Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

The next day, when Sejong announced at the royal council meeting that Hyang would be sent to Ming, all the ministers, excluding the senior officials, vehemently opposed the idea.

“Crown Prince, explain yourself.”

“Yes, Father.”

At Sejong’s command, Hyang repeated the explanation he had given to Sejong and the senior officials the day before.

“…Therefore, it is necessary for me, the Crown Prince, to go to Ming.”

“Even so, to send the foundational pillar of our nation recklessly to another country is…”

The newly appointed Minister of Law and Punishments showed his displeasure, prompting Sejong to glare at him.

“Then who should confront the Emperor? Would you, Your Excellency, go?”


Faced with Sejong’s question, the Minister of Law and Punishments closed his mouth.

How could a mere minister from a tributary state face off against the supreme ruler of a sovereign nation? 

The overwhelming difference in status was evident. Moreover, if anything went wrong, the Minister would surely have to bear all the responsibilities.

In the end, the Minister of Law and Punishments had no choice but to keep his mouth shut. Seeing this, Sejong clicked his tongue.

“Tsk! You might as well have said something.”

“Your Majesty.”


Sejong clicked his tongue again, causing the Minister of Law and Punishments to tightly shut his eyes.

‘So this is why the other high-ranking officials hate the sound of a tongue click. I get it now!’

Sejong’s constant reproach made the Secretaries and ministers detest the sound of tongue-clicking intensely. However, it had also become routine for them to click their tongues when pointing out the faults of their subordinates.

“Alright, since there seems to be no opposition to appointing the Crown Prince as the emissary for this mission, let us proceed.”

“We heed Your Majesty’s command.”

“Crown Prince, go back and attend to your duties.”

“We heed Your Majesty’s command.”

As the Crown Prince left the chamber, Sejong looked around at the ministers with a proud face.

“Having such a talented child is indeed a great blessing, don’t you think?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty!”

“The Crown Prince is so exceptional; this is truly a fortune for Joseon.”

“Absolutely! It is indeed the fortune of Joseon!”

The ministers eagerly echoed Sejong’s words.

The official who recorded all of this added the following note:

– …All the ministers at the royal court praised the Crown Prince’s excellence.

The official opines:

Recently, it is said that in the homes of officials ranking higher than Councilors, the cries of children are incessant.

Moreover, the number of people entering officialdom through merit-based exams is also decreasing.

No further words will be said.


As the officer said, the nobleman’s house was filled with incessant scolding from adults and the cries of children.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has already accumulated such achievements, what are you doing?!”

“I-I apologize! I will strive harder…”

“Quiet! Kneel!”

Children of the same age as Hyang, or even younger, were constantly compared in terms of academic achievements and scolded every day.

The situation was no better for their adult offspring.

“You fool! Why does the evaluation written in the Royal Service Corps look like this! You are disgracing your father’s face!”

“I apologize!”

“If you’re comfortable in your official robe because of nepotism, you should be working even harder! What were you doing to get such an evaluation?”

“I apologize!”

“Starting tomorrow, report to work earlier and leave later than anyone else! If I catch you frequenting brothels? I’ll report you and have you jailed in the Records Office!”

“Father, please, not that!”

Those who obtained their posts easily through nepotism, carrying the reputation of their father and lineage on their backs, were going through hard times.

Those who had passed the state exams in the past and climbed the ladder by following the proper protocol looked down on those who entered through nepotism.

The increasingly harsh work environment made life even more difficult for those who had parachuted into their jobs.

The most critical issue was the recent incident involving the sons of Hwang Hui.

After receiving reports that Hwang Hui’s sons had easily climbed to key positions through nepotism, King Sejong issued an order:

“Reevaluate the job performance of those who have been appointed through nepotism!”

Not many received good evaluations in the new assessment process, which involved both the Censorate and the Office of Special Advisors. 

Because these evaluations would also adversely affect their fathers and lineages, chaos ensued.

Ultimately, as the new system stabilized, even the children of power-holders started entering official positions through the formal route of passing the state examinations rather than nepotism.

It was considered safer to climb the ladder step-by-step from the bottom rather than enter a middle-management position through nepotism and receive a below-average evaluation.


After finalizing the personnel in the mission, Hyang boarded a ship with diplomats from Ming and departed from Jemulpo.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Hyang talked to the Ming diplomat.

“Is the public order in Liaodong really that bad?”

The Ming diplomat nodded at Hyang’s question.

“Yes, the Jurchens in the areas near Geonju and Haeseo have been growing increasingly ferocious recently.”

Some tribes from Haeseo and Geonju, who had long been under Ming influence and had shifted from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle, were living fairly well. However, other tribes were increasingly facing hardship.

The biggest reason for this change was Joseon’s intervention in Shandong.

Once an official office was established in Shandong and merchants began to travel through maritime routes, the wheat trade that had been ongoing in the Liaodong area disappeared.

This was a matter of survival for the Jurchen tribes in the area.

It was because the money earned by either raiding the wheat trade convoys or escorting them was significant.

Moreover, the economic hardship worsened as traders from the Ming moved to the horse markets established to avoid conflicts with the Northern Yuan.

Ultimately, the Jurchen tribes, pushed to the edge, attacked other tribes or raided Ming villages. Some even crossed the Yalu River to raid border villages in Joseon.

However, the Jurchen tribes that attacked either Ming or Joseon faced greater losses.

Both Ming and Joseon mobilized their armies and set out to suppress them.

In particular, Joseon conducted retaliatory operations that wiped out not only the responsible tribe but also nearby tribes.

As a result, the sight of Jurchen tribes crossing the Yalu River was no longer seen.

What remained for the Jurchen tribes was infighting amongst themselves.

Thus, the atmosphere in the Liaodong area became extremely tense.


