Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 11 (5/11)

Book 3: Chapter 11 (5/11)

Kain flew toward Arthur and started striking him using his Soul-bound Diamond Ice Spear. Arthur used his Soul-bound Black Shield to block it then used his Soul-bound Black Sword to slash at Kain. Kain used his powerful right leg to kick Arthurs sword from touching his body then repeatedly struck his Ice Spear six times, but was easily blocked by Arthurs shield. Arthur activated [Darkness Flood] ability then quickly released [Living Shadows] to attack Kain. Kain used his [Sun Flash] ability to reduce Arthurs [Darkness Flood] and took the chance to fly back away from it to avoid getting hit by the [Living Shadows].

Kain thought Arthur was going to use [Syphon Strike] ability to pull him back, but it didnt happen as he had expected. Arthur changed the rules for his world to be no flying permitted and the Vampire Emperor's Wings on Kain's back were forced to disappear. Fell on the ground from thirty feet above the ground, Kain quickly got up and brushed away the dirt on his face as he said, I guess no flying anymore huh.

Fly or not wasnt a big deal because it wouldnt change the fact that Kain would defeat Arthur in this battle. While Arthur has the advantage of having a specialized training class in warrior art, Kain has the ability to copy his opponent's warrior skills and abilities. Kain attempted to copy [Syphon Strike] ability from Arthur's Dark Knight specialization to pull Arthur toward him but Kain quickly noticed that he couldn't.

Kain asked himself in silence, "What is going on? I can't even copy my opponent's abilities now?"

A second later, Kain shook his head to clear his negative thinking away as he told himself, "I have a total of four health pools. I won't lose."

Kain had four health pools which meant he had four lives. If Kain loses to Arthur who only has one life, then it would be a real disgrace. That was why Kains cocky attitude didnt change when Arthur added the rule to his world to ban flying. Not being able to copy his opponent's abilities is bothersome but wasn't that important. However, Kains facial expression quickly changed after he realized three of his health pools had dissolved and only his main health pool was unscathed.

Kain turned toward Arthur and disturbingly asked, Weakling, what did you do to my health pools?

Arthur smiled and calmly answered, I have studied the battle between you and Lord Clerico very carefully. Having black hair in Toria Continents made you even more uniquely different compared to other humans, but I understood why you chose to become a Vampire Emperor. You didn't tell me this but I know you have more than one health pool which was one of the benefits you have gained after becoming a Vampire Emperor. That was why I just added another rule to forbid using more than one health pool as well. As I have told Lord Clerico before. If my calculation is correct, then I have no problem defeating you and him at the same time.

Kain angrily stated, You have changed the rules of this world to take away all of my advantages. From being able to use Blood Magic, Second Soul, flying, copy your abilities, and access more than one health pool. Weakling, this [Isolation] spell of yours is too overpowering. This is almost cheating. I thought you wanted a fair fight with me. You are making it very unfair for me right now.

Arthur didn't bother when he heard Kain complained about his [Isolation] spell being too overpowering. Arthur said, [Isolation] is just one of the great spells in Creation Magic. I have more great spells hidden but you wont have a chance to find that out. Wait, did you say that you couldn't copy my abilities?

"Yes, isn't that part of your rules?"

Is that so? I didn't add any rule to forbid you from doing that. Anyway, Kain, its still not too late for you to agree to my term. I can guarantee your safety and the safety of your allies if you agree to give me back Lord Clericos finger peacefully.

The battle between Noe Clerico and me is over. I have defeated him. You shouldnt interfere with the outcome.

"I'm not interfering with the outcome."

"You asked for his finger back so you can have him resurrected. That is against the agreement between Noe and me. After I was killed, no one in the Dryardian Empire would interfere. Now that I have killed Noe, you and the Mages Council should do the same."

Arthur laughed and said, You have defeated Lord Clerico by cheating so please don't even brag about it. You tricked him into trusting you then assassinated him. Who could have thought a Necromancer's minion whose loyalty was supposed to be absolute, assassinated his own Necromancer? More importantly, you used me as a distraction tool and I hated it. You asked me to protect your wife and children just so I can distract Lord Clerico while you were taking that opportunity to kill him. Lord Clerico died because of me, and I wont allow you to get away like that. If you have eaten his entire body, then I wouldnt even bother talking to you anymore and kill you on the spot. Because you decided to keep him as a prisoner, there is still a chance for me to correct my mistake. You give me Lord Clerico's finger, and you can continue to live.

Killing Noe Clerico was so much harder than I thought it would be. I'm not sure if I can find another chance to kill him again. Im sorry, weakling. But I cant agree to your terms. Kain sadly answered.

Arthur squeezed his eyebrows in anger and asked, Why do you want to keep Lord Clerico as a prisoner? What benefits is it going to bring you? Is it because you want some leverage in negotiation with the Mages Council?

Kain shook his head, smiled, and said, I wanted to know the secret to his [Unlimited Life] and [Substitution] spells. Noe told me that those spells were Conjuration Magic, not Necromancer Magic, which meant I can learn it too. This would help me very much when I travel to higher realms after becoming God-tier. As you have known, there is no weak human in the higher realms. Each human in the higher realms is incredibly strong since they have already reached God-tiers. Without a human blood source, I wont be able to use Magical Blood Equipment regularly. Because of that, I needed to learn [Unlimited Life] and [Substitution] spells from Noe Clerico to ensure my safety when I face stronger opponents.

Higher realms? Isnt that a little too far away in the future? You and I have plenty of time to create powerful Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spells. Plus, we cant create spells that have the exact same effect of the [Unlimited Life] and [Substitution] spells that Lord Clerico has created.

Of course I knew that. I dont need the exact same effect. I just needed the source of his secret then I can use that to create even better spells. Arthur, you and I are Conjurer Mages too. How about we torture Noe Clerico every day until he agrees to tell us the secret? As you know he cant use magic for a month after being killed and revived using the [Resurrection] spell. Noe's physical strength wouldn't be a threat if we cut off his fingers and toes after reviving him. He will be at our mercy at all times and we can torture him however we want. I will always have at least five Light Mages stationed next to his dungeon cell to revive him even if he commits suicide. I will kill him every three weeks then revive him again to continue the torture and repeat this process all over until he gives us the secrets. You and I will dominate the higher realms together. What do you say, Arthur Castillon? Team up with me, yeah?

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