The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke's Mansion

Chapter 416: What’s Wrong with Your body

Chapter 416

<Mo Jiuye> ran over quickly, reaching out to grab <Fifth Elder Brother> and pull him up.

When <Fifth Elder Brother> reached the ground, he collapsed and sat on the ground.

He was pitch black all over, <Mo Jiuye> couldn't see where he was injured at all, so he could only ask: "Fifth Elder Brother, how are you?"

<Fifth Elder Brother> shook his head and pointed to the deep pit behind him and said, "I'm fine, <Eldest Brother> and <Second Brother> are still down there, think of a way to pull them up."

<Mo Jiuye> took a look down the deep pit, if it wasn't for his good eyesight, he wouldn't have seen two people lying down there at all.

<Mo Jiuye> jumped in, the two elders couldn't even be distinguished from each other at the moment, not only were they disheveled and black-faced, but there was also a lot of soil buried on them.

He strode forward to one elder brother, carried him on his back and jumped up again.

<Mo Jiuye> repeated the same action twice, and finally rescued the two elder brothers.

At this time, the two elder brothers were not in very good condition. Although they were pitch black all over, bloodstains could be vaguely seen.

Fortunately, the two were still breathing steadily.

Just as <Mo Jiuye> was about to try to wake them up, he heard a thud as something heavy fell to the ground nearby.

The person who had already passed out woke up from this fall.

Third Elder Brother was so painful that he almost passed out, plus he was so dizzy that he fainted again after waking up for just a moment.

Seeing this scene, <Mo Jiuye> had one big and two small heads.

Among the brothers, <Fifth Elder Brother> was the one in the best condition. Although his head was a little dizzy, he was better off in that his body was not seriously injured.

The others were not so optimistic. <Mo Jiuye> had just checked their breaths, and although it looked like none of them were in mortal danger, they also had varying degrees of injury.

Most importantly, according to <Fifth Elder Brother>'s account, when the explosion happened, the brothers were completely focused on researching, without any precautions at all.

This explosion caught the brothers completely off guard.

Even if they were prepared, I'm afraid they still couldn't resist the power of the gunpowder explosion.

The brothers were blown up in an instant, not even knowing what their heads hit, and then fell heavily into the deep pit.

<Third Older Brother> was blown directly into a tree...

<Fifth Elder Brother> had now recovered a lot. Although there was still some pain in his body and head, for someone who had been on countless battlefields, how could he care about such minor injuries.

He struggled to stand up.

"Ninth younger brother, let's take our injured brothers back to see Ninth younger sister now?"

<Mo Jiuye> was thinking the same thing. Currently, it looked like the elder brothers only had some superficial wounds, but judging by their unconscious state, they must already have internal injuries, it was just that he and <Fifth Elder Brother> were unable to specifically determine where the injuries were.

"Fifth Brother, can you make it?"

With <Third Older Brother> unconscious, it would be impossible for <Mo Jiuye> alone to get him down the mountain.

Even if <Fifth Elder Brother> could make it, at most each of them could carry one person.

So one elder brother would have to be left here to wait.

The one waiting had to be the one with the lightest injuries.

Although <Mo Jiuye> had learned some medical knowledge from following <He Zhiran>, he was not at the level to judge who was more or less injured in this situation.

As a last resort, he could only try gently shaking the elder brothers to see if they could wake up and ask them.

In fact, the three elder brothers were not completely unconscious at this point, they just couldn't open their eyes because their heads were too dizzy.

When <Mo Jiuye> shook them, they all reacted somewhat.

Eldest Brother weakly said, "Ninth younger brother, I'm fine, take your second and third brother down the mountain first."

"Eldest Brother, feel yourself and tell me exactly where you are uncomfortable?" Leaving Eldest Brother here for the time being was no problem, but <Mo Jiuye> had to confirm his condition first.

"I just feel dizzy and want to vomit, and my whole body hurts."

After getting Eldest Brother's answer, <Mo Jiuye> looked at <Fifth Elder Brother>.

"Fifth Brother, let's take Second Brother and Third Brother down the mountain first."

"Okay." <Fifth Elder Brother> agreed with a sound, and was about to carry <Third Older Brother> first.

<Mo Jiuye> carried <Second Brother> on his back, and the two brothers were about to go down the mountain when they heard the sound of footsteps coming from afar.

Since the Mo family bought this mountain, there were dogs at the foot of the mountain guarding it, and no outsiders had ever come here before.

Therefore, <Mo Jiuye> was not too worried, but he maintained the posture of carrying <Second Brother> on his back, intending to see who was coming.

<Sixth elder brother> looked somewhat red because he had rushed up the mountain too quickly.

He had also come up the mountain to inquire about the situation after hearing the noise and asking about it in Ninth Younger Brother's yard. <He Zhiran> was worried that something big had happened on the mountain and <Mo Jiuye> wouldn't be able to handle it alone, so he urged him to rush up the mountain to assist.

As for the others, because making gunpowder on the mountain was a big secret, <He Zhiran> did not intend to let more people know, so even though she was anxious, she did not think to notify anyone else.

When <Sixth elder brother> came to <Mo Jiuye>, besides the mess in front of him, what caught his eye was <Fifth Elder Brother> and Ninth Younger Brother each carrying a "piece of charcoal".

"Fifth Brother, Ninth Younger Brother, what on earth happened?"

Seeing that it was his own brother, <Mo Jiuye> had no time to explain too much.

"Sixth Brother, you're just in time, hurry up and carry Eldest Brother, let's go down the mountain to find Ruan Ruan."

Although <Sixth elder brother> didn't get the answer he wanted, from the slightly urgent tone in Ninth Younger Brother's voice, he knew that something big must have happened.

Besides, he also knew clearly what the brothers were doing on the mountain. He had heard Ninth Younger Brother mention before that making such weapons carried great risks, and an explosion could put their lives in jeopardy.

<Sixth elder brother> didn't hesitate for a moment, went forward to carry Eldest Brother, and followed <Mo Jiuye> and the others down the mountain at a fast pace.

On the way, <Sixth elder brother> took the opportunity to ask, "Ninth Younger Brother, what exactly happened?"

<Mo Jiuye> couldn't give a detailed answer to this question either, so he had to refer it to <Fifth Elder Brother>.

<Fifth Elder Brother> was obviously somewhat ashamed.

"It was all my fault for not stopping Second Brother in time.

The research was going very smoothly today. When I saw what was made looked similar to what was in your diagram, I got excited and said it should be successful."

Now <Mo Jiuye> understood somewhat, because his wife had said before that once gunpowder was successfully produced, it would be ignited when exposed to fire.

"Fifth Brother, did you verify whether it was successful by lighting it?"

"It was Second Brother. As soon as Second Brother heard me say that, he immediately lit the match. I wanted to stop him but it was too late..."

<Fifth Elder Brother> felt somewhat annoyed. From that explosion just now, it could indeed prove that the gunpowder research was successful.

But all at once, all the successfully produced gunpowder exploded, without even giving him a chance to conduct further research.

Fortunately, he had memorized all the ingredients and ratios in his mind, so producing it again would not be difficult.

The brothers not only walked down the mountain quickly, but also used qinggong, and arrived at the foot of the mountain in no time.

<Mo Jiuye> had originally wanted to take the injured elder brothers directly to his home, but he was worried that the miserable state of the elder brothers would frighten his mother-in-law, so he chose to send them to the yard of <Fifth Elder Brother>'s house.

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