Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 115 – Lin Jichen’s commanding ability

Chapter 115 – Lin Jichen’s commanding ability

Corpse King Valley.

Legend has it that an elder from the Yin Corpse Sect was cuckolded by his wife, who had an affair with the leader of a small sect.

In a fit of rage, the elder turned the entire small sect, including its leader and disciples, into zombies and locked them in a valley, condemning them to eternal damnation.

At this moment, Lin Jichen and all the members of the Moon Shadow Guild had already arrived outside the valley.

The entire valley was a barren wasteland, cold and desolate.

There was no time to prepare. As soon as they entered, the ground began to tremble, seemingly sensing the presence of the living.

From the earth crawled out hundreds of rotting, twisted, and foul-smelling zombies.

These zombies weren't the hopping kind from old movies; they moved swiftly like modern-day zombies and charged at the group as soon as they emerged.

Fortunately, the girls of the Moon Shadow Guild had been through the Corpse King Valley before and didn't panic.

"First squad, hold the front. Artifact cultivators and damage dealers, spell cultivators, provide support. Remember, no skills, just use basic attacks to withstand the first wave."

Lin Jichen stood in the middle, commanding. He couldn't stand at the front because the girls at the back wouldn't hear him, so he was squeezed in the center.

Following his orders, the front line held off the zombies while the other squads attacked from the flanks.

No one used skills; they all relied on basic attacks.

The initial wave of zombies was easy to handle, and within moments, they had cleared out hundreds of them.

"Clear the battlefield and move forward."

The main force quickly advanced to the valley entrance, where the second wave of zombies was about to arrive.

Lin Jichen suddenly called for a halt.

"Fourth squad's spell cultivators, cast Falling Rock Rain at the entrance. If you have it, use it; if not, stay put."

Immediately, the spell cultivator girls in the fourth squad complied.

Many rocks fell, piling up at the entrance and quickly blocking it halfway. Lin Jichen called for a stop as soon as the pile reached waist height.

The second wave of zombies, numbering two to three thousand, soon arrived, rushing out of the valley in a frenzy.

But because the entrance was blocked with rocks, their advance was halted. The zombies behind didn't understand why the ones in front had stopped and crashed into them due to inertia.

The zombies piled up in a heap, creating a chaotic scene.

The girls laughed at the sight, and the previously tense atmosphere vanished.

"Stop laughing! All spell cultivators, use fire skills, archers, shoot!" Lin Jichen commanded sternly.

The girls immediately stopped laughing and followed orders.

Soon, a raging fire ignited at the entrance, quickly reducing thousands of zombies to ashes.

Su Wanling and Jiang Luoyu's eyes sparkled with admiration. Why hadn't they thought of such a simple solution?

Otherwise, these thousands of zombies would have been a significant problem for them.

Lin Jichen had resolved it so easily.

The second wave of zombies was successfully dealt with.

Lin Jichen ordered the rocks to be cleared, and they continued into the valley.

The third wave of zombies was even larger, covering the hills and valleys.

This time, they couldn't rely on the terrain.

"Don't panic! Everyone, hold your positions and follow the tasks I gave you. Use all your skills before you die."

Lin Jichen commanded and reassured everyone to stay calm and not panic.

Perhaps Lin Jichen's voice gave them strength and a sense of security. Most of the girl players performed well despite the overwhelming number of zombies.

Even though they screamed in fear, they remembered Lin Jichen's orders not to run or move erratically, holding their positions firmly.

Lin Jichen used the art of flying to assist the weaker girls, saving those he could.

However, casualties were inevitable, and they began to lose members.

Lin Jichen continued to shout for calm, issuing one command after another.

He reassured them not to worry and frequently praised their efforts, encouraging them to keep going.

With their leader's orders and their idol's encouragement, the girls unleashed incredible fighting power.

Not a single girl fled in fear; at most, they screamed and occasionally missed their skills.

But they did very well.

Thus, they withstood the third and fourth waves of zombies.

No zombies were left alive.

Thousands of Soul Burial Mounds scattered on the ground testified to the fierce battle.

"Count the casualties. Everyone rest for two minutes and recover," Lin Jichen ordered.

Su Wanling excitedly announced, "We lost less than a hundred members, less than two percent casualty rate."

Cheers erupted from the girls.

Losing only 2% of their members in the fourth wave was unprecedented.

Previously, in the hard mode, they would lose over 10% by the fourth wave.

In the hell mode, the best they had done was losing 30%, and at worst, they were completely wiped out.

"Mr. Lin, you're an outstanding commander and leader. I think you could start your own guild," Jiang Luoyu said with a smile.

Lin Jichen's face darkened, as if recalling unpleasant memories, his eyes showing a hint of sadness, and his tone became somber.

"I have no plans to start a guild. I prefer being free."

Jiang Luoyu didn't understand why Lin Jichen's mood suddenly changed, but she sensed his low spirits.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. I misspoke," Jiang Luoyu apologized.

Lin Jichen shook his head. "It's not your fault. I just remembered some unpleasant past. Don't worry about it."

Lin Jichen had once been the leader of a guild, the top spell cultivator, and a highly respected figure.

His command skills were top-notch. Even though his guild was small, they never suffered much against medium or large guilds.

He had led many battles, often winning against larger forces.

But when he aimed to reach the Enlightenment Realm, he entrusted his guild to his girlfriend, Guo Jie, and his good friend, Xu Zikai.

Within a year, the guild was completely taken over by them.

In the end, he was left with nothing, dying in despair.

Jiang Luoyu's words had stirred up his painful memories and hatred.

Jiang Luoyu sincerely said, "Mountains and seas will eventually meet, storms will pass, unresolved feelings will find peace, and everything will turn out well. Mr. Lin, I believe you can achieve your dreams."

Lin Jichen bowed his head in silence.

After a few seconds, he looked up, smiling brightly at Jiang Luoyu, his expression confident and bold.

"Thank you, I definitely will!"

At that moment, Jiang Luoyu's heart skipped a beat.

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