“What are your plans for resolving the situation in Liaodong?” Hyang asked.

With a slight smile, the diplomat lowered his head.

“What could a minor official like me know? The Emperor’s continued attention will surely provide a good solution soon. What does the Crown Prince think?”

In response to the diplomat’s question, Hyang wore a similar expression and answered, “How could I, who am just learning statecraft, make a judgment? I simply hope that great calamity does not befall Joseon.”

“But seeing that you are on this diplomatic mission, aren’t you trusted?”

Upon the diplomat’s casual probe, Hyang laughed and answered, “Hahaha! I’m just a frog that has just escaped the well, eager to grasp the breadth of rivers and oceans!”

“The rumors suggest otherwise.”

“Rumors are just rumors.”


The envoy that had offered incense and made offerings to the gods briefly stopped in Shandong to rest and resupply before sending a messenger to Beijing.

After resting for three days in Shandong, the envoy set sail for Tianjin.

When the envoy arrived in Tianjin, a group of officials were waiting to greet them.

“Welcome, on behalf of the Crown Prince of Joseon!”

Receiving formal courtesy from the waiting officials, Hyang respectfully returned the gesture.

“Thank you for such a warm welcome.”

Accompanied by the officials and military escort, Hyang headed for Beijing.

* * *

Upon entering the Forbidden City in Beijing, Hyang was immediately greeted by Emperor Zhu Zhanji.

“Welcome, the Crown Prince of Joseon.”

“It’s truly an honor to meet Your Majesty, the Emperor. Long live the Emperor! Long live, long live, long, long live!”

“Ha ha ha. Receiving cheers of ‘long live’ from the Crown Prince of Joseon truly lifts my spirits. Let’s have a drink first and then talk.”

“Your Majesty’s consideration is much appreciated.”

Three days later, Hyang formally entered the official event.

“So, I have heard from the envoy who went to Joseon. You’ll cover the outer three places with glass?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And you’ll only charge for the cost of the glass in return?”

“That’s correct.”

Upon hearing Hyang’s response, Emperor Zhu Zhanji burst into hearty laughter, pounding his armrest.

“Ha ha ha! Excellent! I’ve heard that glass is a truly beautiful material. But I was wary of wasting state funds on its beauty, and here you are, Joseon, with such a generous offer!”

Seeing Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s positive reaction, Hyang cautiously advanced the matter.

“Maintaining good neighborly relations with Your Majesty’s nation is the desire of our Joseon. Bring in what we’ve prepared.”

At Hyang’s command, Joseon officials who had been waiting brought in large and small boxes covered with silk cloth.

“What is this?”

“Merely some trivial things made of glass.”

As Hyang spoke, he lifted the silk cover.



Seeing the exposed objects, not only Emperor Zhu Zhanji but also the surrounding bureaucrats and eunuchs couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration.

It was a beautiful table held up by four glass dragons.

“Truly beautiful.”

Unconsciously, Emperor Zhu Zhanji murmured. Although he usually emphasized frugality, he could only admire the beauty that the glass possessed.

Next, Hyang opened the other boxes. Upon seeing the glass objects wrapped in sawdust, Emperor Zhu Zhanji praised Hyang.

“Since ancient times, Haedong (Korean Peninsula) has been famous for creating beautiful objects. Seeing these glass items, I realize that the reputation is not unfounded.”

“Your praise is too generous.”

“It’s not excessive.”

As the attendants cleared away the tribute items, Emperor Zhu Zhanji moved on to the main point.

“Once again, according to what the envoy said, you will replace all the outer gates at the three outposts with glass and accept only the price of glass as compensation. Is this correct?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“In return, you said you would cease sending palace maidens and eunuchs. Is that correct too?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! Sending palace maidens and eunuchs causes many parents in Joseon to shed tears and lament. Is this not a tragic matter?”


Upon hearing Hyang’s words, Emperor Zhu Zhanji nodded his head.

The custom of sending palace maidens was initiated by the Yuan Dynasty. His previous predecessors were the one who continued this practice.

‘There’s no reason for our illustrious nation to continue a custom performed by barbarians like the Yuan. However…’

Calculating back and forth, Emperor Zhu Zhanji began to negotiate.

“If you also cover my inner palace with glass, I will accept your proposal. However, the cost will be 6 silver tael per yard for both external and internal projects.”

“Your Majesty! It takes 8 silver tael per yard just to produce the glass! Taking into account potential damages during transportation, 6 tael would be unreasonable!”

Hyang vehemently refused, but Emperor Zhu Zhanji was not willing to relent.

“Is the king of Joseon reluctant to spend money to stop his people’s tears?”


Faced with Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s question, Hyang bit his lips. At this, Emperor Zhu Zhanji gave a small smile.

‘Well, what will you do? Your father’s honor is at stake!’

After much deliberation, Hyang looked at Emperor Zhu Zhanji.

“I propose 7 silver tael per yard, and I would like to make an additional suggestion to Your Majesty.”

“A suggestion? Speak.”

“As you’ve just seen, our Joseon makes various artifacts with glass. We are planning to sell these glass artifacts to the Ming Dynasty soon.”

“Is that so? Joseon will make a lot of wealth. Is there a problem with that?”

“Therefore, I would like to propose a partnership to Your Majesty.”

“A partnership? With me? Why?”

Upon hearing Emperor Zhu Zhanji’s questions, Hyang began to explain the joint venture.

“Hmm… I’ve heard your explanation well. But why me?”

“The owner of the royal glass workshop that produces this glass is my father. Although we are a vassal state, you are the ruler of a country, so the most suitable business partner would be none other than you, Your Majesty.”


Emperor Zhu Zhanji began tapping the armrest of his chair with his fingers, pondering.

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