Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 12 (3/12)

Book 3: Chapter 12 (3/12)

Approximately seven minutes after the Champions of the Mages Council started fighting with the Diamond Skeleton, Zora stopped hearing the loud explosions and thought to herself, The Champions are truly powerful. They have defeated that powerful creature in less than ten minutes. No wonder why the Mages Council granted them all kinds of privileges.

Zora wasnt the only one who was thinking that way, but the Champions themselves also thought that they had defeated the Diamond Skeleton. All thirty-six Champions have activated [Mana Infusion] techniques and casted their most powerful self-created Saint-tier magic spells toward the Diamond Skeleton. It doesnt matter whether the enemy was a Devil, an Archangel, or even if that Diamond Skeleton was a newly God-tier magic caster, then nothing would be changed as no one can stand against such powerful combined magic spells.

Holy Mage Gwenn Bigham gifted each Champion of the Mages Council one Large Mana Potion, five Medium Mana Potions, and ten Small Mana Potions each ten thousand years. All thirty-six Champions took out Large Mana Potions from their Magical Storage Rings and started drinking them to refill their mana pools. Despite believing that Diamond Skeleton was killed, they were highly trained not to underestimate any type of enemy regardless of how strong or weak they appeared. After all the dust storm caused by powerful Saint-tier magic spells cleared up, the Diamond Skeleton was no longer anywhere to be seen. That wasnt something unusual since its entire body can be reduced to ash or even wiped out completely.

Amyr smirked and thought to himself, Ignorant skeleton, you should have stayed inside the Dead Realm for eternity and never come to Toria Continents where the most powerful magic casters reside.

Amyr turned toward other Champions and said, We will help the Bifjorkian Theocracy kill all the remaining Skeleton Warriors in Flumen city. Im glad that we managed to kill that Diamond Skeleton without sacrificing this great city.

A cold breeze suddenly blasted through the Champions and put all of them on high alert. Each of them casted the most powerful protection Saint-tier magic spell that they have created on themselves then look around to find out where the cold breeze came from.

Being the leader, Amyr calmly instructed, The Diamond Skeleton could still be alive. Started casting [Wind Walk] spells, we needed to fly up.

Before Amyr gave instruction, Celedor had already finished chanting for [Wind Walk] spells and immediately casted it on himself and nine other Champions. Other Wind Mage Champions also casted [Wind Walk] spells on themselves and the rest of the Champions. They flew up two hundred feet above the ground and started looking around again to attempt to find the Diamond Skeleton. The cold breeze blasted through them didn't stop and this time it wasnt just cold, but the air around them became harder to breathe.

The Diamond Skeleton was still nowhere to be found, but the Champions heard its voice as it asked, Champions of the Mages Council are supposed to be very strong, isnt that right? So tell me Why your magic spells cant even cause a small scratch on my bone?

Amyr and the other Champions flew away from that area and the air became breathable again. They looked around again but couldnt find the Diamond Skeleton. After several seconds of thinking, Amyr started casting [Fireball] spells in all directions. One of the fireballs hit the Diamond Skeleton and his camouflage was revealed.

Amyr said, Just a lowly invisible spell and you thought we cant find you? Such an idiot.

The Diamond Skeleton asked, Invisible spell? Ah you must have misunderstood. I am not a magic caster, but a warrior.

Nonsense. You are flying, arent you? There are no wings on your back which mean you are using [Wind Walk] spell to fly, just like us. Hmm? Perhaps there was a Skeleton Mage that casted [Wind Walk] spell on you to help you fly?

I am not flying. And I wasnt using an invisible spell either. I have simply immersed myself into the air and became part of it using [Camouflage] ability.

Amyr squeezed his eyebrows as he thought about the [Camouflage] ability. He had never heard of such ability before.

The Diamond Skeleton then created a steel greatsword out of nothing and said, This greatsword was made out of air. I can turn air into solid steel and convert it back into the air when finished. I can obtain the surrounding air and use it to enhance my physical strength. Hah What am I doing? Why would I waste my time explaining to a bunch of walking corpses?

Amyr understood what the Diamond Skeleton meant when it referred to him and other Champions as walking corpses. Amyr angrily shouted, Now, attack!

Unlike last time, the Champions didnt use the [Mana Infusion] technique but started casting different powerful Saint-tier magic spells that they have created toward the Diamond Skeleton. They thought the Skeleton would have created a shield to block their magic spells but it just kept on walking slowly in the air toward them while swinging its greatsword around. Each swing created a powerful airwave that cut through the defense magic spells of some Champions and critically injured them. Shalantha was in charge of healing and she immediately casted [Major Healing] spells on any injured Champions.

Shalantha casted [Summon Angel Warrior] spell and a Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior was summoned. She commanded it to attack the Diamond Skeleton to give her some time for healing newly injured Champions. In just two simple sword slashes, the Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior was cut in half and the Skeleton continued slowly walking toward the Champions while laughing out loud. Besides the unique creatures conjured using Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spells Ralnor created, Ralnor also activated [Soul Bridge] technique to open a portal for his Soul-bound Creature to walk to Toria Continents from its realm. Ralnors Soul-bound Creature was a male Demi-Human Dragon-kin who had reached the Eleventh Stage of Saint-tier Dragon Knight. Gregg casted [Demiplane] spell hoping to trap a God-tier Demigod to help out but only an Eleventh Stage Saint Barbarian Demigod was trapped. A little stronger compared to the Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior, the Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight and Eleventh Stage Saint Barbarian Demigod lasted nine seconds against the Diamond Skeleton.

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