The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 97 The Result Of Cultivation (3)

The battle between Orion and Nebula commenced, and both opponents faced each other with unwavering determination, their eyes locked in an intense stare that conveyed their mutual resolve. The air around them seemed to vibrate with the energy of their combined power, an invisible force that charged the very atmosphere with anticipation.

With a nod from Orion, the battle was underway. He began by testing Nebula's defences, launching a series of quick and powerful punches and kicks at the agile Serenity Forest Deer. Despite her relatively smaller size and gentler nature, Nebula was no pushover, expertly dodging and parrying Orion's attacks with grace and speed.

"You're doing great, Nebula!" Orion called out. His voice filled with pride and encouragement. "Keep pushing yourself, and show me your true power!"

Nebula responded with a determined nod, her eyes shining with renewed vigour. "I will do my best, Master Orion! I will not let you down!"

As the intensity of the battle increased, Nebula decided that it was time to unleash her full range of skills. With a graceful leap, she summoned her Wood Healing ability, enveloping herself in a soothing, green aura that rapidly mended any injuries she had sustained during the battle. Orion watched in amazement as her wounds disappeared before his very eyes, her body regenerating at an incredible speed.

"Your healing abilities are truly astounding, Nebula," Orion said, his voice filled with admiration. "I can see that you've been working hard to perfect them."

With a determined glint in her eyes, Nebula nodded. "Thank you, Master Orion. I will continue to hone my skills to become an even more formidable ally."

As the battle raged on, Nebula continued to showcase her vast array of abilities. She called upon Nature's Blessing, imbuing her own attacks with additional power while also enhancing the strength and abilities of her fellow beasts, Nova and Stella, who were guarding the area.

Her Forest Camouflage skill allowed her to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, making it difficult for Orion to track her movements. She would disappear and reappear in an instant, launching surprise attacks that kept Orion on his toes.

"Nebula, your camouflage skill has improved significantly," Orion remarked, impressed by her ability to evade his attacks. "You've truly become a master of stealth."

Nebula's Leaf Blade skill was also on full display during the battle, as she summoned razor-sharp leaves to use as weapons or to deflect incoming attacks. The leaves sliced through the air with deadly precision, forcing Orion to remain constantly vigilant to avoid being struck.

Finally, Nebula unleashed her most powerful skill, Nature's Fury. She called upon the power of the Wood Attribute to summon a devastating storm, causing vines to entangle Orion, branches to strike from above, and the ground to erupt with sharp roots. The sheer force and intensity of the attack were unlike anything Orion had seen before, and he found himself struggling to defend against the onslaught.

"Amazing, Nebula!" Orion shouted over the roar of the storm. "Your control over the Wood Attribute is truly exceptional!"

Despite the ferocity of Nebula's attacks, Orion continued to push forward, his own strength and determination driving him to meet her challenge head-on. The two of them fought with everything they had, their mutual respect and admiration for one another only serving to fuel their desire to become stronger.

As the battle wore on, it became increasingly apparent that Nebula's skills had reached new heights, her power and mastery over her abilities far surpassing what Orion had seen before. The Serenity Forest Deer had grown exponentially, her evolution from a Spirit Beast to a Legendary Beast now seemingly within reach.

"Your progress is truly remarkable, Nebula," Orion said, his voice filled with pride. "I knew you had it in you to become a Legendary Beast. Keep pushing yourself, and I have no doubt that you will achieve your goal."

Nebula, her eyes shining with gratitude and determination, nodded. "I will continue to strive for greatness, Master Orion. Your faith in me gives me the strength to overcome any obstacle."

As they continued their epic battle, Orion and Nebula knew that they were both on the precipice of achieving something extraordinary. With each strike, each clash of power, they drew closer to unlocking their full potential.

As the battle between Orion and Nebula raged on, it became clear that both combatants were nearing the limits of their current abilities. Orion knew that if they were to break through their barriers and continue their growth, they would need to push themselves even further to tap into powers they had never before explored.

With this realization, Orion decided that it was time to unleash the full extent of his abilities by employing his attribute skills in their fight. He called out to Nebula, his voice firm but encouraging, "Nebula, you've done exceptionally well so far. However, it's time for us to take this battle to the next level. I'm going to start using my attribute skills now. Are you ready?"

Nebula, despite the exhaustion starting to creep into her limbs, nodded resolutely. She understood that facing the full force of Orion's powers was necessary for her growth and evolution. "I'm ready, Master Orion," she replied, her voice filled with determination. "I will face your full power and do my best to overcome it!"

As Orion drew upon the powers granted to him by his Primordial Skills, he felt a surge of energy that originated from deep within. The connection to Nova's Glacial Attribute and Stella's Infernal Attribute became more apparent, as icy cold and blazing hot energies coursed through his body. It was as if two primordial forces had awakened within him, ready to be unleashed upon the battlefield.

Orion focused his mind, allowing the elemental energies to flow and merge, enhancing his strength and speed. His body began to radiate with an aura that reflected the combined might of his Glacial and Infernal attributes, a testament to the mastery he had achieved through his intense training.

"Prepare yourself, Nebula," Orion warned, his voice echoing with the power of his newfound abilities. "I'm going to use my Glacial and Infernal attributes now. Remember to stay focused, give it your all, and trust in our bond."

Nebula, her resolve unwavering, responded with a determined nod. She braced herself for the incredible onslaught she knew was about to come, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As the battle resumed, the air around them seemed to tremble with the force of their clashing powers. Orion unleashed a torrent of attacks infused with the chilling power of his Glacial Attribute and the searing heat of his Infernal Attribute. Nebula, in turn, pushed herself to her limits, employing her Wood Healing, Nature's Blessing, and other skills to counter Orion's relentless assault. The scene was enough to stun people if they were watching this.

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