The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1172: Aurora (end)

Chapter 1172: Aurora (end)

"You couldn't have done this to me…" Gerald mumbled as fear gripped his heart.

Draghar looked at Gerald with a mocking smile. "Why not possible?" he then bent down and picked up something from the floor, but what he took only made Gerald even more hysterical.

Gerald screamed on the top of his lungs like a frightened innocent little girl, it hurt Draghar's eardrums, as his scream echoed in this small room.

Anyone who heard the scream would be able to imagine how frightened the shifter was. They would begin to think what kind of horror had made him shriek like that.

Meanwhile, Draghar laughed heartily, enjoying every shriek his brother made.

What Draghar picked up from the floor and made Gerald scream in terror, wasn't an object, but the corpse of Chio, the alpha of this blue river pack, which Draghar had tortured earlier, while waiting for Gerald's consciousness to return.

Chio's body was already visibly crushed while blood was still oozing out from his peeling and almost rotting skin. From the expression on his face, Gerald could at least imagine, what kind of death he had faced before.

"No, no… don't do this to me Draghar… please…" Gerald begged. The arrogance that he displayed a moment ago when he had Aurora as his prisoner, could no longer be seen. This man even cried, begging for forgiveness from the brother he hated. "I won't do it again… I promise I won't do it again…"

Gerald clenched his jaw tightly as his slight movement made his skin burn. The pain was so excruciating that he wondered, what water was this...

"Won't do it again?" Draghar asked sarcastically. He then threw Chio's rotting body across the bathroom and picked up a large bottle of metallic liquid. "Do you really have a chance to be able to do something again? The only thing you can do now is make me happy with your suffering."

Then, without warning, Draghar poured the liquid into the water in the bathtub.

It was then that Gerald's screams and roars were heard again and this lasted longer than before, showing how painful it was.

"This is silver, silver liquid," Draghar said casually when Gerald's screams had subsided a little. Perhaps this man was too tired and there was no more energy left in him.

"Don't… don't…" said Gerald in a weak voice. His head felt like it would explode and his brain would melt.

"Don't?" Draghar snorted. "You hurt my woman, you should have seen this coming."

Then, Draghar took out a dagger, the same dagger Collin had used to stab him before.

Draghar then carved a word on Gerald's forehead and cheeks with the sharp edge of the dagger. Bastard.

And that forced Gerald to scream again so loudly that he felt his vocal cords was damaged.

"Too bad… you're too stupid to realize this…" Draghar clicked his tongue and then pushed Gerald's head with the tip of the dagger, into the silver- filled water.


"You took a long time," Torak said as he watched Draghar come out of the bathroom where he was torturing Gerald.

Torak was there from the moment Chio's first scream to Gerald's pleading voice for Draghar's mercy for not killing him. Torak heard them all and he enjoyed them.

"I've been done since ten minutes ago, but then I remembered that you asked for this," Draghar then lifted a clear plastic in his right hand and placed the plastic in front of Torak, on the floor. "Be careful, there's still some silver in there."

After saying that, Draghar walked away from Torak. Now that his revenge had been avenged, there was nothing else Draghar wanted to do but be by Aurora's side immediately. He wanted to see his woman right this instant.

Meanwhile, inside the plastic, it turned out to be Gerald's head. Draghar remembered that Torak wanted to see what was inside the head of the man who had hurt Aurora. That's what Torak said when they broke into the pack house area, a few hours ago.

Thus, Draghar fulfilled his promise by bringing Gerald's head to him.

On the other hand, when Torak saw what was inside the clear plastic bag, his brow furrowed and he muttered in annoyance while throwing a sharp glare at Draghar's back, who was walking away.

"Annoying brat."


"She will be fine," Raine said softly as she approached Draghar who had been sitting motionless for hours beside Aurora's bed, holding her hand tightly.

Draghar said nothing. He had remained silent like that ever since he returned from the Blue River pack and finished what he should have been done a long time ago.

