Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1773 - Eavesdropping

Chapter 1773: Eavesdropping

From the darkness, lines of bloody red text popped up one after another:

[Attention, you may now partially unseal your strength]

[You may choose one supernatural ability to unseal]

[When the Samsara’s will descends, you only need to state your choice in your mind and it will be released]

[Attention, you still cannot choose a sword or your sword techniques]

[Attention, you cannot choose to regain your cultivation realm]

Gu Qing Shan read through the messages.

A second later, a wondrous consciousness descended upon him.

——this sensation felt very similar to the fluctuations that the two paper sheets protecting the cities gave off.

Through communicating with this consciousness, Gu Qing Shan felt a sense of realization.

I can unseal my abilities.

Although it’s limited to only one ability, that’s still something worth celebrating.

So what should I choose?

He only hesitated for a split second before he suddenly thought about why the Samsara was doing this.

At this point in time, the Samsara chose to have the great tomb resurface.

There are numerous terrifying factors hidden within the tomb river.

There are Apocalypses, lost civilizations, and unknown horrors—— like that shadow that descended within the river earlier.

When I arrived at this island, I managed to evade the dangers brought by that shadow by dying through [Govern Spirit].

From this point onwards, the deeper I head into the tomb river, the more likely I’d run into unpredictable dangers.

I might even run into other Chosen Saints.

There is also the issue of Sequences.

Living beings’ Sequences, Apocalypse Sequences, and an unknown Sequence that the Heavenly Emperor belongs to.

There might even be other Sequences I haven’t yet encountered.

There are too many secrets, danger is always around the corner, and yet under such circumstances, the Samsara still doesn’t let anyone fully unlock their strength.

——-and yet it allowed me to unseal one of my abilities.

There are deeper implications to the Samsara’s actions.

What exactly does it want to do?

Gu Qing Shan paused briefly and slowly recalled his Sequence’s description——

The Human realm Initial Grave.

It was only after I discovered the map to it that the Samsara allowed me to unseal one ability.

In other words, my most crucial mission from this point is to be a scout.

Scouting… is very different from fighting.

The goal of scouting is to collect information, not to win against the enemy.

Most of my abilities are centered around fighting and scheming, so I don’t have any particularly exceptional scouting abilities…

After thinking for a brief while, Gu Qing Shan made his decision.

“Please help me unseal a unique Mystery—–”

“[Overlooking Soul]”

Immediately after that.

Overflowing deep-blue wind manifested around Gu Qing Shan’s body.


The invisible shackles binding him were slightly relaxed.

Lines of bloody red text swiftly appeared:

[The Samsara has unsealed your unique Mystery]

[You’ve reawakened the Mystery: Overlooking Soul]

[Overlooking Soul: When any entity displays emotional fluctuations in front of you, you will be able to observe the secrets hidden within their soul]

This was the ability I obtained when I became allied with the Overlooker of Myriad Worlds.

Earlier, even though I summoned the Overlooker of Myriad Souls, this ability wasn’t unsealed.

Considering how sneaky the Overlooker of Myriad Souls acted when eating, it probably didn’t want to confront the Samsara.

But now, I’ve finally regained this ability.

The supernatural phenomena around Gu Qing Shan’s body ceased.

The steeple, the city, the snow, everything slowly faded into nothingness around Gu Qing Shan, no longer to be seen.

The Cambrian civilization had thoroughly vanished.

And Gu Qing Shan had returned to the underground tomb.

The old pixie was tucking a small bag away when Gu Qing Shan suddenly reappeared, which startled him.

“Why did you suddenly return without any warning?” the old pixie asked.

While asking, he continued to tuck the small bag away into his pants.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him.

Only to see some words written in pixie language appearing above the old pixie’s head:

[This youngster returned so quickly, but it’s good that I scraped away all the gold on the doorknob; none for him, heh heh heh]

Gu Qing Shan: “…”

He subconsciously rubbed the doorknob.

There wasn’t a single bit of gold left on the gilded knob.

[Overlooking Soul] is a very useful Mystery, but it occasionally creates awkward situations like this.

I don’t have any scouting abilities, so I have no choice but to unseal this unique Mystery; this way, I’d be able to collect information from anyone I run into.

——I’d be able to collect a lot of information with much higher efficiency.

“Alright, we have to go now” Gu Qing Shan sighed and said.

“Where to?” the old pixie asked.

Gu Qing Shan raised the scepter in his hand——-

This was the final map left by the Cambrian civilization.

A tiny noise could be heard from the scepter.

“Watch out, it’s going to explode!” the old pixie screamed.

Gu Qing Shan tossed the scepter away.

Suddenly, the scepter burst into flames and began to unravel itself in the air.

A map displayed itself to Gu Qing Shan and the old pixie.

It was incredibly detailed with clear markings depicted on it, which the two of them stared at carefully to make sure that they would memorize every last bit.

After a while, the flames faded away.

Together with the map.

“Let’s go” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Hm, this tomb doesn’t have any value anyway!”

The old pixie looked around another time before saying with a satisfied tone.

The two of them left the tomb together.

At this point, the night sky had grown even darker.

Droplets of cold water sporadically rained from above.

A light shower had begun.

The melancholic rain shower blanketed the tomb river.

Gu Qing Shan frowned.

“In such a dangerous area, the weather has grown worse. Since your strength is still sealed, I suggest that you return to the tomb and rest for the night before continuing” the old pixie said.

