The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1147: Aurora (26)

Chapter 1147: Aurora (26)

"She is my mate," Draghar replied in a stern voice, as a young man walked up to him and dropped his probing gaze on Aurora.

Instinctively, Draghar placed Aurora behind his body, so that the man in front of him could not see his mate and shifted his focus to him.

He didn't like other men staring at Aurora intensely, whatever the reason.

Not long after, Collin came with two large suitcases belonging to Aurora and stopped when he saw the questioning gazes of eight people in the room, feeling strange because Draghar came with a woman.

"Hey, don't provoke your alpha and don't stare at the girl too hard if you don't want to die. She is his mate." Collin then left, disappearing into a corner of the room as he turned to go down a corridor, carrying the suitcases to Draghar's room.

Of course Aurora would stay in Draghar's room, where else would she sleep. The alpha even, if possible, would not let go of his mate.

"Mate?" one of the men mumbled, trying to spot Aurora, who was hidden behind Draghar's body, but since the girl was so small he had a hard time to see her figure. "You mean a girlfriend? You got a woman on the way back here?"

Maybe this man didn't mean anything bad, he was just asking what bothered him, but the way he was conveying it really made Aurora uncomfortable.

This time, Aurora truly felt the difference between her pack and Draghar's.

Even though Draghar had explained mostly about the conditions in his pack, which said they were too wild and a little unruly, now Aurora could understand more about what Draghar meant.

"She's not just any woman I met on the street," Draghar growled, and this was very effective at making the man lower his head.

This is one of the things that Draghar mentioned, that strength was very important to someone in his pack.

"She is my mate. The woman who was destined for me," said Draghar, there was a hint of pride in his voice when he mentioned it and Aurora couldn't help but feel happy that Draghar had acknowledged her like that.

Because after all, someone who proclaimed he has you proudly, would certainly make your heart flutter, just like how Aurora was feeling right now...

The eight people consisting of two men and six women, all gasped and widened their eyes in disbelief.

It seemed that the rumor that Draghar would immediately be rejected by his mate if one day he could find her was something that Draghar's pack believed.

Therefore, when they heard that Draghar brought his mate home, they looked incredulous and their expressions couldn't lie about what they were feeling right now.

As if that belief was absolute.

"She's your mate? Really your mate?" a copper-brown haired woman stepped forward, she turned her head to see Aurora's figure more clearly. "You didn't kidnap her, did you?"

Draghar growled when he heard that and the woman was startled then took a step back.

Okay, that was overboard… thought Aurora when she heard the woman's comment.

Without thinking, Aurora then stepped out from behind Draghar's back and showed herself before them. A sweet smile formed on her lips as she greeted.

"I am Aurora, I am Draghar's mate," Aurora said softly, but she bravely looked them in the eye one by one. Staring at the eight people in front of her calmly. "And no, Draghar didn't kidnap me. We met when he came to my pack and I asked to come with him."

Aurora corrected her sentence when she explained about how they met for the first time. And not to forget, the girl was holding Draghar's hand, indicating that her mate either didn't do anything bad to get her or that she was forced to come here.

"You're so beautiful," muttered one of the women there. She didn't even hide her admiration for the figure of the girl beside the alpha, who had long, curly hair flowing down to her waist.

"Thank you." Of course there wasn't any woman who wouldn't be happy when she was complimented with those words, and knew that it wasn't a lie.

However, the girl's next words made the smile on Aurora's lips fade.

"But why do you want him? Why didn't you reject him?" asked the girl with a confused expression on her face.

How could she express her opinion in such a manner? She said that without a second thought…

Aurora then turned to Draghar, but the alpha didn't seem bothered by the question, even now Aurora just realized that Draghar had lowered his hoodie and left his injured face exposed.

It seemed, even though people in Draghar's pack talked frangkly, his mate felt much more comfortable with all of them, to show his wounds.

"Why should I reject?" Aurora asked, she then let go of Draghar's grip and embraced his strong arms instead. "He looks amazing to me."

And Aurora smiled with satisfaction when she saw the eight pairs of eyes in front of her widen in surprise, their lips slightly parted.

Meanwhile Draghar gave her a peck on the top of her head.

And after that, Draghar didn't say anything else as he pulled Aurora's hand away from those people.

Aurora took the time to wave her hand at them. Hm, apparently they weren't as bad as she thought...

Draghar then took Aurora to his room, through a corridor where there was a small garden in the middle of the big house, which was overgrown with various kinds of flowers.

The two of them were silent and Aurora didn't feel anything strange about this, it's just that occasionally she tried to read Draghar's mind, but it seemed that the alpha had gotten so used to closing his mind that he wouldn't allow anyone to know what he was thinking right now.

Draghar then led Aurora to a dark brown door and opened it, where the girl could see that her two suitcases were already there.

But, before Aurora could see what the room was like, Draghar had pinned her behind the door and started kissing her a little harshly.

He stopped and pressed his forehead against hers…

His breath catches…

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