YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 99: Corruption

Chapter 99: Corruption

[Yuna's POV]

It was night when I finally regained consciousness. As I cautiously opened my eyes, the soft rustling of the wind greeted me, its cool breeze brushing soothingly against my face. I lay there for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar yet comforting sensation of the bed. I tried to shift, but something heavy weighed down my right arm.

Looking over, I couldn't help but smile wryly. Kisara, sound asleep, had nestled against me, her head resting on my arm. A sigh escaped my lips, a mix of affection and dread. I could already imagine the lecture I'd receive when she woke up...

But then, something strange caught my attention. Our hands were clasped, but there was more. Slowly, I lifted them, eyes narrowing in confusion as I noticed a soft, golden glow pulsing from her palm, flowing into mine like a warm current.

I touched the glow with my free hand, feeling its gentle warmth seep into me. Instantly, the last traces of drowsiness vanished. I knew better than anyone what was happening to my body... and somehow, I was healing right before my eyes.

I hurriedly retracted my hand in shock, but the sudden movement stirred Kisara, causing her eyes to flutter open. We locked gazes in a moment of tense silence. "Kisara, you need to let go of my hand..." I muttered, worry creeping into my voice.

"Why should I do that?" she shot back sharply, making me flinch. As I sat up, I caught a clearer view of her face, and my heart sank. Dark bags hung beneath her eyes, and her cheeks were hollow as if she hadn't eaten or slept in days. Deep wrinkles etched her skin, and all I could see was a deep frown etched across her features.

"Your life energy... it's flowing into me... S...so you must let go now!" I urged, panic rising within me, but her mood only darkened further. "Kisara, please..."

"Do you think I don't know that?" she scowled, her frustration palpable. "I'm not dumb, Yuna..."

"Then why?!" I screamed, but my voice caught in my throat as I noticed a single tear escape down her cheek.

"Why? Why do you think, huh?!" For the first time, Kisara's anger erupted, and I felt the total weight of it bearing down on me. "How could I just let Yuna die?!"

Stunned into silence, I could only absorb her barrage of words. "Yuna... you're a very selfish person..." It felt like cold water had been thrown over me, and her accusations sank deep into my heart.

"You always keep everything to yourself, pushing me away from the truth. Even now, you never thought about telling me about your condition..."

"To protect you..." I managed to say, my voice thick with emotion.

"To protect..." Kisara echoed, grasping her head as a bitter laugh escaped her lips. When she finally calmed down, the sorrow in her eyes pierced me. "Last night, when you collapsed... I really thought you had died..."

Her voice trembled, a mix of anger and pain. "I was so distraught that I couldn't even focus on anything! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat.. I couldn't even think!"

"I was so worried... So please... stop hiding things from me..." she begged, her eyes searching mine with desperate earnestness. Each word twisted my heart, flooding me with guilt. "I hate it so much..."

Tears streamed down her face, splattering onto mine. Each drop felt like a sharp knife stabbing into my soul, revealing the foolishness of my actions. What I thought was protecting her was only causing her more pain.

"Okay..." I murmured slowly, fighting to control my emotions. "I will tell you..."

Unlike in the past, when I only explained things vaguely, I laid everything bare, tears streaming down my face. I spoke of my past life, how I was actually from the future, and how this entire ordeal might be a trial inside the Pharaoh's mind.

As I recounted my story, I watched Kisara's expression shift to one of utter disbelief. She seemed unable to process what I was saying. "So Yuna is from the future?" she muttered, dazed. "That's crazy..."

"But it's the truth..." I replied, wrapping my arms around myself as a wave of vulnerability washed over me. "It's everything I know... I promise."

With a heavy sigh, Kisara lay down beside me, her gaze fixed on my anxious face. "Do you think this is real? Are you sure that everything here isn't part of the trial?"

"I don't even want to think about it..." I confessed in a whisper. "I want to believe that the times we've spent together will really change your past. I want to believe that you will never suffer again..."

"Even if this may not be just an illusion of the past, the softness of this bed, the sound of my heartbeat, and being here with you, everything feels real to me. Isn't that what matters?" She smiled wryly, and we stared at the ceiling in silence.

Unaware of how much time had passed, Kisara opened her mouth once more. "Why will you go so far for me?" she asked hesitantly, confusion clouding her eyes. "I've never done anything for you in the first place..."

"Actually, in the future, Kisara has saved me a couple of times..." I answered, my heart warming with the memories. "You might not be there in the physical world, but you appeared several times in my unconsciousness. You even helped me battle an Egyptian God!"

