Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 11 (3/11)

Book 3: Chapter 11 (3/11)

Finished opening the Dark Vortexes behind him, Noe commanded Lucas and Kain to fly inside it. Lucas immediately flew into the first Dark Vortex and it closed in a second after that. Kain was fighting with the blue dragons Arthur had conjured earlier, but he hastily eluded them and flew in the direction of the second Dark Vortex per Noes command. Arthur still kept his guard on by ready to teleport inside his planet any moment just in case Noe secretly commanded Gisella to cast a God-tier Ice Magic spell against him. Even though Noe likely was not going to make such a dangerous move because that kind of powerful magic could kill all the world leaders in the audience. Still, Noe could have secretly told Gwenn Bigham to cast some kind of Saint-tier Light Magic spells on the audiences to make sure those people could be protected before the Demigod cast her God-tier magic spell. That was why Arthur refused to let his guard down despite seeing Kain was flying toward the Dark Vortex.

The next thing that happened truly shocked anyone as neither Noe, Arthur, Gwenn, Adrik, nor Etgar could predict something like that would have happened. After Kain was killed and turned into Noes minion, everyone has concluded that Noe Clerico has won the battle and Kain has lost. But when Kain savagely stabbed his fiery greatsword into Noes heart from behind, then entirely devoured his body except for the finger that contained Noes Magical Storage Ring, no one could have foretold such a move from Kain was going to happen.

Kain slowly faded away while Gisella was forced to be transported back into the Demiplane. Without Noe Clerico, their presence couldnt be the maintenance in Toria Continents. Whenever a Necromancer dies, the minions staying outside of the Dark Vortexes will fade away and automatically be transported back into the Dark Vortexes. Even if Noe couldn't get resurrected within forty minutes after being killed, Gisella wouldn't be in danger since she was just being transported back to the Demiplane. However, Lucas, Kain, and all other minions inside the Dark Vortexes would permanently dissolve as their master was killed. Before Kain's body was completely faded away, a white and purple aura flashed repeatedly and then brought Kains fading body back into solid.

Kain breathed in deeply, grabbed Noes finger, put it in the pocket of his magic robe as he said, Now the battle between Noe and I is truly over. Adrik, Etgar, Lucius, and Ateia, prepare to leave immediately.

While Adrik Volsky, Etgar Revenmar, Gwenn Bigham, and the world leaders were being shocked by this turn of events, Arthur confusedly asked out loud, Kain! How did you? Why are you still alive?

Kain smiled and said, Arthur, I thank you for keeping your promise of saving my wife and children.

Stop ignoring my question. What did you do? How did you resurrect yourself?

I drank a Life Potion over a hundred years ago. That is why I can revive myself within one year after being killed.

Life Potion... I see. And how did you kill Lord Clerico when you were still his minion? Aren't your loyalty remaining absolute to Lord Clerico as a Necromancer's minion?

Ah that will be a puzzle for you to solve. Finished saying that, Kain deactivated his [Abyssal Flesh] spell to reserve his blood pools.

Kain didnt want to reveal to Arthur the real method of how he could kill Noe while being a minion. It was part of Kains plan in defeating Noe Clerico. While losing to Noe was real, becoming Noes minion and finding a good opportunity to assassinate him was the backup plan. Kain didnt expect he had the chance to kill Noe after becoming his minion on the same day. After becoming Noe's minion, Kains loyalty to Noe was absolute. Kain wouldnt activate the Life Potion to revive himself. That was why Kain planned this backup plan with Watcher Tykan who could possess Kains body at any time to help him revive himself even after becoming Noe's minion.

Kain's original plan was to find a good opportunity to assassinate Noe because Noe wouldn't think one of his minions could be capable of killing him. But that plan likely would never happen since it could take another a hundred thousand years before Noe would open his Dark Vortexes again. That was why Kain also planned on killing other minions that stay within the same Dark Vortex with Kain. Killing those minions outside of the Dark Vortex wouldn't matter since they could immediately revive themselves using Noe's mana pool. But what if killing those minions while they were still inside the Dark Vortex? They would die permanently and Noe wouldn't know about it since he couldn't sense any minions inside his Dark Vortex without opening it. Kain didn't know any of this information since he had very little knowledge of Necromancy Magic until Watcher Tykan told him about it.

After killing the other nine minions in the same Dark Vortex that Kain was staying in. Then after a hundred years or so, Kain will use the Magical Portal Key to escape from the Dark Vortex back into Toria Continents. But because Watcher Tykan saw an opportunity to possibly assassinate Noe today, he decided to take a chance to try it. If Watcher Tykan fails, then nothing would change as no one knows it was him who could possess Kain's body. Noe would probably think there was a flaw in his Necromancy Magic and wouldn't want to execute Kain because of it. The only person who knew that was Watcher Zorim but she couldn't do shit against him anyway as they were equally powerful.

Arthur shook his head in disappointment and said, If you dont want to tell me, I will respect that and won't ask you any more questions about it. Notwithstanding, because you have won by cheating, I cant allow you to leave like that. Kain, leave Lord Clericos finger here so we can revive him and you may leave Linkeep Island under my protection.

"You saw that huh?"

"I saw it very clearly."

Kain casted [Soul Bridge] to conjure Anwyn Richir, then casted [Conjure Finwe] to conjure Finwe back to the battlefield as he said, Sorry Arthur, but I cant do that. Killing Noe wasnt easy and I dont have another Life Potion to save me again. You dont have to worry much about Noe Clerico. If I wanted to eliminate him from this world then I would eat his entire body already. I saved his finger so he can be revived because I wanted to keep him as a prisoner.

Arthur angrily said, Keeping Lord Clerico as a prisoner? Such madness. If you dont release his finger to me right now, I will kill you and your allies. None of you can leave this island without my arrangement.

We can't leave without your arrangement huh? I have heard the conversation between you and Noe. I know you arent the weakling who I have defeated when we were thirteen years old. Even so, you will never ever defeat me! Kain boldly stated.

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