The Messenger of Death

Chapter 307: alex vs vincent

Chapter 307: alex vs vincent

"I Have to admit, you have balls. Probably the only thing that I admire about you, however, most ballsy people are stupid people that fail to understand the need of fear in their minds." Vincent sneered as he watched Alex approach him fearlessly.

'Milo, slip out of my clothes unnoticed and wait for me to give you the signal to attack.' Alex directed.

['Even with me using my bloodline and sword Dao to increase my cultivation, it still wouldn't be enough to reach the sky cultivation realm. However, Milo is indestructible, not even Nana or Mr. Guardian could destroy him so I'm not worried about this fight.'] Alex thought.

['As long as you're confident in yourself then that's all that matters. And don't forget, you're an assassin, don't just fight him, assassinate him.'] Al mentioned.

He was trying to tell Alex that, to assassins, your target's power doesn't matter much. His job is to kill him, not fight with him. To them, there is a big difference between fighting to death and killing.

Alex ignored Al's advice and charged at Vincent. As he moved, his wild flames enveloped his entire body, changing the temperature within a few meters. The swords in Alex's hands were also enveloped in flames.

['Vincent will feel threatened by the dragon flames and would know that it can cause him serious harm. But due to his dumbness, he's not going to want to back down and will decide to approach me before I can reach him. That way he can kill me before I touch him, and that's where Milo comes in.'] Alex predicted.

['Your control over fire is still as shitty as before.'] Al commented, but Alex acted as if he didn't hear what he said, focusing on Vincent.

Vincent could tell that Alex's flames weren't to be messed with. For it to change the temperature this much and make him feel some sense of danger, he couldn't afford to be careless. At least that was what he thought at first.

The closer Alex got, the stronger the sense of danger became, His intuition told him to move further away from the approaching burning man, however, this did nothing but add oil to the fire of hate in Vincent's heart. He didn't want to believe that he was feeling this sense of danger from a junior, someone that wasn't even born when he was still in the Nirvana cultivation realm.

Out of pride and stubbornness, Vincent refused to move away and decided to attack Alex before he reached him.

Vincent brought out two scimitars as he ran towards Alex.

Alex already knew that if Vincent moved first, it would be harder for him to accomplish his goal. He was aware of the difference in their speed and couldn't overlook it which is why he asked Milo to hide.

Seeing that everything was going according to his predictions, Alex smiled.

'Now Milo, attack!'

Milo who had transformed into a snake and had been hiding behind a rock that was almost the same size as an ostrich egg, suddenly shot at Vincent's neck, hoping to one-shot kill him by tearing his windpipe off. His speed was almost equal to that of Vincent's.

Sensing another type of danger coming from a different direction, Vincent felt a chill run down his spine. When he looked to the side, he saw a little black snake with red vein-like lines around its body, flying at him quickly and was aiming for his neck.

Milo's teeth were red and looked like they could turn to lava at any moment because of how hot they were.

Vincent made an abrupt stop and threw his head back, narrowly dodging Milo's attack by an inch. Milo's tail touched his collarbone and Vincent felt the part that he touched melting. His eyes opened wide from shock and pain.

'What sort of monster is this!?' He thought to himself.

['He dodged it! Quickly Alex, off with his head!'] Al stated on impulse, not wanting Alex to miss his chance.

Alex moved as fast as he could, and in a second he arrived in front of Vincent. Alex hacked one of his swords at his neck as fast as he could.

Vincent who still hadn't adjusted after he dodged Milo's attack by an inch saw that Alex had arrived in front of him. The first thing that made him wince was the heat from Alex's fire, he felt the urge to jump back and the second was Alex's speed.

'The brat pretended to be slow, but why? Is that monstrous snake his or did he sense it before me and decide to incorporate his attack with the snake's own? That shouldn't be possible.' Vincent thought.

Pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind, Vincent arched his back some more then raised one of his scimitars and was ready to block Alex's attack.

