The Messenger of Death

Chapter 305: alex's trial

Chapter 305: alex's trial

Alex stood before several people that he had never come across or seen in the academy. They all had a red and black uniform on and a badge on the chest that was similar to the badge the law enforcers wore. The only face there that he could recognize was Vincent's, and he had a vicious smile on his face.

Vincent was seated below seven individuals whom uniforms were distinct and brighter than the rest. Apart from having a brighter shade of red and black on their uniform, they had a gold circle placed on the left side of their chest.

Alex would have loved to say something, but at the moment his ability to speak had sealed just as he was presented before this panel of Law enforcers.

['They look like they are the judges here.'] Lex mentioned.

['Ewww!! This cock sucker looks like he's in a good mood, disgusting. It's like seeing merman with pig shit smeared all over its face.'] Al commented, referring to Vincent.

Alex imagined what Al said as he took a look at Vincent, his imagination made him wince at Vincent and make a retching sound. ['Can you please not say anything like that? His face is already repulsive as it is, don't make it more unbearable for me than it already is.']

['I just can't help it. Alas, only his death can make me stop.'] Al sighed.

Vincent noticed his reactions, including the retching sound that he made, and he couldn't help but feel insulted by his action. He sneered at Alex and looked at one of the people seated above.

Locking eyes with Vincent, the individual nodded before returning his attention to Alex.

"Alexander!" One of the 'judges' called out with a resounding voice.

Alex lazily raised his head and looked at the 'Judge' with a bored expression. 

['Get on with it already! Those pricks from the celestial realm might have already noticed the presence of this Midas petal!'] Alex impatiently complained in his mind.

Alex's disrespectful gaze infuriated a few people present a bit, nonetheless, the 'judge' continued. "You have committed a crime, broken a law that the academy finds sacred. You killed a fellow disciple, in front of the many guests that we have in the school. Do you plead guilty?"

Alex put his pinky finger in his ear and dug a little dirt out, he then blew on his finger, ignoring what the 'Judge' had to say. Alex shrugged his shoulder, and opened his hands, reminding them that they sealed his ability to speak.

"Insolent brat," Vincent uttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

The 'Judge' that had been speaking to Alex then raised a hand and the person that sealed Alex's ability to speak unsealed it. "First of all," Alex raised his middle finger and appointed it at Vincent with a smile on his face. "Fuck you, dick head. And yes I plead guilty."

None of them were expecting Alex to have the confidence to speak to a staff of the academy like that, not even Vincent. "You stupid brat, today you won't be able to escape death," Vincent said through his teeth as he tried hard to hold himself back from pouncing on Alex and ripping his head from his neck.

There were too many people here, if he tried to do something like in front of these people, he would be stopped and possibly punished for his action. After all, these were people that were tasked with the job of upholding the laws of the academy and they do so with pride.

'I'll be patient for now, doesn't matter what punishment you pick. I will make sure that I'll be the end of you.' Vincent swore in his mind.

Alex could sense the killing intent from Vincent, he smirked and said; "Huh, it must be hard for you, carrying all that in-born shit on your face. Coward!"

Vincent released his aura, hoping to cause some kind of pain or discomfort for Alex. Albeit this, Alex was still there with the same mocking expression on his face and without any sign or action that signified that he was being affected by Vincent's aura.

This caused a few eyebrows to raise. This was something that they did not expect. A Nirvana realm cultivator, effortlessly resisting the aura of a Sky realm cultivator. That is two whole cultivation realms above Alex's.

['I dare you to come at me.'] Alex knew that with Milo's assistance, his chances of killing Vincent were over 50%. He was about to speak but was beaten to it.

"Be quiet!!" The 'Judge' that had been speaking ordered with a more domineering tone. He released a bit of his aura, trying to scare Alex.

This aura was more pressuring than the one Vincent was capable of releasing. Obviously, the 'Judges' cultivation is higher than Vincent's.

However, the 'Judge' did not expect that his attempt to intimidate Alex with his aura was ineffective. Alex is someone that has undergone training under an aura several times more intimidating and breathtaking than the one that 'Judge' was releasing. This made the 'Judge' feel as if he was being challenged, making him release his full aura.

Nonetheless, it still didn't do anything to Alex.

"Wow, what a talent." One of the 'Judges' whispered. Even he that was in the same cultivation realm with 'Judge' that was releasing his aura, a Heaven realm cultivator, felt a bit of pressure. Now Alex that is 3 cultivation realms below wasn't even breaking a sweat at this aura.

This brought a surprise that many of them never expected. A lot of them started to use their consciousness to probe Alex's cultivation, trying to confirm if he was actually a Nirvana realm cultivator.

['Rude bunch.'] Al commented.

"Now I know why he was so daring to kill someone in the academy." Another 'Judge' said.

['With all that I have experienced under Nana's aura and those from the Ordain plain realm, this guy is just trying to embarrass himself.'] Alex thought.

With a shocked expression on many faces and an embarrassed expression on one of the 'Judge's face, the hall that they were in remained silent for a few seconds before the 'Judge' retracted his aura and cleared his throat.

"Are you aware of the consequences of your actions?" The 'Judge' asked.

"More or less," Alex replied.

This time nobody took offense from his reply. They already know that they couldn't intimidate Alex with their aura, and doing anything more than that will result in them being punished, so to save themselves from embarrassment, they choose to act like his disrespect was non-existent.

The 'Judge' Looked at his colleagues and exchanged a gesture of nodding before facing Alex once again.

"With accordance to the law of the academy, for the crime, you have committed, you are given 3 minutes to decide on 3 options. These options are the punishment for your crime. If after your time runs out and you haven't made a decision yet, we, the council of Law enforcers of the severance academy with make a decision for you and it will be irrefutable." The 'Judge' explained.

['Do I just get straight to the point or wait till the old man is done talking?'] Alex wondered before making his decision.

"I would very much love to go to the forest of prisoners for my punishment," Alex interjected.

"Hahahaha!!" Everyone in the room began laughing at the decision that Alex made. They all knew that he was referring to the forest behind the snow-covered mountain.

The 'Judge' that had been speaking cleared his throat for the second time, returning the hall to its previous decorum.

"It seems that you are well aware of what comes next, However, I will still list your options and explain them, as it is my duty to do so. Perhaps after hearing what they entail you will change your decision." The 'Judge' said.

Alex rolled his eye at them and sighed. He was getting impatient by the second.

['So much for getting right to the point,'] Al chuckled.

['Hold your piece mutt.']

['Oh, straight to the crux of the matter I see, as you wish.'] Al laughed as he mocked Alex once again.

"Your options are; getting turned into a puppet and being put to work by the academy for 372 years. With your cultivation base, your lifespan is way above that. After completing your sentence, you will be released from your puppetry state and if you survive the removal, you will be allowed to return to the academy as though nothing had happened. You will resume cultivating and given a little compensation by the academy for your hard work during your puppetry days." The 'Judge' started.

"The second option, which is the one you comically chose, is; to stay in the Forest of prisoners for a month. There is a barrier surrounding the premises of that forest. Unless the barrier is open, no one can leave or enter the forest. Within that forest are some gruesome criminals with cultivation realms higher than yours. There are also monsters with more terrifying cultivation and abilities there. If you can survive a month there then you will be free and forgiven your sins."

"The final option is to face immediate execution." The 'Judge finished. "I advise you to pick the first option as your chances of survival are greater. With your talent, you should be able to catch up with your peers if you survive, after being released. You wouldn't even be able to tell that time has passed, it will be like a deep slumber and-"

"No thanks, to the forest please." Alex interrupted.

Everyone in the hall looked at Alex as if he was a madman

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