Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

It wasn’t just sunglasses. The bowls and dishes made using clear and colored glass were given as trial pieces to King Sejong and Queen Soheon—and the royal consorts were presented with them through Queen Soheon. 

Having received these new items, King Sejong and Queen Soheon were greatly satisfied, and dishes made of glass began to be used extensively in the palace.

As they started to be used en masse in the palace, the news quickly spread to the marketplace.

This meant that a substantial demand had emerged.

“Immediately produce them in large quantities.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Upon issuing the command for mass production, Hyang smirked and muttered to himself, ‘This is what they call VIP marketing.’


Glass began to flood the markets of Joseon and soon started to attract considerable attention in Ming and other foreign countries.

An envoy from Ming, after seeing the palace in Joseon, reported to the Emperor, resulting in an order arriving from Ming to supply them with pane glass for the Forbidden City.

Hyang personally took it upon himself to deal with the envoy from Ming.

“Pane glass for the Forbidden City…for the entire Forbidden City?”

“The entire thing, yes.”

“We’ll supply it. But can Ming’s finances handle it?”

“What do you mean, Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

Upon the envoy’s question, Hyang elaborated, “If we look at past conventions, whenever Joseon supplied something, His Majesty the Emperor would return gifts many times over.”

“That’s correct.”

“But this pane glass is a precious item that takes 8 silver coins to make just one piece. If you plan to use glass for all the buildings in the Forbidden City, can you imagine the quantity required? Then, wouldn’t you need a corresponding amount of wealth for the return gifts?”


After doing some quick calculations based on Hyang’s words, the envoy started to sweat profusely. He was reminded of internal debates within the Forbidden City.

Due to excessive expeditions initiated by the Ming Emperor, Ming’s finances were in serious trouble. The current Emperor was desperately trying to patch up the hole.

Therefore, when the suggestion to import glass from Joseon arose, there was a significant amount of opposition. The rationale behind the opposition was similar to what the Crown Prince of Joseon had just stated.

“Maybe we should request Joseon to send artisans instead…”

“Are you suggesting that we declare war on Joseon right now? Have you forgotten what happened to the Jurchens tribes in Liaodong not long ago? Have you forgotten why our past emperors have always warned us to be cautious with Joseon?”

Even though Joseon was a tributary state, Ming was always on alert.

In a situation where caution was exercised against Joseon, the recently ascended Emperor Zhu Zhanji was looking to avoid unnecessary conflicts in order to restore the country’s finances.

Ultimately, the conclusion reached after a fierce debate was as follows:

“Even if Joseon, a tributary state, is using glass for palace decorations, we, the superior state, cannot stand idly by. However, His Majesty is frugal, so we should negotiate to only request the materials to decorate the Taihedian Hall in the Forbidden City, while keeping reciprocation to a minimum.”

However, the envoy assigned with the task had, due to his sense of justice, asked for enough material to cover the entire Forbidden City, and was now being counterattacked by Hyang.

Sweating profusely, the envoy listened as Hyang spoke:

“And considering our production capabilities in Joseon, it would take at least five years to provide enough material to cover the entire Forbidden City. Of course, if we encounter storms or attacks from the Jurchens tribes, it will take even longer. What do you suggest?”

To Hyang’s question, the envoy immediately offered a compromise.

“We can start with just the material for the Taihedian!”

“Wouldn’t that put you at a disadvantage?”

“If it’s for the friendship between the two nations, what does my personal safety matter? However, we will minimize the reciprocation.”


Pretending to ponder over the envoy’s words, Hyang threw him a bone.

“For the sake of friendship between the two countries, we in Joseon should also make a concession. We’ll provide glass for the Taihedian, the Zhonghedian, and the Wenhedian. In return, we’ll only ask for the cost of the glass for these three halls. How does that sound?”

“Really? I am truly grateful!”

Hearing Hyang’s words, the Ming envoy bowed deeply to express his gratitude. At that, Hyang threw in a curveball.

“However, there is one condition. From now on, we won’t be sending any palace women or eunuchs.”


The envoy’s face turned awkward at Hyang’s proposition. After quickly weighing the pros and cons, he responded.

“The issue of sending palace women is beyond my authority and will require consultation. I’ll return immediately to seek His Majesty’s advice. I assure you, we’ll find a mutually beneficial solution, so please uphold your current offer!”

“Very well.”

After reaching a tentative agreement with the envoy, Hyang immediately went to inform King Sejong about the outcome.

“…So, we will be providing glass to cover the exteriors of the three halls in the Forbidden City, receiving a reciprocation calculated at 8 liang of silver per hall, and we have proposed to stop sending palace women and eunuchs.”

Hearing Hyang’s explanation, King Sejong and his ministers nodded their heads in approval.

“Good job.”

Following Sejong’s praise, the ministers also complimented Hyang.

“You’ve done well.”

“Indeed, you have worked hard.”

Among them, Left State Councilor Lee Jik pointed out an issue.

“But, as far as I know, 1 ‘nyang’ of silver is enough to make a single sheet of flat glass, isn’t it?”

At Lee Jik’s question, Hyang chuckled.

The hearts of Sejong and his ministers sank upon seeing Hyang’s expression. Every time Sejong made such an expression, things that exceeded their imagination—what Sejong would call “a sucker punch in broad daylight”—often occurred.

The most recent instance was a major incident where half of Insoonbu’s storehouse was emptied while mass-producing flat glass.

Fearing that those ignorant of the utility and value of flat glass would interfere with budget execution, Sejong had even considered imprisoning Hyang in the record office. 

“Initially, that was the case. But now, 4 ‘jeon’ of silver will suffice.”

“How so?”

“Do you remember the work of Han Seok-gu?”