“No, all Chosen Saints are currently exploring as much as they can, we can’t afford to linger behind them” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He wiped the raindrops from his face, examined his armor and weapons again before securing them tightly to his body.

“Are you sure you want to act at this late hour?” the old pixie asked.

“Hm, I’m considering which path to take” Gu Qing Shan replied.

——-according to the map left by the Cambrian civilization, there were several paths that led to the entrance of the Initial Grave.

The old pixie asked: “Do you want to head to your destination by yourself, or do you want to run into other Chosen Saints?”

“Do you have a method to be sure?” Gu Qing Shan asked in surprise.

“Hm, a type of pixie divination technique” the old pixie replied.

“I previously decided to act alone, but now, I actually want to run into somebody else, even if I can only see them, I’d have a way to scout out more information” Gu Qing Shan explained.

“Alright, leave it to me!” the old pixie answered.

He flew forward and hovered in the air, using his nose to smell something in the air.

Seeing such strange conduct, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask: “Hey, didn’t you say it was a type of pixie divination technique? Aren’t you just smelling things?”

The old pixie didn’t turn around and just answered: “What do you know? My nose is reinforced with an ability from a Mystic-type animal, capable of searching for a path”

Gu Qing Shan shrugged and stopped questioning it.

He indeed didn’t understand Quipcraft at all.

However, lines of text written in pixie language started appearing on top of the old pixie’s head:

[This way is no good…]

[Hm, this way is no good either, it smells like ‘done for’]

[Oh? Oh, oh!]

[This way is safe, and also… I can smell money!]

[I heard that Chosen Saints have their strength sealed away initially]

[—–it’s been a very long time since I did a hit-and-run, this is as good of an opportunity as any to earn myself some pension!]

After that last statement, Gu Qing Shan saw the old pixie suddenly turning around and pointing at a certain direction:

“Let’s go this way!”

Gu Qing Shan speechlessly looked at him.

—–this old pixie truly is an ‘extraordinarily skilled’ individual.

Seeing him staying still, the old pixie patted his chest: “Don’t worry, young Gu, my divination techniques are very accurate, I guarantee that we’ll run into somebody if we head in this direction!”

Right as Gu Qing Shan was about to refuse, he suddenly thought of something.

The old pixie is currently [Playing Dirty], so his powers are not sealed at all.

Would the Samsara allow something like that?

He silently asked the Sequence.

The Sequence replied: [Don’t worry, the pixie race is an exceptionally miraculous one, they represent the inconceivable aspect of universal truth, all Sequences and Voids welcome them without exception, and the Samsara is no exception]

[—–it’s a good thing for the Samsara for there to be the participation of pixies in the Samsara Clash for Supremacy, its Laws will be supplemented with the pixie’s, so it welcomes them]

Gu Qing Shan felt assured.

“Let’s go, we’re heading in the direction you picked”

“Now that’s more like it”

The two of them slowly traveled against the flow of the river, headed in a certain direction by following a small path along the river bank.

About half an hour later.

Gu Qing Shan stopped walking and drew the blade from his hip.

The old pixie took a sniff from the air and commented: “No battle fluctuations, no living people—— it’s ok”

The two moved forward a bit more.

Only to see over a dozen corpses soaking in rainwater, their blood continuously seeping into their surroundings.

“Hah? How come they are all wearing the same kind of armor you’re wearing?” the old pixie asked.

“They’re people from the Heavenly Palace—– a force opposing me” Gu Qing Shan answered.

The old pixie started chuckling and said: “You sure are a schemer, equipping yourself with their equipment, are you looking to impersonate one of them?”

“It was an unexpected acquisition” Gu Qing Shan explained.

The old pixie’s expression suddenly changed and quickly said: “Someone is coming, their strength seems to be quite decent as well, should we take refuge first?”

Right as Gu Qing Shan was about to move, he stopped.

He looked at his armor again, then at the dead heavenly beings on the ground.

——we’re all wearing similar sets of armor.

“No… I’m going to stay here to see what’s going to happen, you should hide first” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“A direct clash? Or an ambush?” the old pixie excitedly asked.

“If I remember correctly, if a pixie wants to hide, nobody would be able to find them” Gu Qing Shan commented.

“You are correct, then I’m going to hide”

“Hm, don’t act unless someone tries to do something to me” Gu Qing Shan instructed.

“No problem!”

The old pixie landed on the grass and rolled, disappearing without a trace.

Gu Qing Shan immediately crouched down between two corpses, then rubbed the blood on the ground all over his armor, body, and head; finally, he laid one of the corpses over the upper half of his body.

He laid down into position.

——and activated [Govern Spirit]

He was dead.

At this point, he was literally one of the corpses.

Not very long after.

A strong gust of wind blew over the pile of corpses.

Two Chosen Saints whose bodies were hidden in the shadow had appeared.

“All of them are dead”


The two of them quickly judged the surroundings and temporarily calmed down.

One of them spoke up: “Sir, that Heavenly Emperor is quite capable, managing to flee despite being surrounded by the representatives of two Sequences”

The other scoffed and replied: “Being able to infiltrate the Samsara so early on and becoming the Heavenly Emperor, of course, he shouldn’t be underestimated”

“Sir, are we going to continue moving forward?”

“No… We’re going to wait here for a bit, the representatives of those two Sequences will arrive to meet me”


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