"Really?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief, and a blush crept across her cheeks. "I could barely hurt a fly..."

"Well, I'm not sure about that..." I chuckled, knowing the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon lying dormant in her soul. "I believe that Kisara is very, very strong.'


Before long, our tears had dried, replaced by soft laughter that filled the room. To my surprise, it felt as if a massive weight was being lifted from my chest.

"What should we do now?" I asked, my spirits lifting.

"It's already very late. Let's talk tomorrow," she replied, extending her hand from under the


Instinctively, I hid my hand behind my back and shook my head. "I can't... your Ba..."

"Enough already," Kisara chided, frustration lacing her tone as she snatched my hand. Instantly, a comfortable warmth spread throughout my body, but the guilt caused my pupils to tremble.

"Don't worry about me," she reasoned, her grip firm yet gentle. "My Ba can always replenish in time, but you can't."

"But still... I feel awful taking your life force like this," I protested, my voice thick with concern. "Besides, if everything follows the original timeline, the trial will soon be over in

just a few days..."

"Yes... but you still need strength to fight back," she insisted, pulling me into a tight embrace. "We just have to hold on for a few more days..." We exchanged sad smiles, both realizing that our precious time together was slipping away.

"Even if our time together might be short, let's make sure the last few days count," Kisara said, her grin widening. "Let's achieve our happy endings."

"Nn." I nodded, wrapping my pinky around hers. "Let's do just that..."

The Next Day...

Early morning light spilled into the room when Kisara woke up. She quickly dressed and made her way to the entrance of the palace. Remembering our discussion, she hurried along, finding Priest Mahad leading a group of soldiers.

It seemed that while I was unconscious, events unfolded just as they had in the original timeline. Mahad had volunteered to lead Yami Bakura to the Valley of the Kings, hoping to set at trap and ambush him. But that plan, as history dictated, had ultimately failed and led to his


"Lord Mahad," Kisara called out, her voice steady as she approached. He stopped his horse beside her.

"Lady Kisara," Mahad greeted formally, his tone respectful. "What brings you here this


"Due to the recent events, I wasn't able to rest comfortably, causing me to wake up at an earlier time," she replied. "So, since I'm awake, I hope to grant you and the soldiers my blessing for a safe journey." Her words caused Mahad's expression to soften. "Thank you, but I'd prefer if Lady Kisara remained in good health. We wouldn't want Lord Seto to worry again," he teased, eliciting a blush on her face.

"I felt like I should do at least this much..." Kisara mumbled, glancing down. "I wasn't able to do anything when Bakura attacked, nor did I contribute to the meeting." "Well, I find that simply not true," Mahad said with a smile. "In fact, I believe Lady Kisara made the most significant contribution to that meeting, and all the Sacred Guardians would agree. If you hadn't voiced your concerns, we might have all been swayed by Lord Aknadin's proposal. You reminded us that, no matter how difficult the situation, we must always prioritize the people first. That is our duty."

"Is that so..." Kisara played with her hair, a shy smile creeping onto her face. "Anyway, please be careful, Lord Mahad. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but wouldn't it be safer to bring at least one more Sacred Guardian with you on this expedition? I hope you'll reconsider your plan. It might be too risky..."

"I appreciate your concern, but Lady Kisara, you don't need to worry," Mahad replied, his smile reassuring. "We can't delegate too many forces to this attack in case the palace is

invaded again."

"But the danger is too high!" She exclaimed, her emotions taking over, "Lord Mahad, please

think this through. I'm afraid that Bakura won't be someone you can handle alone... Not to

your disrespect."

"I understand... But while we can't split off any more of our strength, we also can't just sit idly

doing nothing. Now that I'm prepared, I believe I won't be easily defeated like before." He met her gaze, firm in his resolve despite her protests. "Although I'd like to continue our conversation, I must depart..."

"I see..." Kisara murmured, biting her lip in frustration. "Then promise me that if it gets too

dangerous, you will retreat."

"That I shall," Mahad replied, nodding before flicking the reins. His horse began to move, and as Kisara watched him and the soldiers head off, a heavy sigh escaped her.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"No matter what, Lord Mahad seems determined to carry the mission through..." she said, a

frown tugging at her lips.

Despite her hopes for him to reconsider, it was too late. The army quickly became a distant speck on the horizon, swallowed by the vastness of the landscape. Her worries lingered in the air, an unshakable weight pressing down on her. Unfortunately, our fears soon became a painful reality, as ever since that day, Mahad never returned...

