
Chapter 207: Ego

Chapter 207: Ego

“[Divine Eye], [Under Divine Flag], [Wrath of the Righteous], [Daemon’s Bane]” Uriel intoned as she bathed her and her allies in buffs.

“Shouldn’t have done that.” Atazza growled.

“You…” one of the Silver Maidens began, but Atazza swiftly cut her off.

“Killing them isn’t the problem, it’s finding them.” Atazza growled.

“Somehow, I don’t think it will matter. They aren’t here for all of you; they are here for me,” Uriel said as she scanned the surroundings and saw all those with demonic ether signatures staring right at her.

“There you are…” Atazza said, and in a flash, he had hurled a javelin right at one of the civilians. The javelin punched clean through the man’s chest, and his body crumpled to the ground. From his shadow emerged a Succubus with pinkish skin and small curved horns.

The moment the Succubus emerged Yael let out a shot of divine energy from his Light Spear. The Light Spears were rather crude weapons developed to give the Cherubim a fighting chance against the foes of Heaven. The Cherubim were too small to serve well in melee unless they were facing simple humans or dwarves. Against the more powerful races they stood little chance in a direct clash. So Light Spears were designed to let the Cherubim fire bolts of divine energy at a distance.

The bolts were reasonably effective, but against targets with high defense, they were practically useless. A mere platoon of veterans from the Wrath Ring would eat a Cherubim Company alive. This weakness was so well known that some of the more callous members of High Heaven have started calling the Light Spear, Torch Lights. Deriding the weapons as something that can only shine a vaguely threatening beam of light.

However, in skilled hands, it was far from an ineffective weapon.

Yael’s first short was dodged as the Succubus ducked to the right, but Yael’s next shot slammed right into her face, and then another followed into her chest right where her heart was. Flaming blood spewed from her wounds, and she crumpled to the ground. A moment later, the body crumbled to ash as she succumbed to her wounds.

Uriel glanced at Yael, and the happy and overly energetic Cherubim was gone. Now, he had the eyes of a vigilant soldier as he scanned the surroundings.

“Not bad,” Atazza said as he glanced at the surrounding tents. Uriel could see figures hiding in the shadows. The innocents had long since fled. The only ones who remained were those possessed by demons.

“Archangel we should leave.” one of her guards said as she lifted off the ground.

“No, this is a perfect chance to clean out this camp. We fight on.” Uriel replied as she summoned her staff. The top ignited with golden flame, forming a curved fiery blade.

“As you command.” her guards replied as they took up defensive positions.

Uriel hefted her staff and then the demons swarmed them. These were not soldiers, just infiltrators. The Searing Hells must have quite a bounty on her head, it was to be expected of course, but regardless demons wanted her head was nothing knew.

“[Divine Lance]” Uriel shot a gold blade right at a pouncing demon, the blade struck the demon with enough force to send it flying into a nearby tent.

She glanced at the Naga and saw Atazza smash an attacking demon into red mist with sheer brute strength. Another demon pounced ontop of Atazza, latching onto his wide back. The Demon tried to stab down into his neck but the blade just bounced off his scales, spewing sparks.

“Worm.” Atazza growled as he grabbed the demon with one hand and slammed her into the ground, splattering her across the mud.

Yael was firing his Light Spear for dear life and to his credit he was quite good at it. His shots mostly struck home and the amount of dying demons lying around from his shots was slowly growing.

“[Honour Guard].” Uriel intoned and a group of six golden swords appeared around her. When a demon got too close, one of the swords shot out and skewered it.

These demons were chaff, they were just swayed by the promise of power and prestige. But they were fools. With the strength they have now, the best they could hope for was to become one of Lord Mammon’s court jesters if they succeeded. The Demon Prince of Lust would use them until he tired of them and then they would be discarded. Better they end here rather that face the tortures that await them.

Uriel cut down another charging demon when she sensed a commotion, she turned to see a squad of Cherubim charging out of mass of destroyed tents, their Light Spears firing at every demon in sight.

In just a few moments Uriel found herself behind a bristling wall of spears. The small bodies of the Cherubim were in front of her, shielding her from any harm. Then she saw more Light Spear bolts in the distance, word must have gotten out and it seems every Cherubim in the area was now converging on this location.

The battle went on rather uneventfully for a few more minutes but it was soon over. Just a hand full left to clean up. She watched Yael take down another fleeing demon and the fallen demon was soon blasted by half a dozen shots from the other Cherubim.

Uriel lowered her weapon as she scanned the surroundings. She glanced at her guards and saw them standing next to a dozen dead demons. As expected, they weren’t even phased. In truth, Uriel wanted to use herself to lure some of the demons out while at the same time speaking to refugees here, but somehow, things seemed to be going a bit too well…

Uriel stepped back slightly as the Atazza threw a decapitated demon corpse past her, and she looked around again. All the Cherubim in the area were now here, and judging by the number of demon corpses, that should be most of the demons in the area.

Yet… there should be a leader here… someone stronger than these chaff.

“Check the bodies, see if you can find their leader.” Uriel said to the Cherubim who all saluted and rushed off the check the bodies.

“A leader? I doubt a wiser demon would attack. Demons are schemers first, soldiers second.” Atazza growled as he shook off some of the blood on ofal stuck to his trident.

“Yes but we should still check.” Tsarkov said as he glanced at the carnage around them.

“You seem quite calm Ambassador.” Uriel stated and Tsarkov just shrugged.

“Stared death in the face enough times to know when I’m out matched. If the Demons get past all of you I’m as good as dead.” Tsarkov replied as he stepped out of the way of an expanding pool of blood.

“You would be surprised how often this happens in this city.” Atazza said as he shook off the last of the gore from his weapon.

