
Chapter 208: Manifestation

Chapter 208: Manifestation

Malthusia sat in a tent and picked her nails idly. She glanced up as she sensed movement outside. Judging by the footfalls, it was her contact in this wretched world. Communications were erratic, to say the least. Things were not as they seemed.

Although being a member of the Ars Goetia Malthusia was at best a minor member of the Daemon Nobility. Most minor members of the Ars Goetia ended being used as agents, Malthusia herself was no different. Being a succubus and Lust Demon she was very aware of the power of desire. What set her apart, from the rest was, oddly enough was a natural talent for economics.

The Searing Hells were a place where scarcity ruled the economic landscape. With most demons being basically just balls of endless demand with legs, Hell was just a place of endless demand and horrifically inadequate supply. Enough was never enough, and so the ability to make sure the right people got the things they wanted was quite a profitable venture.

Through some careful trading and a good understanding of Goetia Law, Malthusia built quite the enterprise back in hell. That was until Lord Asmodeus, of all people, demanded to speak with her. It turns out she was being sent to Terra to orchestrate the economic collapse of the Divonian Empire.

Malthusia was useless in a fight, that she knew all too well. The reason was simple, she was a coward. Well most demons were cowards but she was especially cowardly. So she was contemplating running when the summons came but apparently Lord Asmodeus was a step ahead of her. Long story short the day before she was supposed to escape, she went to bed and woke up in front of Asmodeus’s throne.

The cheeky bastard woke her up a minute after midnight, effectively following the rules of his summons. So now she was stuck in this cesspit, trying to bleed this Empire dry. It was working to an extent, but the real benefits came from a bit of external help.

She watched as the white hound-like creature enter. It had a horrifically scarred body and its frame it looked to be a much older design as compared to it’s kin within the Hive.

“Ego.” Malthusia said unhappily as she gazed at the hound.

“Malthusia, always a pleasure.” Ego drawled as it entered the tent.

Ego was a hulking creature, bigger than the other hounds, yet his frame seemed unrefined. Though most hive specimens were technically genderless, he did prefer a male identity for some reason.

“The Angels are at the chapel.” Ego stated as it sat down, it’s scorpion-like tail pointed squarely at Malthusia.

“Of course they are, they are talking no doubt. Flapping thier lips about how these fools need help. Your Empire will be able to help them, but somehow I suspect it won’t be enough.” Malthusia replied.

“No, this rot serves my king’s designs. This game will weaken the angels so it serves my King well. Continue your efforts and there just may be a reward for you.” Ego said as he flashed a fanged smile at Malthusia.

“Reward?” Malthusia asked as she glanced Ego.

“You tire of the Ars Goetia do you not? You will always be a rat to them. Nothing you ever do will change that.” Ego said and Malthusia subtly clenched her fist at that statement. Even a blind man could see that to be the case. This damned dog, his words cut deeper than his spines.

“My king takes many talents into his service. Many of the denizens of hell have strengths my king needs. I am sure I do not need to remind you the original purpose of the Hives.” Ego said and Malthusia narrowed her eyes at those words.

“You all were made to survive, to serve. We were made as weapons.” Ego said with another low laugh.

“Yet survive you did, seeing as you decided to hide here of all places.” Ego said as he glanced at the shaby tent.

Malthusia grimaced at those words, it was true. She always tried to find the most unassuming locations to hide. The prettiest flower is plucked first and Malthusia has only lasted this long because she has kept her head down.

“Surely you want a better lot in life? Or is being a rat entertaining to you? Not for me to judge of course, I know you Daemons have some odd proclivities.” Ego said with another chuckle.

“What rewards.” Malthusia hissed through gritted teeth.

“So eager, so desperate. I am surprised Malthusia, someone like you should know never to seem desperate in negotiations.” Ego said with a wry grin.

“Listen here you stupid mutt, do you know what Asmodeus told me last week? He just told me to listen to you bunch of single-minded freaks. He left me here to rot, when things go tits up do you think the Asmodeus would send someone to come and rescue me? This isn’t a mission, it’s an execution.” Malthusia hissed in response.

“This isn’t a negotiation, this is an offer. Tell me what you want and if I live to tell the tale you will have it.” Malthusia spat in response.

“My my, desperate aren’t we?” Ego replied, his insufferable crooked smile still plastered across his muzzle.

“Two Cherubim have already popped their heads into this fucking tent to check on me. They seem to think I am a terrified girl, but those stupid stunted chickens will eventually figure out what the hell I am.” Malthusia hissed.

“Yes, especially since the Inquisitors are coming.” Ego said and Malthusia’s face went pale.

“I did what you asked, I threw half my assets against that Archangel. I threw my brittle blades against a granite wall and shattered them on your behalf. In doing so I attracted heaven’s attention to this fucking slum. Give. Me. Something. To work with.” Malthusia spat.

“How about a position inside the Empire. A skilled financial planner like yourself would prove useful in the Empire. If my king makes the case for it, I am sure Asmodeus would happily use you as a gift.” Ego said.

“So I get sold to an ancient beast like a common piece of meat?” Malthusia asked.

“No of couse not.” Ego replied and Malthusia grit her teeth at the sight of the widening smile on his face.

“You have already been sold like a common piece of meat. You will move in to the Embassy soon as a common servant. You will continue to orchestrate the slow disintegration of this place and funnel anything worth a damn to the Empire.

In exchange you will receive an excellent position in the ministries of the Averlonian Empire, complete with better perks than you would ever receive in Hell. That was my King’s offer.” Ego said and Malthusia paused. This wasn’t an offer, it was order and she had been bartered and sold. But it wasn’t a bad deal… it was a preety good one… a deal she would have accepted regardles.

