The Messenger of Death

Chapter 302: harsh words

Chapter 302: harsh words

"What!?" They all shouted, knowing the implications of what Alex just said.

"If you kill him before the competition starts the school will be sure to punish you, even if you could escape the punishment it will because of your master, whom I have to say is not in the academy at the moment. Without you participating, the competition will become harder for us." Katherine rambled.

She and the rest of the Seraph team couldn't understand why Alex decided to do this now.

"I am aware of the results my actions will cause," Alex replied, feeling a bit pained after seeing the expressions of his teammates. He had no idea that they could make him feel this type of way.

He turned his attention from Katherine and took a glance at Camron. "Why aren't you saying anything?" Alex questioned.

Camron stared into Alex's eyes and said, "You've already made up your mind haven't you?"

Alex sighed. "Yes,"

"And you did so without consulting any of us," Camron added. Although his facial expression didn't reveal any of the emotions that he was experiencing at the moment, his voice didn't do well in hiding his anger.

"What I'm about to do is beneficial to me-"

"Beneficial to you but harmful to us. Alex, you have always been a selfish brat!" Camron's rage exploded, he wasn't able to control his emotions anymore.

['Woah! Calm down mommy's boy. Don't make me switch and light your ass up.'] Al reacted. He didn't like the tone that Camron was using with Alex.

['There's something different about him. That sharpness in his gaze that arrogance in his eyes, was that always present?'] Xander pointed out.

It was at this point that Alex noticed the change that had appeared on Camron. Camron had always had a reserved and calm side to him, he didn't look down on anyone despite his wealthy origins.

What Alex did not know was that Camron's personality had already started changing from the day he got enlightened by the darkness attribute that the Ogun worshippers were able to utilize. Camron had received the knowledge on how to grow stronger using his darkness element but at the same, a dark seed had been planted in his soul and even he was oblivious to this.

['New or not, he should know better than to anger me.'] Al uttered.

['Shut up Al.'] Alex said angrily, although he knew that something about his friend had changed, he couldn't tell what the source of the change was nor if it was good or harmful. All he knew at the moment was that Camron's words hurt him.

Alex wanted to say something hurtful in return to Camron, but unlike the quibbles he had with Al, he was unable to come up with something that could possibly hurt Camron's feelings and this angered him the more.

"Fine. Yes, I am a selfish brat, so what?" Alex instinctively resulted in this childish method. After all, this, essentially is the first time that he is having this kind of argument with someone he considers a friend, his first friend for that matter.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want to do, I don't care." Camron flung his arm, shooing Alex away.

This action infuriated Alex the more. ['After all the argument we've had, you still can't come up with a proper comeback? Disappointing.'] Al uttered in disdain. ['Switch with me and as I make mama's boy shed a tear or two.'] He suggested mischievously. This is the kind of scene Al liked to participate in, he wouldn't want anyone to out 'mouth' him.

"Shut up!!" Alex bellowed at Al, forgetting that he was only a voice in his head. His voice carried his aura in it, making his teammates shudder, including Camron.

['Alex, perhaps it will be better for you to leave now. Who knows, we might just be able to get the petal before the competition starts.'] Lex attempted to calm Alex down. He was aware that these emotions that Alex was feeling were the first for him, with his child-like mind he didn't know how to confront or restrain such emotions.

Seeing Alex's face, the arrogant light Camron's eye dimmed down a bit and he began to wonder. 'Was I too harsh? Oh lord, why did I get angry at him and call him a selfish brat?' Camron felt the urge to slap his face.

But then again, he also thought to himself. 'But I'm not wrong, he is a selfish son of bit- where the hell are these thoughts coming in from!!? Is it from listening to Drake and Katherine curse at their selves? I should apologize to Alex before this blows out of hand.' Camron decided, but before he could say anything, Alex had already left his sight.