“Yes, I have been attacked a few times on the way to the palace. However, the valiant efforts of the Cherubim have made things better and I have not been attacked in quite awhile.” Tsarkov said as he gave Yael a kind smile.

“Now then, once you are done checking the bodies shall we head to the Chapel.” Tsarkov added.

Uriel nodded and as expected the leader wasn’t here. That callous brute must have just sent their servants to die. Perhaps hoping their deaths could provide a window of attack. But seeing as she now more protected than when she arrived, it seems his plan has failed.

But then again demons failing is nothing new…

When the group reached the chapel they found themselves being met by a haggard group of Priests and Priestesses. They all looked exhausted and their white robes were stained with dirt and blood. The Chapel itself was nothing more than a hastily constructed wooden building. The banners of the Church of Order were torn and swaying listlessly in the wind and the amount of sick and wounded were so large, they were spilling out of the building.

Overall it was a rather poignant example of the state of the church. Like a sick man, clinging to life. All it’s members flailing against the dying of the light. In the back of her mind Uriel doubted if the Divonian Empire could be saved.

This place was once the jewel of the faith, a model of what a nation should be. But now? It was a sick dying nation, and the nation that has eclipsed it by far is ruled by an ancient monster. Corruption was riff, the demons were everywhere and the people flee in droves.

The inquisitors report that any refugees that arrive in the Averlonian Empire almost always abandon the faith. In alot of ways Uriel didn’t blame them. They have been failed so utterly in their home nation. Then they go to another Empire that is everything that is deemed anathema by the Chuch and what do they see? Peace and prosperity. Not a demon in sight.

The demons that have brought low their home tremble before the banner of the white phoenix.

Uriel looked around and was annoyed to see some members of the Hive guarding the location. She noted one particular Hive soldier, it was this dog like creature. She had seen these types of troops before, an extremely simple yet effective design.

At a glance, it wasn’t very powerful, it was strong relative to a human, that was of little doubt. It’s fangs and claws were more than enough to rip your average human to shreds. But its real strength came from its tail. That scorpion like tail was tipped with venomous spines. It was strange to see, the models she had intelligence on used those synthetic Focii crystals. Judging by it’s worn and scarred appearance this one has been alive for a long time.

The beast paused as it slowly approached her. The Naga paused as well as they observed the beast approach. Uriel could tell they were not fearful but they did find it odd. The creature slowly prowled forward and as it approached Uriel got a better look at it. It was horribly scarred, its white carapace marred by old wounds.

Then, the haggard priests approached. Uriel listened to their fears and grievances and in turn, Uriel feared and grieved. The institutions of the Empire were collapsing, from what Uriel was hearing it wouldn’t be long before the Serpahim would have to step in to take over some aspects of government.

“Please Archangel, the Serpaphim must intervene. The crown has fallen, their souls are lost.” the most senior priest begged.

Uriel could only nod in understanding. This was news to her but it didn’t change the plan at all. They were already planning to take over the Empire, this just gave Uriel more confirmation that it was necessary. Soon there would have to purges and from what her agents have reported entire noble blood lines would have to be purged. The risk of corruption was too great, she would soon have to unleash the inquisitors upon the Empire. They would kill every member of a corrupt house all the way down to the babies.

Root and stem, the Inquisitors called it. Leave no weed alive in Heaven’s garden.

“Fear not, salvation is coming good priest.” Uriel said gently.

Is that so angel?

Uriel shifted her gaze and saw that hive soldier from before… smiling at her…

Then it spoke.

“You will save these wretched creatures?” the beast said as it slowly walked towards her. Its voice was deep and sounded like grating glass.

Uriel paused as she stared at the beast. Common Hive soldiers could not talk, and this one did not seem that powerful—certainly not any different from the other soldiers.

“You can talk…” Uriel said as she turned to look at the beast.

“Most of us can, we just choose not to.” the beast revealed and Uriel felt her blood run cold. Hive soldiers were supposed to be dull, rabid beasts, not intelligent creatures.

“Then why have you chosen to speak?” Uriel asked as she narrowed her eyes.

“I do not know, we understand yet we do not. We are one mind, yet seperate. Petty language cannot fully explain what we are.” the beast said as it approached. The Naga got out of the way, her Silver Maidens tensed and Tsarkov?

Tsarkov was surprised, he did not know this was possible.

“Do you have a message?” Uriel asked.

“No, none. Just felt like talking. Long have I served and yet, you speak of salvation.” the beast said and Uriel furrowed her brow. What it just said made little sense.

“What does you serving have to do with salvation?” Uriel pressed. Although she was unnerved she realised this was a golden opportunity to learn about how a Hive creature thinks. Perhaps the Great Beast’s hold on his minions is not as strong as he thinks it is.

“Everything, you think these souls can be saved? By what? The rot is deep, you cannot save them. They have no unity, without a master they will tear each other apart.” the beast said, still making little sense.

“And your kind can offer salvation?” Uriel pressed.

“My king offers purpose. To be both known and unknowable. These wretch creatures you call priests beg and mewl like children. They seek something that doesn’t exist. They are false and dead things. No power nor choice.” the beast said.

“We have a choice, we are the masters of our own fate.” one of the priests said, and at those words the beast laughed.

“You hold your own life but you control nothing. All of you live because my king allows it, you will all die when he demands it.” the beast said as it turned away.

“Are you threatening this Empire?” Uriel asked and the beast paused before turning it’s head slightly.

“You should know this well Archangel. Power is a threat to all within reach.” the beast said before ambling off, all of the terrified humans giving it a wide berth.

Take a good long look angel

You are watching the death throes of an era…

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