“Does it mean anything if I accept?” Malthusia asked gingerly.

Of course not, now pack your things…


Tsarkov bid his guards good night and both Naga gave him their usual curt nod as they turned away. They were a strange bunch, these Naga, so stiff yet with such flexibility of mind. They were loyal in the extreme but perhaps that alone has its uses.

Tsarkov let out a small sigh as he walked towards his office. As he moved his eyes moved to the white walls and the banners that adorned them. The great white phoenix held in the jaws of the Great Beast.

<img /N2xWJdP.jpeg" alt="N2xWJdP.jpeg">

It was a brutal image, but it was also honest. Another interpretation could be that the empire could hide behind the fangs of the Great Beast. The perspective of the way the banner is designed certainly seems to imply that to an extent.

Tsarkov glanced at the other wall and saw another banner. This one was the banner of the Hive. Why a gestalt consciousness even needed a banner was odd to say the least but in truth this banner was for the humans.

It gave a face to the endless swarm of lethal creatures hiding beneath the ground. But somehow Tsarkov couldn’t help but feel the design was… alien…

<img /1jQdjFn.jpeg" alt="1jQdjFn.jpeg">

There were many patterns and symbols he did not recognise. Most prominently of all were those symbols of intertwinning lines. At a glance the symbols looked ancient, he had seen more than one angel staring in confusion at the banner. The Empire’s best beastiarians fared no better.

Tsarkov had chatted with the Royal Beastarian Beatrice Godwinn and she of all people was puzzled. She even has a copy of the banner hanging in her study, rumours say she spends time in her day just staring at it, as if she was trying to gleam some ancient secret from the patterns. The only clear things there were the jaws around a similar winding symbol, the words and the fact that the border was designed like an ancient shield.

Mysteries within mysteries, Tsarkov knew better than to attempt to fathom the unfathomable. After the battle with Tralis and when he saw the sheer power the Hive could muster Tsarkov will admit he was… fascinated.

Before his deployment here, he spent a good amount of time speaking with the Beastarians and what he found was an enigma. It was clear they understood next to nothing about the Hive, much to their chagrin.

A few sporadic accounts, some superficial observations, but nothing really concrete. Nothing at all on their inner workings, only how the Hive members have mentioned their ways were unfathomable to humans. Judging by some of the sporadic accounts of humans having their minds shattered when connecting to Hive minds, Tsarkov was inclined to believe in it’s unfathomable nature.

He let out a small sigh before heading to his study. When he opened the door, the first thing he did was notice the slight breeze coming from within. He never left the window open because of the frequent rain, which means someone had let themselves in. Seeing what happened today he had a preety good guess who it was.

When he looked into the room, he saw none other than Ego sitting on the floor. His massive frame curled up on the carpet.

“How was the charade ambassador? Is the Archangel done flapping her lips to the condemned?” Ego asked as he sat up raising his large hulking head.

“It went as one could expect, I assume that attack was your idea?” Tsarkov said as he glared at Ego.

Tsarkov didn’t like speaking to the members of the Hive. Just a simple conversation would be enough to tell these creatures respected life as much as they respected dung.

“Well not mine alone, I had some help. My mind is not mine alone afterall.” Ego said with a laugh as he got up and prowled across the carpet.

Tsarkov always felt Ego was odd. The other Hives were all buisness, cold, apathetic even. But Ego was uncannily sarcastic and funloving, with humour as dry as the Zariman Desert.

“A demon will be joining your embassy soon, my king has given the order. She is capable at manipulating the economy. She will use her wiles to starve this Empire further.” Ego said and Tsarkov’s eyebrow visibly twitched in annoyance.

“You want me to take care of some random succubus you plucked off the street and you are just telling me this now?” Tsarkov spat.

“The arrangements have been made, so you need not do anything.” Ego said as he started moving towards the window.

Tsarkov narrowed his eyes as he stared at the retreating Ego.

“Wait, are you sure the Great Beast knows what you are doing?” Tsarkov asked as he stared at Ego.

Somehow in the back of his mind, he can’t help but feel Ego was an outlier in the Hive. He seemed to run his own show, but somehow the rest of the Hive just went along with it. Either Ego was a rebel or the Hive was not as it seemed.

“Sharp one aren’t you, but yes my King is aware. Feel free to send them a message requesting confirmation. Since you are curious, I will give you one small hint…” Ego said right as he placed a paw on the window frame.

I was not made into this body, I just like the way it feels…


I watched as Ego crawled away into his small hovel and lay down wearily. This body wouldn’t last much longer. The fatigue was getting to him, and he would soon have to switch hosts.

Ego was an odd creature, my evolutions have allowed something strange to occur. The Hive Mind had birthed an individual made of a million conciousnesses. I gave him the name Ego because he is in fact the Ego of the Hive.

I pulled my mind from the Hive, and I glanced at the new body I had been making for him. He just popped up a few weeks after I arrived, and I didn’t even realise at first. Making him obey was easy enough, but he was unpredictable.

However, he was extremely intelligent and, from what I can tell, potentially absurdly useful. He also had a weird fascination with dog bodies. He did not have a body; instead, he lived within the Hive Mind itself. Malegaros has started calling these types of consciousness Ghosts, which was oddly appropriate.

It was troubling to an extent, especially considering that I could not create another Ghost. It seems this might be a natural version of Legiana. But even though Ego has the ability for it, I would say he does not have the temperament.

But let’s see how he does regardless, he has done so well so far. I wonder what he can do once I loosen the leash even further.


Surprise me…

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