The Little Darling Wife Who is a Divine Doctor Saved the Entire Family of the Duke's Mansion

Chapter 418: Caught the Attention of Millions

Chapter 418

The sister-in-laws were busy taking care of everything, having experienced the loss of a husband once before, none of them wanted to go through it again. They only hoped to wholeheartedly serve their own husbands and help them recover as soon as possible.

He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye didn't go far. She asked about what had happened on the mountain.

Mo Jiuye recounted in detail what he had witnessed.

While He Zhiran was relieved, she also felt somewhat guilty.

After all, it was her suggestion to develop gunpowder, and she knew better than anyone the risks involved in its production.

Although she had repeatedly reminded Fifth Elder Brother and the others to be careful, such accidents could not be completely avoided.

Fortunately, her brothers only suffered minor injuries, and based on Mo Jiuye's description, she confirmed that the gunpowder's ratio had been successfully completed. From now on, they just needed to follow this ratio for production.

The most important thing now was to take care of her brothers' health.

The men of the Mo family were all strong and healthy, so these injuries shouldn't pose a major problem for them.

After clarifying the situation and realizing that enough time had passed, He Zhiran took out some medicine from her spatial storage and the two of them returned to Fifth Elder Brother's courtyard.

She didn't need to personally apply the medicine, as she entrusted everything to Mo Jiuye.

By the time they finished, it was already evening. Except for the sister-in-laws who stayed behind to take care of their injured husbands, everyone else had prepared dinner.

The dinner was set up in Old Lady Mo's courtyard, mainly to welcome Madam He's arrival.

Mo Junrui and his brothers had already improved significantly after using the medicine given by He Zhiran, but they were still unable to join everyone for the meal.

Madam He had come today, thinking that she would see all the men of the Mo family during dinner. However, she only saw Mo Chongyuan, Mo Yuance, Mo Chuhan, and Mo Xiuyan, who was still sitting in a wheelchair.

Mo Qing was carried to the dining table.

Seeing Madam He, Mo Qing felt somewhat embarrassed, not because of their in-law relationship, but because of his current miserable state.

Back then, he commanded thousands of troops with an imposing manner, and anyone in the capital would respectfully address him as Duke Mo.

But now, he had become a useless person who was taken care of all day long.

The feeling of meeting an old acquaintance was not pleasant, but when Mo Qing thought about Madam He traveling all the way from afar to visit her daughter, he tried to appear more natural.

Madam He, on the other hand, didn't think too much about it. Seeing the long-deceased Duke Mo still alive, she genuinely felt happy for the Mo family.

During the meal, Old Lady Mo occasionally made some remarks to lighten the atmosphere, so it didn't feel too awkward.

What surprised Madam He the most was that the dishes from the Mo family were even more delicious than those in the famous restaurants in the capital.

Madam He encountered many ingredients she had never seen before. At first, she tried to maintain her composure and dignity. However, as she observed the Mo family members being less reserved, she decided to follow suit and adapt to the local customs.

He Zhiran noticed that his mother had a good appetite today. He continuously served her dishes and quietly introduced their names.

During this meal, Madam He ate heartily. Since He Zhiran and the Mo family were exiled to the northwest, she had lost her appetite and had become noticeably thinner.

Today, seeing her daughter happy was one aspect, but the delicious food from the Mo family was also a reason why Madam He shamelessly overate.

Not only that, when she followed her daughter back to their courtyard, she ate a lot of cherries. Finally, Li Auntie accompanied her for half an hour of walking in the courtyard to aid digestion before she could finally fall asleep peacefully.

Several elder brothers were injured while researching gunpowder and couldn't go up the mountain temporarily. However, Fifth Elder Brother didn't want to pause.

He had just found inspiration for making it and didn't want to stop there.

Therefore, early the next day, Fifth Elder Brother planned to continue researching on the mountain.

Seeing this, Sixth Elder Brother took the initiative to accompany him. It was such a dangerous matter, and being alone there without any support would be risky.

Fifth Elder Brother didn't object to this either. The current scene of making gunpowder was a mess, and it would be quite laborious for him to clean it up alone.

The two brothers went up the mountain, but Mo Jiuye didn't go with them.

The main reason was that he considered He Zhiran's condition. She was getting closer to her due date, and it wouldn't be good if something happened and he wasn't by her side.

Also, during his time in the capital, the area for raising poultry and livestock had already been prepared. He was just waiting for an opportunity to bring the poultry and livestock from the space he had prepared for his wife.

With Mo Jiuye's mindset, he didn't want his wife to go out, fearing that something might happen to her.

But with so many poultry and livestock in her space, it was useless for him to go to the city alone.

If they waited for the children to be born, He Zhiran wouldn't be able to leave for a month. Considering this, the constructed area for raising animals would be idle for over two months.

He Zhiran was already a bit anxious about this matter. If Mo Jiuye hadn't gone to the capital to search for his father and brothers, she would have started raising them when the area was ready.

Today happened to be a day when there wasn't much going on at home, so He Zhiran didn't inform her mother before leaving.

Because she knew that no matter what excuse she gave to go to the city, her mother would accompany her.

What she had to do couldn't be seen in the light, so she had to quietly leave without Madam He's knowledge.

The two of them hurriedly took a carriage to the large rented courtyard in Yuncheng. They released all the cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese from the space.

In order to quickly expand the scale of animal husbandry at home, these poultry and livestock were all in the adult state and could reproduce at any time.

Only in this way could the scale of the livestock farm at home grow rapidly.

After releasing them, Mo Jiuye quietly sent He Zhiran back home. He then called Liang Hao and others to follow him into the city.

Transporting adult cattle, sheep, and pigs using a cart would be too labor-intensive since their size was too large. A single cart couldn't carry many of them. The best solution was to have people drive them back.

He Zhiran had already trained these guys in advance, and they were all very obedient, so there was no need to worry about them running away on the way.

Although the chickens, ducks, and geese couldn't be driven back like the cows and sheep, they weren't kept in cages either. They had also been trained by He Zhiran and were very well-behaved.

As long as some ox carts were hired, they wouldn't make any mischief on the carts.

As expected, when Mo Jiuye and his men brought these poultry and livestock back home, it caused quite a stir.

First, the villagers from Xiling Village, who were driving groups of cows, sheep, and pigs, attracted the attention of countless people.

For the rural people who were born and raised here, these animals were like fixed assets in their homes.

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