The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 113 - Ismera’s Great Forest (12)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 113 - Ismera’s Great Forest (12)

Right after Ismera ran out of the tent.

I decided to help the elves, as Nierta had suggested.

The elves were working on the restoration of the Great Forest.

It was a massive project to restore the Great Forest, which had been entirely burned down by the Demon King’s army’s fire attack ten years ago, back to its original state.

Calling it a massive project to simply plant trees was not an exaggeration because the trees in the Great Forest, which had burned down, had lifespans of thousands of years.

No matter how long-lived the elves are, it would be difficult for the current generation to see the forest restored to its former glory.

But I was sure the elves would never give up halfway.

To the elves, their Great Forest is the world itself.

That’s why they fought the Demon King’s army, despite the enormous casualties, instead of fleeing when they had the chance.

And I have no doubt that, no matter how many generations it takes, they will eventually restore the Great Forest.

"This way, Lord Dian!"

Following Nierta, I found several carts lined up.

The carts were loaded with fairly large saplings, sacks of fertilizer, and large glass bottles that looked like potions.

"What are these? Are they potions?"

"They’re plant nutrients."

Nierta explained when I pointed to the glass bottles.

"It would be great to use potions, but we can’t afford the cost. So we mix a little of this with the fertilizer and use it."

"I see. But I’m curious, where does the funding for all this come from?"

"We receive support from the Imperial Palace, and some of our kin work in human cities to earn money. Like Ismera."

"Ah, I see..."

So, they’re like breadwinners.

"Of course, Ismera wanted to go further and become Headmaster, and that’s where the conflict began."

"This is the first I’ve heard of it. In fact, I only just found out that Professor Ismera was from Tyraellen."

"Ismera doesn’t usually talk about herself. Even when she was in the human city, I was the only one among our kin she exchanged letters with."

Nierta smiled as she hoisted a sack of fertilizer onto her shoulder.

But the sack was heavy, and Nierta’s slender elven frame wobbled as if she might collapse at any moment.

"Let me take that."

"It’s okay. I should at least do this much. As you can see, there aren’t many male elves around."

As Nierta said, most of the elves walking around the tent village were women.

Male elves, upon reaching adulthood, leave the Great Forest to lead a wandering life.

They roam the continent, stopping by any Great Forest to sire children and then move on.

The children are raised communally, with daughters staying in the Great Forest while sons grow up to wander like their fathers.

From a human perspective, it’s a strange culture and custom, but elves and humans are fundamentally different species.

"Come this way. Spread the fertilizer here."

With a sack of fertilizer on each shoulder, I followed Nierta and spread the fertilizer on the pre-tilled soil.

Nierta then soaked it thoroughly with the nutrient solution and stirred it with a shovel.

It’s a lot simpler than I expected.

I wasn’t much into farming in my previous life, so I couldn’t tell if this was the right way to mix things or not.

Meanwhile, over there, several elves were struggling to pull a plow.

A few male elves, who had come to visit the Great Forest on their travels, were pulling from the front like oxen, while the female elves pushed the plow from behind.

"They’re tilling the soil."

"Wouldn’t it be better to buy an ox to pull the plow?"

"There’s nothing for oxen to eat in this forest. And we’re not too keen on making animals work..."

As expected of the elves. If this were Earth, they’d probably be protesting with picket signs at an all-you-can-eat meat buffet.


Just then, the male elves pulling the plow in front lost their footing, causing the female elves pushing from behind to fall, leading to a chaotic scene.

The whole idea of delicate elves pulling a plow meant for strong livestock didn’t make sense from the start.

"Move aside. I’ll do it."

I told the elves to step back and fastened the yoke firmly around my waist.

"It’s Lord Dian...!"

The elves quickly gathered around me, murmuring in excitement.

They were all incredibly beautiful, with golden hair and green eyes like Ismera and Nierta.

"I’m going to pull the plow now, but I need someone to press down on it. Ten people should do. Who wants to help?"

"Me! I’ll do it!"

The elves eagerly climbed onto the plow as if they were children lining up to ride an amusement park ride.

Once the plow was sufficiently weighted, I started running forward with all my strength.



As the plow cut through the soil, the elves on top shrieked with excitement, as if they were surfing.

