The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 758 Time

The next morning, Amon was busy wrapping up important things in the Global Summit. They needed to leave in two days' time, which is why he had to make sure that they were able to achieve some important goals as they participated in this event. 

The discussions regarding the business trading with neighboring kingdoms went so smoothly, which is why Amon walked back to their camp in a good mood. He walked directly into his mother's tent to deliver the good news.

"Mother, are you in here?" Amon called but there was no response. He frowned because his mother's servants had told him that she was inside her tent reading.

"Did she fall asleep?" he thought to himself, but it was so unlikely for his mother to sleep in the morning or even take a nap.

He went further inside because something was bothering him and he needed to check on her to feel at ease.

"Mother!" he burst as he rushed towards his mother who he found lying on the ground unconscious.

"Call Casimir this instant!" he shouted loud enough hoping servants outside the tent could hear him, as he quickly carried her unconscious body to put her down on her bed.

Casimir quickly appeared alongside Lera. Amon stayed by his mother's side as their royal physician checked on her thoroughly.

"What's wrong with her? Why did she pass out?" Amon questioned, as soon as Casimir looked up at him.

But instead of answering, Casimir's gaze shifted to Lera. Amon's forehead creased and he turned towards Lera as well, who was standing beside him. As Lera met his gaze, he could sense something was amiss just from her sigh. And Lera was well aware of it.

"It's time we told him, Casimir. I'll explain to Aunty myself. Please let Amon know Aunty's condition. He deserves to know." Lera said to Casimir, desperation and sadness seeping through her voice.

Amon's face dimmed as he stared at Casimir. "What the hell is going on here, and why don't I know anything about it?!"

Casimir took in a deep breath and said, "Queen Mother Mona's body has been deteriorating, Amon. She only has at most two years left to live. Her lifespan was greatly affected because of Devon's torture and her internal organs-"

Casimir halted as Amon helplessly slumped down to the floor as he stared at his mother. He gently reached for her hand and held it to his cheek.

"No, she will not die. She cannot die. I will do anything, Casimir. Tell me! Is there any solution to this?! Two years?! Are you saying that I only have two years left to spend with her? What sort of cruel fate is this? I just met her a year ago, never knowing her since the day I was born, and now you're telling me that she only has two years left?!" Amon exclaimed.

He was not someone who could easily cry, yet right now the tears rapidly just rolled down his cheek like waterfalls. His heart was in so much pain that it felt as if he couldn't breathe.

He heard that his mother suffered, and was tortured by Devon, but he didn't expect that it would come to this point.

"Aunt Mona didn't want to let you know about her condition, because she didn't want you to get distracted, especially now that you're doing so well in rebuilding Helion. She was scared that if you found out about this, it would affect you greatly… She didn't want to worry you, Amon," Lera explained.

"But I'm utterly hurt right now Lera. I… I'm incredibly devastated right now. If hadn't stumbled upon her unconscious right now… How much longer did you all intend to keep me in the dark about this? I am her son! I should have known about it. There could be something that we could do to prolong her life. Lady Jayra! She's a powerful healer, we must have her see Mother!" Amon suddenly blurted out.

In that instant, he stood up and ignored Lera and Casimir's calls to him as he rushed out,  intent on finding his way to Cordon camp to look for Jayra. It didn't take him long to arrive at the camp. 

"I need to see Lady Jayra," he informed the guard who led him to a tent where Jayra was talking to Bella.

"King Amon, what can I do for you?" Jayra asked him as soon as he was inside the tent. 

At that moment, Amon dropped to his knees and begged, "Please save my Mother."

"What happened?!" It was Bella who asked as Jayra simultaneously said, "I will help her, please get back on your feet now. There's no need for you to beg like this! Come now and lead me to her."

Amon nodded and quickly stood up to lead the way.


Meanwhile, Bella felt her heart sink as she stared at Amon. His eyes were red as he begged her sister-in-law for her help. It was obvious that he had just cried. She wondered what happened to the Queen Mother, and hoped it was something not grave.

They were quick to arrive at Helion camp and the Queen Mother's tent. Bella stayed by Amon's side as they watched Jayra inspect the Queen Mother's condition.

"This…" Jayra muttered and based on her expression alone, Bella could tell that it was something so bad. 

"Can you save her?" Amon asked.

"I… her inner energy and her internal organs were gravely damaged by dark energy. She…" Jayra halted,  obviously having a hard time finishing her words.

"She will die soon. I suspect she has two years left to live," Casimir said as if completing Jayra's sentence.

Jayra sadly nodded at Casimir, "The damage was too much and it can no longer be repaired…" Jayra murmured. 

Bella wanted to comfort Amon, whose body was now shaking. He balled his fists hard till blood started dripping from them. Bella felt a sharp pain stabbing her own heart at seeing how Amon was suffering because of this sudden sad news.

"Devon tortured her so much because of me," Amon muttered.

"It's not because of you, Amon. You are not the reason for Devon being so  evil, he truly found joy in torturing everyone…" Lera commented.

"I…" Amon was speechless, he looked defeated and walked away from all of them. Bella watched him leave the tent in haste.

"What happened? How did things come to this?" Jayra asked Casimir. Bella, on the other hand, contemplated whether she would follow Amon or not.

[He probably needs time alone… Or he may need some company and comfort…] Poona commented

"I'll follow His Majesty," Bella finally announced, before quickly exiting the tent as well. It was easy for her to locate Amon since all she had to do was follow his scent. She frowned as she walked towards Amon's direction. It seemed like he had gone all the way out of the border of their camp.

[Are you going to let him know you're here? Or are we going to just follow and watch him from afar?] Poona asked.

Bella didn't answer since she was still contemplating what the best course of action was.

She heard the flow of the waterfalls as she neared him. Amon was a few feet away, sitting on a large rock as he threw smaller pebbles into the pool of water. 

[I want us to be with him right now. He needs a shoulder to cry on,] Bella told her wolf Poona.

She quietly walked towards him and sat beside him. He was crying.

Bella didn't speak a single word and simply stayed there beside him. Amon didn't ask her to leave, which had given her some sense of relief. She was not sure if just being there next to him like that, doing and saying nothing, would be of any help to him. She felt helpless, not knowing what to do and wanting to take his sadness away, but she hoped that her mere presence would give him some form of comfort for his pain at that moment.

"Now I know the reason why my mother seems desperate to get me a wife. She wanted me to have a family soon and I bet she couldn't wait to see her grandchild before her time is up…" Amon suddenly spoke.

"I believe almost all mother has that kind of dream for their offsprings. My mother is also the same. She's been pushing me to have a life partner too. They can't seem to wait to have those adorable grandchildren," Bella commented.

"I feel so helpless and powerless right now knowing the limited time she has. All I want is for her to be happy and to fulfill anything she wishes right now," Amon whispered.

"I would do the same if I were in your shoes. I'll make those remaining two years of her life very memorable." Bella seconded.

"Time is very important right now so I will no longer proceed with the selection of a wife and waste more time," Amon suddenly stated.

Bella turned at him and saw how he was staring at her intently.

[What's with that look as if he's going to?! Don't tell me he's going to propose to you?!] Poona squealed inside her head. Bella gulped while her heart hammered her chest. Was Poona right?

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