The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1166: Aurora (45)

Chapter 1166: Aurora (45)

Of course what Clarice felt from the man standing beside Alpha Draghar were very different from how she felt from the Alpha.

Both of them indeed showed strong dominance, yet there was something in raw and vicious from this man.

What Clarice felt from the stranger was as if he was about to skin her alive and even Clarice was having a hard time continuing her words.

Who is that man actually? How could he be so scary just by standing like that? Clarice frowned and she seemed to stutter when she answered the question.

"Her name is Clarice?" The man standing beside Alpha Draghar asked, his voice deep and hoarse and this made Clarice shudder in horror, she trembled in fear like a leaf falling in the wind, how much effect this man had, just by asking her name.

"Yes, her is Clarice," Draghar said in the same dark voice. "Tell me now, what happened," Draghar demanded, glaring at Clarice sharply.

"That…" Clarice stuttered, she felt her whole body refuse to linger in front of the stranger and the alarm in her head seemed to be screaming for her to run away from there as soon as possible.

Clarice hugged herself and looked down, avoiding Torak's black eyes that were staring at her fiercely.

"Someone from the blue river pack took her… while we were on our way home…" Clarice had a hard time finishing her sentence, but it was enough to make Draghar roar furiously, like a wounded animal, as he lunged forward, he then landed in his beast form before he ran towards the first check point.

And it goes without saying that what he wants to do now is only one thing, which is a war to get his mate back to his side.

Gerald is very brave to kidnap his mate right in front of him and if that bastard really wants to get Draghar's attention by initiating this war, then war is what he will get for his actions that have taken Aurora away.

The bastard kidnapped her!


Aurora didn't know how long she had been asleep or where she was now, but for sure, she could now remember what happened to her last time before she lost consciousness.

She was pretty sure that Clarice, or whoever had ordered the girl, had put something in her drink or food.

Aurora didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she learned this, because as Rose said that she shouldn't trust anyone in the pack and only now did the words ring in her ears and Aurora understood the meaning of her warning.

Aurora had come to her senses, but she didn't immediately open her eyes and show any movement, because she wanted to read the situation around her first and it would be to her advantage if she could get information that she could use to know where she was now, or much better, to escape from here.

However, her surroundings were cold and there was only one movement she felt around her.

It was the sound of a slow footstep and also another sound like boiling water...

But then the person's footsteps stopped not far from Aurora. This person paused for a while, before finally decided to walk towards Aurora.

"How long are you going to pretend to sleep like that?" a male voice asked and Aurora had never heard his voice before.

Somehow he could tell that Aurora had woken up, therefore, there was no use for Aurora to pretend she was still asleep.

With that, Aurora opened her eyes just as the man was about to touch her cheek and out of instinct, she quickly dodged, her black eyes staring at the man in front of her very sharply and a hiss escaped from between her chapped lips.

Aurora could feel her throat that hurt so much, as if she had just eaten sand from a barren desert.

"Wow, you really are very intriguing…" the man mumbled as he crouched down in front of Aurora, who was tied up on a bed with her arms behind her back. "I have never seen this before and only heard about Donovan's ability to survive under curses and magic and now I can confirm that it's not just a rumor."

Aurora looked at the man in front of her very sharply and then a smirk was etched at the corner of her lips. "Ever heard that Donovan never shows mercy to their enemies? You better start believing that too," Aurora replied fiercely which made the man flinch a little.

Seeing the reaction given by the man, Aurora smirked, as her eyes turned a few shades darker.

The way he flinched didn't go unnoticed by her, which indicating he still held fear for Donovan's revenge.

In this case, Aurora should thank to her father.

"You sure have an amazing mouth…" the man said in a mumbling sound, but he felt annoyed nonetheless. "But, you better not get too excited, you don't know what will happen to you after this"

Aurora growled dangerously, she tried to untie her hands, but was unable to break free.

It was only after she felt a pain in her wrist and looked back to see what had bound her, did Aurora realize that she had been bound with silver handcuffs.

Damn it!

"You better save your strength because I don't want you to get hurt." The man then stood up and grinned at Aurora, a triumphant grin. "At least, it's not time for you to feel the excruciating pain yet."

Aurora squinted his eyes at the man in front of her, trying to assess what kind of man that she faced and where she was now.

But, all Aurora could see was herself in a smelling room with the sound of boiling water, which she couldn't find the source of.

"I want to see how Draghar reacts when I hurt his mate right in front of him," said the man again with a chuckle. "He must be going crazy just watching that."

"F*ck you!" Aurora hissed. She had to think of another way to get out of this place or free herself. But, what chance could she get?

Just as Aurora was watching the unusually messy room, Aurora recognized this familiar scent, even before the person's figure appeared in front of her.

"Impossible..." Aurora muttered quietly. She didn't believe this. "There is no way he..."

"There is nothing impossible," replied Collin as he stepped into the room, he then stood in front of Aurora with his usual smile. "Hey, beautiful."

And Rose's words replayed in Aurora's mind again; Don't trust anyone in this pack.


Raine's facial expression immediately turned cold when she heard Clarice's confession that her daughter had been kidnapped by the pack that had recently attacked this pack.

It was very difficult to read what kind of emotions were raging inside Raine right now.

"And they let you go?" Raine asked in a low voice, but enough to make Clarice swallow hard, because from her soft tone, she could sense that Raine was actually threatening her.

She was suspicious of her…

Or maybe it was because Clarice was being paranoid, afraid that someone would find out, because then she would die.

"They let me go to deliver this message to you," Clarice said quietly, repeating what she had been taught.

"Did you fight them?" she asked.

"I fought them, but I couldn't beat them." Clarice grew nervous as Raine sat beside her and took her hand.

"How many people?" Raine asked again. "How many people did you fight?"

"There were two people… I fought two people, but I am not a good fighter…" Clarice wanted to pull her hand from Aurora's mother's grip and sit as far away from her as possible. She felt that this woman could smell a lie from her.

"Then how many people did Aurora fight? Because normally she can fight at least three lycans at the same time and you know, if curse and magic can't hurt her?" Raine added some details.

"Four… Aurora fought four people," Clarice answered hastily.

"So you fought two and Aurora fought four." Raine paused for a moment, but then she put her finger under Clarice's chin and made the girl look into her eyes. "But you said that five people attacked you; four werewolves and one witch."

Just by looking at how Clarice behaved around her right now, Raine knew what was wrong with this whole incident.

"Clarice…" Raine then caressed Clarice's hair very carefully, tucking the strands of hair behind her ear. "People always see me as a fragile and sweet woman, but they forget that I have gone through several battles, fought demons and faced death."

Of course Clarice knew about that story, it was a very popular story among shifters, about how their kind had defeated the demons with the help of the guardian angels.

Clarice swallowed hard, even Raine's every touch on her face felt like a sharp knife stabbed into her skin.

"People always misunderstand my appearance," Raine said as if mumbling. "But you know, even a guardian angel has gone through hell to save his loved ones and I wouldn't mind dragging people who hurt my family and sinking them to the bottom of hell if need be."

Clarice knew it was a threat. Clarice knew that Raine had found out what she had done…

"So tell me the truth before I show you what hell is."

Right now, Torak and Draghar were preparing to attack, so it was only Raine and Clarice in this room.

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