Alex smirked at this, knowing how sharp his swords are and adding the fact that they were incredibly hot now.

Despite bending his body to get a proper footing and raising his weapon to block Alex's attack, the unsettling feeling of danger didn't lessen one bit, if anything, it increased and Vincent couldn't figure out why.

Just as his scimitar touched Alex's sword, Vincent finally understood why the feeling of danger increased. Just like a hot knife cutting through butter, Alex's sword passed through, the scimitar like it was nothing.

Seeing this, Vincent, let go of his weapon let his body fall to the ground. This was the only way he could dodge this attack. Although it was the only way he could dodge the attack, he felt as if it was a disgraceful thing to do.

Alas, his desire to win won over his shame and he did it, falling to the ground with his back facing the earth. Unable to contain his anger, Vincent sent a kick at Alex as he was falling. Landing a fairly powerful kick on Alex's right side.

"Ugh!!" Alex grunted as he was sent flying by Vincent's kick. Before the kick landed, Alex returned one of the swords into his storage ring and placed his palm by his side, using it to block the kick. Albeit that, he wasn't strong enough to use only his palm to cushion the force.

Milo quickly transformed into his humanoid form and caught Alex before he could go anywhere far.

Vincent's attack rattled Alex's inside, almost making him cough a mouthful of blood, but Alex held it. His palm slit and blood flowed out. His wrist had been dislocated by that

'How did he react fast enough to block that kick, was it instincts?' Vincent was perplexed at Alex's combat ability.

['Are you good?'] Lex asked, feeling worried for Alex.

['Never felt better.'] Alex answered. ['Milo, forget about me and attack him before he gets up,'] Alex directed.

Milo jumped at Vincent, not wanting to give any breathing space to get his footing or think. He pitched a punch at Vincent, aiming for his nose.

And Vincent, who had just gotten up saw Milo coming at him, he hacked his scimitar at Milo's neck.

'First, it was a black and red snake, and now there's a black and red puppet?' The enraged Vincent thought.

"Die!!" He roared, expecting his sword to cut through Milo.


Unfortunately for Vincent, things did not go as he expected. His scimitar did hit Milo's neck, but it wasn't able to cut into Milo, even by an inch. This stunned Vincent.

'Is this a joke-'


Milo's punch connected to Vincent's nose, breaking the bone there and sending him into the air. Vincent's brain couldn't function well for a moment and was in a daze, there he was somewhat unconscious at the moment.

Alex quickly condensed a fireball and threw it at the flying Vincent. It was at this moment Vincent snapped out of his daze, He flipped in the air, adjusting his position before throwing his scimitar at the fast-approaching fireball.


Like a bomb detonating, the fireball blew upon contact with the scimitar. The explosion created a bright light that blinded everyone.

For the first time since Alex started fighting with Vincent, he felt immense danger heading for him.

Immediately, Milo appeared next to Alex and folded his arms. 


A high kick appeared out of thin air and hit Milo, Sending him and Alex flying. Although Milo was the one that got hit by the attack, Alex was still affected.

Blood flowed out of his nose and he felt his ribs cracking. All of this happened within seconds, a minute hadn't even reached since the fight started.

Vincent was beyond angry at this point, the shame that he was feeling now is something that he had never felt before and most likely never will again. He decided to use his full power and speed to attack Alex from now on.

Milo quickly adjusted again and this time used his back to shield Alex, it was as if Milo could tell where these invisible-like attacks were coming from.

However, Vincent expected this, he made a slow and weak punch and then altered its trajectory to the side before putting force behind his punch. This wasn't expected, even to Milo, but even before this attack could hit Alex, Milo pushed Alex forward sending him away.


Even after sending Alex away from the blow, the force behind the punch still managed to affect Alex. He vomited an alarming amount of blood.

['Quickly Alex, switch with Alex. Without the element of surprise your chances of winning against him is close to zero.'] Al said.

Alex thought the same too. Without wasting much time, he called out to Lex; "Lex."

['Whenever you're ready.'] Lex replied.


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