute…" Bella replied before quickly turning to pick up the painting she was there for in the first place.

"What are you doing?" Jayra questioned behind her.

"I have to bring this painting with me. You see, a lot of people have been noticing how greatly Lena resembles the Fairy Queen from the Element Forest," Bella explained with a bright and broad smile. "She has no idea what the Fairy Queen looks like, so she mentioned how she wishes she was able to see her too. I then remembered that I painted the Queen Fairy once, so I'll bring this with me and probably give this to Lena as a gift…"

"No!" Jayra burst out.

Bella froze at the sudden outburst. She was appalled by her sister-in-law's reaction. Turning to her, she snapped her brows in confusion, "Huh?"

"I mean, why would you give her a gift like that? If I were Lena, I'd appreciate it more if you gave me a painting in my own image as a gift, not just a painting of another person," Jayra hastily replied. "Besides, since when did you and Lena get close enough that you're now thinking of giving her gifts?"

"Well, she's a regular client, and one of my most generous customers on top of that," Bella smiled. "It started there… Then we got along well soon after. She's a nice lady. And besides, we're taking the same lessons from Master Kasper."

Crossing her arms together, Jayra murmured, "Wait… Do you mean you're also studying magic and spellcraft? Have I been away for so long that I missed this much already?" 

Bella chortled, "Well, you have indeed been away for far too long already, Sister. Besides, haven't you noticed how busy you and Brother Bartos have been these past few days?"

"I'm not busy now, so let's go…" Jayra blurted out. She then suddenly grabbed Bella's hands and pulled her with her. "We've wasted enough time as is."

"But the painting…" Bella protested. "Lena wants to see it…"

"Don't show her that. She'll just get confused. Just tell her that you can't find it," Jayra quickly replied as she pulled Bella outside the room with her. "Come now. Let's hurry. Besides, we'll be going to Castle Cordon to talk about the Global Summit as well. I heard from the Queen that you're coming."


Jayra couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Bella stopped insisting on bringing the painting with her. It would be for the best for Lena to not see it, or else she would have a lot more questions about her past and just leave her wanting answers.

While Xenia had already confirmed that Lena's memory loss was permanent, showing the former Fairy Queen that painting still wouldn't be a good idea. At least, in her opinion.

Still, she didn't see this coming. That Lena and Bella would get this close was a welcome surprise.

"I feel bad lying to Lena like that," Bella pouted. "It's just a painting. Why shouldn't she see it?"

Jayra let out an awkward chuckle and thoughtfully explained, "Hmm, right, but you do know that she has no recollection of her past, right? I'm sure she's already in turmoil knowing nothing about herself, and showing her a painting that looks exactly like her might give her more confusion." She sagely added, "She might end up overthinking about her own past even more and make her anxious."

No one knew of how Lena was the real Helena except for her, the Queen, and the King. And frankly, it should be kept that way. A lot had indeed noticed the great resemblance Lena had to the Fairy Queen, but no one would actually believe that they were the same person.

"Fine… I'll just tell her that I can't find it before telling her that I want to draw her instead," Bella replied in resignation.

Satisfied with her friend's answer, Jayra smiled as they continued walking along the hallway. 

"Has there been any news?" Bella suddenly asked. 

Jayra blinked. She knew that the question was about the search for Osman since the King hadn't officially stopped the search efforts just yet.

"No good news still, Bella, but we won't stop searching for him," Jayra carefully answered. Although, she had already heard some news from the Queen about the possibilities of his appearance in the Global Summit. She also agreed that it would be best not to give Bella any hope since nothing was certain just yet. She simply didn't want to break her sister-in-law's heart if things didn't pan out in the way they had hoped it would…

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