The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 406: Questioning the results

Chapter 406: Questioning the results

Although Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu really wanted to continue to communicate with Yu Jinli, they also knew that people in the three countries were watching each other during the warm-up match. He was not too kind.

The most important thing is the presence of people from the US empire and European countries. If they are made aware of the speciality of Yu Jinli, they will definitely be watching Yu Jinli.

The two frowned slightly, just because they were too excited to pay attention to this aspect. Fortunately, most people paid attention to the game before, and their voices were not loud and did not reach the audience. .

Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement. They decided to go to Yu Jinli after the game. After all, the other party is their Confederate. As long as people are still in the Confederation, they will not worry about finding no one.

The two restored the image of Master Gao Leng with a sorrow, and commented on all the works in this competition one by one, but when it was Yu Jinlis turn, both of them skipped a word, as far as possible Not attracting the attention of others.

In the competition of the mech manufacturing group, the parts produced by the players on the spot must be tested and scored on the spot. It is no surprise that the other two contestants in the federation did not perform well in the works, especially with the US Empire and When European players made comparisons, the results were too dismal.

Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu are well-known federal masters of mecha maker. Facing the results of such games in their own country, their faces are dull, not to mention that this is still a match played in their federation, it is like playing on the spot Their federal faces.

Fortunately, there is another Yu Jinli who can recover a lot of points, but Yu Jinlis situation is very special. Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu had planned to give him a lower score as much as possible to prevent him from going too far. With the results of the other two contestants, they hesitated again.

If Yu Jinli s score is also very low, then this time the federal shame will go directly to foreigners, which will also hurt their federal reputation, but if the score is higher, the opponent will certainly be held to the bottom. By that time, Yu Jinlis speciality may not be able to keep it.

Whatever choice you make, it is a very difficult decision.

What are we going to do? If you give Yu Jinli a high score, his identity as a card maker must not be concealed. At that time, the American Empire and Europeans will definitely focus on him. Let them know about Yu Jinlis mental power variation, and Im afraid his situation will become dangerous. Zheng Jiagu whispered to Zhou Baitong.

I know, but this situation does not allow us to be too hesitant. After all, it is related to the reputation of our federation. In the face of national honor, personal interests should be conceded. Come again, Yu Jinli is Jiang Moshengs fiance and Jiang Family, I think the US empire and European countries want to speak against him, the Jiang family will certainly not allow it. Zhou Baitong said calmly.

If he can, he also wants to keep Yu Jinli, but when personal interests and national interests conflict, as a federal, they should naturally put the honor of the country first, not to mention, Yu Jinli also He is not an ordinary person. He is standing behind the entire Jiang family and the Federation. If it is revealed at that time, I believe that the Federation and the Jiang family can keep him.

There was not much time left for Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu to hesitate. In the end, they chose to announce Yu Jinlis high scores, which directly pressed the six players in the US Empire and European countries, and became the warm-up match. The first place in the mech manufacturing team.

The American Empire and the European players who were smiling with pride, after hearing the results of Yu Jinli s game, the smile suddenly froze, and they could nt believe it and looked at Yu Jinli and the two judges. He questioned himself: Why his grade is so high, obviously the parts he made are very naive.

The part made by Yu Jinli was placed on the table of the two judges with everyones. The previous appraisal was performed under everyones eyelids.

However, the just identification was mainly about the completion, difficulty and quality of the identified mecha parts. For the identification of the combing part, due to the special nature of the parts made by Yu Jinli, the two judges personally tested and beat fraction.

But the two masters did not expect that the performance of the other two players in the federation would be so bad, even if they could not get the first place, but as long as the gap with the other two countries is not too big, then they will give Yu Jinli a The lower the score, there is no need to expose the presence of Yu Jinli.

The result was countless, but the other two players couldnt count off the chain.

The two masters of Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu are in the power mech field, that is, the existence of authority. The result of their personal identification is naturally the final result. Generally speaking, no one will raise objections, even the players of the US Empire and European countries They were very convinced, but they couldnt convince Yu Jinlis high scores anyway.

Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu looked at each other, knowing that sooner or later this pass will be passed. Now that they have made a decision, they are naturally ready to be questioned.

The mecha parts made by Yu Jinli players are indeed simpler and more immature than those made by everyone, but the score of this game is not only composed of these, but also the carding points. Yu Jinli players The combing score is the perfect score. Zhou Baitong said with a blank face.

Impossible! Said Conrad Rich, an American contender, unbelievably.

Of the three players who came to participate in the American Empire, his score was the highest and the most talented, but his combing score of mech parts was only 40 points, and the full score was 50, which is already all The one with the highest score was among them, and he was quite satisfied with it.