"This is so much fun!"

After a few rounds back and forth, we had a large field ready for immediate cultivation.

"You’re incredibly strong."

The elves, with their hair tousled by the wind, gathered around me as they dismounted from the plow.

"Lord Dian, you’re strong enough to do the work of several wandering males on your own."

"What are you saying?"

The elves giggled and fussed around.

"Lord Dian, will you be staying here for a few days?"

"I’m not sure. I think I’ll have to return today since this isn’t a vacation."

"Then we better hurry."

One of the elves shouted.

"Whoever wants Lord Dian to plow their secret place, get in line!"

"Don’t joke around, you! Lord Dian is human!"

"So what? I’d be fine with a half-elf. And it’s not like you get pregnant just because you do it, right?"

"Then I want to be plowed too!"

They joked and laughed, making a ruckus.

Are these really elves? Maybe they only pretend to be refined outside the Great Forest.

"Everyone, quiet down!"

Suddenly, Nierta raised her voice.

"Have you all forgotten the World Tree's Oath after just ten years?"

At that, the elves fell silent, glancing at each other sheepishly.

"We were just joking around, Nierta."

"There are some things you shouldn’t joke about."

Nierta spoke firmly, and the elves muttered as they dispersed.

What’s this World Tree's Oath that made them react like that?

"I apologize on their behalf, Lord Dian. I’m sorry."

Nierta turned to me and bowed her head.

"They’ve had no proper recreation while tending to the forest for ten years. And now, the savior who had disappeared has returned, so they’re all excited. Plus, you’re a human with an exceptional appearance, so they’re probably all a bit flustered."

"Uh, haha. It’s fine."

"Thank you for understanding."

Nierta looked around and then leaned in close to whisper to me.

"Lord Dian, some of the elves might make personal proposals to you."

"Proposals? Like what?"

"Like asking you to bathe with them."

"Excuse me?"

"To human eyes, elves must appear very beautiful, but you must absolutely, absolutely resist. Do you understand?"


"I’m serious."

Nierta emphasized her words.

"No matter how tempting it might be, please exercise self-control. I’m counting on you, Lord Dian."

"Yes, well... Honestly, since I came here to get Professor Ismera, I’m not really in the mood for anything like that..."

Nierta openly showed her relief at my words.

"That’s good to hear. Oaths are important."

"Speaking of which, what exactly is this World Tree's Oath?"

"I’ll tell you when the time is right. But not now."

So it’s some kind of secret among their kin. I shouldn’t press further.

"Anyway, Lord Dian, please remember what I said. This is for Ismera’s sake as well."

"Professor Ismera? I’m not sure what this is all about, but okay."

Even after that, Nierta made me promise several more times.

What on earth is this World Tree's Oath?

# # # # #

I helped the elves until sunset.

Afterward, I followed Nierta’s advice and turned down the elves’ invitations to bathe together and fled to Linus.

"The elves here are really intense."

"They’re just excited and giddy because you’re here."

"They act all high and mighty outside the forest, looking down on other races, but this is how they behave?"

"What can you do? You saved them, so you’ll have to endure some of their affection and advances."

"You must have found it awkward at first too, huh?"

"Not at all. This is my second visit, and the first time I came with Celine. But more importantly..."

Linus looked up at the darkening western sky.

"Professor Ismera is quite late. Shouldn’t we go look for her? Nierta mentioned some places where she might be."

"If I go, she’ll really run away. You should go instead."

"Yeah, that’s probably better."

With that, Linus left the Great Forest, and quite a bit of time passed.

I waited for Ismera, swinging a fallen branch I had picked up from the ground.

As the sky grew completely dark and the stars began to appear, I started to worry that Ismera might have already left the forest and gone somewhere else.

We had reached an understanding, and I made it clear that I wasn’t an obstacle to her career and that the Security Office wouldn’t be able to replace or dismiss her in the future...

But that’s probably not what’s troubling Ismera right now.

What if Ismera has gone far away?

Should I go after her, or should I respect her wishes?

If I don’t bring her back, Kirrin might faint.

"Professor Dian..."

As I was lost in these thoughts, a voice called out.

Turning around, I saw Ismera standing between the trees.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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