Due to the tense atmosphere, Camron had forgotten that the rest of his teammates were also present, he only remembered when he felt their gazes on him. He put on a confused look, "Why did I say those things?" He whispered, but it was just loud enough for the rest of his teammates to hear what he said.

They all looked at each other, waiting for someone to say something encouraging to Camron, however, none of them stepped forward. They never expected or imagined that Camron had this side to him.

"Alright, alright, there's no need to feel so down about what just happened. Perhaps you were just letting out some steam, you know, with the completion coming and the pressure we are getting from it. I'm very sure that after apologizing to Alex, everything will return to the way it was." Drake broke the awkward silence.

Standing miles away from the entrance of the underground bunker was an angry Alex.




Alex began his chest, trying to calm his wildly beating heart.

['Calm down rabbit, are you trying to break your own ribs?'] Al urged, fearing that Alex might actually break his ribs with the force that he was using to hit himself.

"I'm trying, I need to let this anger out," Alex replied slowly as if he was forcing himself to talk. His throat felt choked up, making him want to scream

Walking towards Alex from the distance was Duna, and six of his subordinates.

"Senior Duna, I told you that he might be here. I noticed that he and his teammates have been passing through this direction for a while now." A disciple that has been trying to suck up to Duna revealed with a disgusting smile on his face. He inched his body closer to Duna's and received a fierce push from one of Duna's subordinates.

"Don't stain the young master with that disgusting stalker stench on you." The subordinate that pushed the disciple away mentioned with disdain.

From afar, Duna sighted Alex and he could see that he was quite troubled. His eyes were a little bit red and his breathing wasn't calm. Albeit this, Duna didn't care. What is on his mind now is just to get Alex to agree to fight a death match with him.

"Hey!" Duna called out rudely

At this point, Alex didn't even notice that some people had surrounded him. His thoughts were still being clouded by his emotions.

By the time he noticed that the people around him were all Duna's subordinates, he felt the urge to kill but held it back. His eyes then fell on the person that called out to him, Duna. But Alex didn't say anything, he kept on wondering if he should wait until after the competition before he set his sights on the Midas petal again.

Camron calling him a selfish brat got to him and he started reconsidering his decision.

['This bastard just brought himself to us. He must have washed his neck and prepared for the next life.'] Al sneered. ['Kill this piece shit and get us imprisoned in that forest as fast as possible.'] Al encouraged, however, Alex still hesitated.

"I challenge you to deathmatch, do you dare to accept!?" Duna sneered.

['This piece of shit.'] Al cursed. ['He's sticking to the script that Vincent gave to him. Kill him, oh wait, drag him to a place with more witnesses and kill him there. Don't waste such a great chance to get imprisoned.'] Al added.

Alex remained silent and acted like none of the people surrounding him existed.

"Hey! You son of a bit-"


Before Duna's subordinate could complete his sentence, a silver spear pierced through his mouth. Blood splatted on the spear and the victim's body went limp. His soul had left his body.

"I guess I'll use you, bastards, to calm my anger," Alex mentioned as he began activating his fire bloodline ability. His feet were enveloped in flames and the fire began rising, enveloping the rest of his body slowly.

Duna and the rest didn't even have time to react before Alex killed the first person. They didn't think that Alex had the guts to kill anyone so brazenly in the academy. Now they felt an uncomfortable heat pierce through their skin.

The stalker that directed Duna over to where Alex is began running for his life.

-Poof! Poof!!

Not giving them any time to react, Alex killed two more people.

One of them started running, knowing that he was not Alex's match, after all, their cultivation base was lower than Alex's. The only reason they had some confidence was that Vincent assured them that he had a way to deal with Alex.

Now that they could see firsthand that Alex was not one to conform to the norm, they had lost their confidence.

Seeing that person trying to run, Alex pointed a finger at him and a little ball of fire shot out of his finger.


Upon contact the little ball of fire engulfed the man running and turned him into a huge, black chunk of burnt meat

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