But when he heard that Yu Jinli s score was a direct score, he could nt accept it.

Aldridge was skeptical when he looked at Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu. He suspected that this was deliberately joined by the federal judges and the federals to deceive everyone. Otherwise, how could other projects not have high ratings, only this one is the most difficult. He got full marks, he didnt believe it.

Although the European players did not directly challenge it, they obviously did not believe it.

Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu glanced at each other, nodded each other, and said to the contestants: Since you dont believe it, use the instrument to re-test it all.

In the beginning, they did not use instruments to detect Yu Jinlis special, but now that the scores have been printed, they are not afraid of other exposures.

The audience present obviously did not expect such a thing to happen, although they were surprised and even doubted that Yu Jinli could get the highest score, but when they saw the two highly regarded masters in their own country, they were just like this. Sufferers in other countries were suspicious, and all of them were filled with indignation.

What did you do? Master Zhou and Master Zheng are the most authoritative power mecha masters in the Commonwealth, and dare to doubt their judgment. The players of the American Empire are too arrogant. Do you think this is their American Empire Since you dont obey the judges score, dont come to the competition?

It is you who invited Master Zhou and Master Zheng to be judges, and now it is you who suspect that their ratings are also what do you want to do?

Too much. This is when we have no one in the Federation, right? We have doubts on our site. Why?

If the test results of the instrument are the same as now, then please invite the contestants and leaders of the US Empire to apologize to Master Zhou and Master Zheng and apologize for their unreasonable demands!

The audiences emotions were quite excited, and the scene became a bit chaotic, but fortunately, the audience of the Federation was separated from the audience of the US Empire and European countries, otherwise the scene would only become more chaotic or even difficult to control.

Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu sat with expressionless faces next to each other, without appeasing the emotions of the audience or using the instruments, but let the organizers send over to appraise those works one by one.

In fact, the organizers are also very dissatisfied with the question of the American Empire players, but since it is a game, some people have raised doubts. In order to prove the innocence of the federation, they naturally need to re-identify, but everyone is still breathing.

In order to ensure the normal use of the instrument, the first test was by the federal player Zhang Qi.

Twenty percent of the rejection of impurities, the quality is low.

This result is exactly the same as the result of Zhou Baitongs and Zheng Jiagus hands-on test. The audience heard the words and was astonished.

Immediately afterwards, he tested the American Empires Ebner: The impurity rejection is forty percent, and the quality is excellent.

Europes Kingston: Forty-five percent rejection, high quality.

Confederate Zhao Hanhai: Thirty percent of impurities are removed, and the quality is excellent.

US Imperial Algeron: Forty-five percent rejection, high quality.

European Adam: Thirty-five percent of impurities are removed, and the quality is excellent.

After a series of testing of the six contestants, none of them were inconsistent with those tested by Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu. Even the rejection was exactly the same, which shows that the accuracy of the two masters of Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagu is comparable to instruments.

The audience at the scene was surprised and couldnt say anything. All of them are looking forward to the inspection of Yu Jinlis works. If Yu Jinlis works really look like the two masters, then not only their federation this time Winning the game, Zhou Baitong and Zheng Jiagus reputation went further, and the American Empire players who questioned would also be condemned.

The United States Empire s Derridi clenched his fists and stared at the detection instrument without blinking. He did not believe that Yu Jinli s works could get full marks, which must be a bit tricky, even if everyone s previous tests were Correct, it does not mean that the persons test is also correct. Maybe this is a method used by the federal person to stop him from testing because he cant bear the pressure. Even if Yu Jinlis score is not full, no one Cared.

He will never compromise, he must see the end.

The next test is the work of Aldridge. His works are the highest in this field except Yu Jinlis 50% rejection of impurities and high quality.

The mechanized sound of the instrument sounded, but it still failed to make Li Derichs mood lighter. This result should have been proud, but because Yu Jinli was on it, his emotions were always tense. .

Come on, said Dredger coldly.

The federal inspectors did not stay long, and after testing the works of the last European player, Aiqiluo, only the works of Yu Jinli, which was highly anticipated, remained.

It s not just that Dr. Richie is watching closely, all the audiences in the Federation are also watching closely, and they are very disturbed, lest Yu Jinli s results really be fraudulent. Then they will be miserable. Masters can be miserable.

Although they intuitively felt that the two masters would not falsify the results for Yu Jinli, but the identity of Yu Jinlis cardmaker was not fake. Can he really achieve such results in the production of power mechas? ?

This was simply impossible in the past.

Almost everyone is worried about Yu Jinlis game results. Only class F students are very confident about Yu Jinli.

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