“Did his innovation reduce the cost that much?”

At Sejong’s question, Hyang nodded.

“Yes, that’s why we gave him equity.”


Han Seok-gu getting equity became a hot topic among the artisans.

While working on-site, the artisans could anticipate that glass would rake in a lot of money.

Hence, Han Seok-gu became the object of the artisans’ envy.

“If you’re envious, then think up something yourself!”


The artisans were fired up by Hyang’s words.

Not just the glass workshop, but everyone in the Area 51 and the research institute was inflamed with a sense of challenge.


Hyang was immediately questioned by the Left State Councilor.

“So, if the outer walls of halls are covered in glass, a substantial amount of money will be saved, right?”


As soon as Hyang answered, Sejong interjected.

“But the even better point is, we wouldn’t have to send palace maids and eunuchs. Of course, it’s still a possibility.”

At Sejong’s point, Hyang answered firmly.

“We must make it a reality.”

Sending palace maids and eunuchs to Ming Dynasty was an act that turned numerous families into seas of tears.

If they succeeded in this endeavor, public support would rise even more, and Sejong’s political standing would strengthen.

Hyang suggested to Sejong.

“Therefore, when the envoy leaves, we should also send one to secure a solid commitment.”

“Of course, we should secure the commitment.”

As Sejong nodded, Hyang relaxed and smiled.

“In that case, I shall go.”

“This child!”


Sejong raised his voice in anger, but Hyang calmly explained the reason.

“If the envoy is to go, negotiations with the Emperor must be conducted. Therefore, a certain level of status is required.”

“Negotiate with the Emperor?”

“Think about it. We haven’t yet received a definitive answer regarding the last military expedition in the Tumen River area. Even though the Chief State Councilor himself went as the envoy.”


Upon hearing Hyang’s point, Sejong groaned.

Just as Hyang mentioned, even though the Chief State Councilor went as the envoy, they returned empty-handed.

As a result, the ongoing Tumen River development was unilaterally carried out by Joseon.

Poking at Sejong’s sore spot, Hyang continued to elaborate on the reason why he had to go.

“Furthermore, this time there are significant expenses linked to the glass issue, as well as the issue of the tribute women. Even if it’s the Emperor of Ming, I will attempt to negotiate, and I will put forward the envoy’s status to gain an upper hand in those negotiations. Therefore, I must go. Please allow me! Allow me to go!”

“The reasoning makes sense, but it isn’t absolutely necessary for the Crown Prince to go.”

Sejong refused, but Hyang brought up yet another reason why he had to go.

“Currently, our Joseon is trading significantly with both Ming and Japan. To continue this trade freely and securely in the future, we need to get the Emperor on our side.”

“Get the Emperor on our side? No, before that, are you suggesting that there will be issues in the trade?”


“And the reason?”

“Nobody likes it when their own assets are taken by others.”


Sejong involuntarily nodded at Hyang’s words.


Trade with Ming was rapidly increasing. However, the majority of this trade was incredibly favorable to Joseon.

Certainly, they were buying large quantities of grain for emergency supplies, and bulk amounts of sugar for resale.

But when looking at the absolute numbers, the expenditures were miniscule compared to the income.

Therefore, information had started to come in through the merchants that there had been some unfavorable talk in Ming recently.


“So you want to win the Emperor over to our side? How?”

“I propose a joint venture.”

“A joint venture?”


Hyang elaborated more to Sejong.

– The Joseon court and the Emperor of Ming will form a joint trading company.

– Products manufactured in the royal workshops of Joseon will be purchased by this joint company and sold to merchants in Ming.

– The revenue acquired from these sales will be distributed at a certain ratio between Joseon and the Emperor of Ming.

“…The reason it’s limited to royal workshops is that most of the products reaping the most benefits in our current trade are made there.”

“That’s true.”


In response to Hyang’s words, Sejong and the ministers nodded their heads. Gauging their reactions, Hyang continued.

“Not long from now, our glass products will enter the market. Given the current circumstances between our Joseon, Ming, the Jurchens, and Japan, the glass products produced by the royal workshop will have a perfect monopoly. Anyone can foresee that conflicts will arise.”

“I see.”

“So, although it may seem like a loss at the moment, preventing conflict could actually be more beneficial.”

“I understand that. But for the Crown Prince to go in person…”

“To negotiate with the Emperor of Ming, it is necessary to meet as equals.”

“Why only the Emperor of Ming… Ah!”

Suddenly letting out an exclamation, Sejong glared at Hyang.

“You’re a frightening individual.”

At Sejong’s words, Hyang offered a polite smile.

‘As expected from King Sejong! He caught on immediately!’

The atmosphere was gradually tilting in Hyang’s favor.

“However, I must say, establishing a joint venture solely for the purpose of securing safe trade and avoiding Ming’s pressure seems a bit underwhelming. Isn’t there a way to further secure our benefits?”

In response to Sejong’s question, Hyang immediately answered.

“One important thing was omitted from the explanation; it’s about preserving the value of the royal emblem.”

“Ah, that’s it!”

At Hyang’s words, Sejong slapped his knee in agreement.

The slight sense of something lacking just moments ago now felt complete with Hyang’s statement.

“The merchants of Ming are notorious for making counterfeit goods! Right now, we’re the only ones making glass products, but once they learn it’s profitable, Ming merchants will likely hire glass artisans from the West to produce similar items. And then, to easily reap profits, they’ll probably manufacture counterfeits with fake royal emblems!”

Realizing the value of the pear flower pattern, which is stamped on quality-approved products, Sejong made a decision.

[TL/N: The emblem or I guess product brands stamped on Joseon goods is probably like this


“Very well! Let the Crown Prince go and return!”

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