Torak had seen Aurora several times and seemed very worried about hiss daughter's health, because she had slow healing ability, but then the alpha became very understanding and left Draghar with Aurora for time to time, just the two of them.

Torak asked Raine to let the man alone, but it had been too long and she knew better how to deal with situations like this, because she too had faced the same situation many times, and she understood that this was not at all pleasant.

"Come here…" Raine reached out her hand and gently hugged Draghar's head. "Don't blame yourself like this, Aurora won't like it…" she said softly while caressing Draghar's back.

He didn't know what got into him, but he felt like something had stung his eyes and when he blinked, tears fell down Raine's shoulders.

Of course that took him by surprise. Draghar couldn't even remember the last time he cried.

He did not even cry when he saw Aurora hurt, of course his heart ached, but he knew, his tears would not bring miracles and make Aurora come back to him.

Therefore, instead of showing his weak side, he tried to be tough. Suppressed all his feelings.

Especially after the incident with Aurora. Draghar kept blaming himself behind that high wall he had built. He has failed in saving his mate and protecting her…

However, when Raine hugged him warmly and rubbed his back while saying that it wasn't his fault, it broke something inside Draghar. The high and strong wall he built to alienate himself was cracked…

Draghar felt a mother's love that he never got.

He never remembered that his mother had hugged him like this when he was sad or in pain.

Therefore, when he felt the warmth of this embrace, Draghar couldn't hold back his tears.

"I know this is hard and you did your best to save Aurora, and Torak and I are grateful for that," Raine whispered softly into Draghar's ear, she couldn't help but cry when she said that.

Those words that Raine said sincerely, only made Draghar realized that he needed words like this…


"I am annoyed. I am annoyed," Aurora grumbled when Raine cut her hair short because when Collin did her hair, he made a very messy cut and this made Raine, inevitably, have to trim it again quite a bit to make it looked neat.

"Your hair will grow back, honey," Raine said softly, then bent down and kissed her daughter's head. "You look beautiful."

Raine knew how much Aurora loved her long, curly hair and for as long as Raine could remember she had never cut it past her waist, but now, even Raine could see the mark made by Draghar, peeking out from under the white sweater she was wearing.

If only Torak and Kayden had seen that, it would have been 'fun.'

"Don't look at me," Aurora grumbled as she saw Draghar approaching her, walking beside her father.

It seemed like this incident brought their relationship a little closer, although it couldn't be said that the two of them got along quite well, because after all, having two alphas at the same time and place wasn't a good idea.

This morning, after Aurora was feeling better, Raine took her out to do her hair.

And now they were both in the backyard with the mountains view in the background.

Raine likes this place.

Meanwhile, from the direction of the pack house, Draghar and Torak walked over to their respective mates.

"Why? You look beautiful," said Draghar as he knelt in front of Aurora, holding her hand and pressing it to his lips.

This made Torak frown, although he didn't say anything, it seemed that the supreme alpha was still not used to the sight of his daughter being touched by another man.

"I know I am beautiful, but I don't like this short hair," Aurora grumbled, she pursed her lips and this made Draghar laugh softly and hug her tightly.

"I am glad that you are able to sulk like this," Draghar whispered into Aurora's ear and ruffled her short hair, making it even more messy.

"Stop doing that," Torak rebuked, a frown on his face. "Aurora, come here."

Torak opened his arms and his daughter ran into her father's arms, who then combed her hair very gently and kissed her forehead.

"I don't agree with your mate in many ways, but I agree when he says that you are very beautiful, dear," Torak said quietly and looked pleased when his daughter laughed.

Meanwhile Draghar could only grumble with incoherent words.

But, then, Torak's gaze fell on the mark that was on Aurora's neck. It was a mark that Draghar had made, which meant their relationship had progressed beyond Torak's imagination.

"This mark…" Torak then cast a sharp glare at Draghar. "You…"

And as Raine had expected, this would be fun…


What do you think about Aurora's story? ((^o^))

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