Next day...

[3rd POV]

The palace was thrown into utter chaos. While Bakura's initial attack had shaken the people,

they managed to recover quickly. However, the disappearance of a Sacred Guardian was an

entirely different matter.

"Your Majesty! We can't waste any more time!" Aknadin shouted, urgency lacing his voice. "We have to go and search for powerful spirits to combat this great evil!"

"Lord Aknadin, we can't approach this recklessly," Shada countered, frowning. "The citizens

are already feeling unrest; we can't add more fuel to the fire."

"Yet this is a risk we have to take..." Aknadin pressed.

"Lord Aknadin..." Kisara interjected, still shaken by Mahad's death. Her voice trembled with

anxiety. "Please reconsider; there has to be another way..."

"Lady Kisara, I'm afraid you might truly be unaware of our current situation," Aknadin

replied cynically. "Sacred Guardians are mighty pillars of Egypt. Even with one of them missing, it could significantly weaken the kingdom's defences."

"I didn't mean it like that..." Kisara mumbled anxiously, her voice faltering under the weight

of the situation.

"Enough," Seto interrupted before she could apologise further. He shot Aknadin a scornful

glare. "Lord Aknadin, I believe you have spoken too far. Lady Kisara merely voiced all of our


"I see..." Aknadin replied, his tone shifting. "Then, Lady Kisara, what do you propose we do?" His question hung in the air, and all eyes turned to her.

Kisara grasped her chin, lost in thought, as she quietly listened to Yuna's whisper by her ear.

Nodding to herself, she lifted her head with confidence, "During the attack on the palace, Bakura mentioned this was revenge related to his village."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "Based on this, I went to the royal records and did some

digging. I found intriguing information in the documents." Her voice took on a solemn tone. "Around two decades ago, the population in the village of Kul Ena suddenly vanished after they stopped paying taxes, and no other contacts have been made since."

She paused, allowing the gravity of her words to settle before continuing. "It was also around

that time the Millennium items were introduced. I believe there is definitely a correlation, and we might find answers if we investigate that village."

"I see..." Seto nodded with a proud smile. "Then I believe there's no need for further

discussion. I propose we first try Lady Kisara's suggestion. If they are truly correlated, we should be able to find something that gives us an edge..."

One by one, the others in the room voiced their agreement with Kisara's plan. Smiling with contentment, Yami Yugi surveyed the crowd. "Then we should follow Kisara's plan. If there are any objections, speak now." When he glanced at Aknadin, the old man quickly averted his

gaze in resignation.

"Good, then we should leave as soon as possible." The Pharaoh stood up, commanding authority. "Meeting dismissed..."

As the meeting adjourned, Kisara, Seto, and Yuna found themselves strolling quietly through

the courtyard. The soft rustle of leaves accompanied their footsteps, a moment of respite amidst the chaos.

"Thanks for standing up for me..." Kisara mumbled gratefully, her voice barely above a


"It's the least I could do," Seto replied, his tone warm. "I'm just glad you're still trying to find

the best solution to our problem. While we were all just sitting idly without any plans in

mind." "Don't say that," Kisara countered. "The Sacred Guardians all have their duties to manage. I have to put in that much effort, right?"

Smiling, Seto gently grasped Kisara's hand, causing her to blush as her heart raced at his affectionate touch.

"How sweet" they heard Yuna's sly voice behind them. Flushing with embarrassment, Kisara

quickly let go of Seto's hand and coughed awkwardly. "Don't mind me; just imagine I'm not


"That's a little hard, don't you think?" Seto chuckled, a teasing glint in his eye.

The day Yuna went unconscious, Kisara fully realized that she wasn't the only one who could

see her friend. The revelation that Seto was also aware of Yuna's existence had initially made her feel betrayed. However, after Yuna's explanation, Kisara forgave him, understanding that there was no point in staying angry over something so trivial.

As the three continued walking, the sound of whimpering caught their attention from a

distance. Curious, they approached the commotion and spotted a young girl crying in the corner of the courtyard.

She had long brown hair that was sporadically arranged, jutting downward in all directions, a

small nose and lips, and large green eyes filled with tears. Her outfit consisted of a shoulderless, sleeveless top and a miniskirt adorned with various bracelets around her wrists

and ankles.

"That's Mana, Lord Mahad's disciple..." Seto explained, the atmosphere growing solemn.

As Kisara watched Mana weeping quietly, a wave of pity and guilt washed over her. She

glanced at Yuna, who looked equally dejected. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault."

"But if I had only tried to convince Lord Mahad harder..." Kisara muttered, her voice filled with regret. "Then maybe he might have survived..."

"Nobody can achieve everything... Sometimes, you have to do what you can," Yuna replied softly. Kisara stared at the ground, lost in thought, grappling with her emotions. Without waiting for further encouragement, she approached Mana and sat beside her. Smiling softly, she began comforting her with a gentle voice.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Yuna remarked as Mana's sad whimpers gradually faded, giving

way to shy giggles as Kisara affectionately patted her head.

"Yes..." Priest Seto nodded, watching Kisara with awe. His expression shifted, and he

nervously clenched his fist. "Miss Yuna, may I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Yuna replied, curious.

"After this is over, I wish to ask for Kisara's hand in marriage..." he whispered anxiously, his

eyes wide with hope. "I hope that you will grant me your approval..."

"M... Me?!" Yuna stammered in shock. "Why would you ask me?!"

"Then who else?" Seto shot back, making Yuna fall silent. "You're the most important person

to Kisara..."

"I see..." Yuna nodded awkwardly, a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "Marriage... Are you messing with me? This better not be a joke."

"Miss Yuna... I would never jest about something like this..." Seto answered solemnly, his

gaze steady and intense. "I hope you will give me a serious answer as well."

As Seto waited in silence, each passing second heightened his unease. Eventually, Yuna

shrugged nonchalantly and smirked, "Well, it's fine, I suppose... As long as Kisara is happy, then I have no further objections..."

"Thank you..." Seto muttered with relief, his heart racing with excitement. "Don't get too relaxed yet; Kisara herself hasn't agreed in the first place," Yuna replied

calmly, her eyes turning to Kisara with a loving gaze.

Marriage, huh... Yuna smiled to herself. 'Kisara, you have to live now... I can't let you miss out

on such a bright future...'


Inside one of the private research rooms, Aknadin bit his nails in frustration as he stared at

the device on the table. "Why couldn't the Pharaoh understand that desperate times call for desperate measures?" he muttered to himself, glancing at the soul-scanning invention that

he had put so much expectations into.

"We can't just follow a baseless speculation. Such a method will only lead us to our doom."

His voice echoed in the empty room, a stark reminder that, despite his growing frustration, he was left with no one to share his attitude.

Lost in thought, Aknadin's gaze remained fixed on the device, oblivious to the strange stillness around him. The air felt charged, thick with an unshakeable tension, as a shadowy

figure appeared silently on the window sill.


Before Aknadin could react, the figure lunged forward, grabbing him by the neck and pinning

him against the wall with alarming speed. "Now, now, relax; I'm not here to kill you this time..." Bakura smirked, his grip easing just enough for Aknadin to catch a breath. "Y... You!" Aknadin croaked, eyes filled with a mix of hatred and disbelief. "There's no point in struggling. You can call for guards, but they won't be coming," Bakura

warned, his voice laced with a menacing chuckle.

"What... do you want?" Aknadin growled, his heart pounding as he faced the man who had

brought chaos to their lives.

"Well, I find you to be the more logical out of the bunch," Bakura replied, a glimmer of

interest sparking in his eyes. "You will definitely be useful..."


With a wicked grin, Bakura released him, sending Aknadin crumpling to the floor. He gasped,

coughing as he tried to regain his composure, but the sight of Bakura opening his coat, revealing the Millennium Ring hanging around his neck, stole his breath. "That's!" Aknadin couldn't finish his sentence, shock rendering him momentarily speechless.

"So it's true..."

With a flick of his wrist, dark energy oozed from the Millennium Ring, slithering across the floor like a living thing. Aknadin's instincts kicked in; he summoned his spirit, but it was futile. Diabound quickly subdued the monster, overpowering Aknadin with an overwhelming

sense of despair.

Struggling frantically, Aknadin felt the dark energy seep into his chest, paralyzing him as pain shot through his body. He collapsed, gasping as the rage and frustration that had consumed

him twisted into something darker, something more sinister. Instead of fighting, a strange

inclination to submit crept over him. Finally, as the dark energy dissipated, Yami Bakura watched with a satisfied smile. He delivered a swift kick to Aknadin's body. "Stand."

With great effort, Aknadin pushed himself up, his body trembling as he knelt before Bakura,

the words escaping his lips almost involuntarily, "My lord..." "Hah..." Yami Bakura's smile widened, a glint of wicked amusement dancing in his eyes.

"This is getting interesting..."

I hope you enjoy it

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