Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 379 377-Transformation of the Body

Chapter 379 377-Transformation of the Body

[Eye of Alchemy: A unique ability of the Master Alchemist, capable of discerning the true essence of the world.]

[Soul of War: The ancestral soul of the War God Tribe, possessing enigmatic powers. It can triple the user's strength, enhance combat instincts, slightly boost the morale of nearby allies, and allow for the inheritance of the War God Tribe's legacies...]

[Rule of Wraith (broken): Neither dead nor alive.]

[Wraith Apocalypse Curse: In the dark abyss, I awaken your existence. O Wraith, rise from your slumber, heed my call, obey my command, and unleash your destruction upon this world...]

[Attributes: HP 108,000, Spirit 700,000, Strength 29,000, Constitution 20,000, Agility 12,000]

[Divine Artifacts: Blasphemous Spear, Dragonblade, Grip of the Underworld]

The first thing that caught Ethan's eye was his life value.

When he was at S-level, his life value had already reached a five-digit figure, rendering him an invincible being beneath the deity level.

But now, it had astonishingly broken through the hundred thousand mark.

A hundred thousand? 

Ethan was profoundly shaken by this revelation.

What did this signify?

Had he transcended the S-level, elevating his body to a different plane of existence? 

Or, had he actually stepped into the deity realm?

Ethan's mind was in turmoil, struggling to grasp the full implications.

If he had entered the deity realm, wouldn't that mean there were many at this level in the Deityforsaken Land?

Or did this figure simply indicate that Ethan was incredibly difficult to kill?

Unable to figure it out, he decided not to dwell on it any longer.

After all, his strength had now multiplied several times over.

Even the Power of Soul had increased sevenfold. 

This wasn't just a simple increase in multiples; it was an exponential leap in magnitude.

Ethan could understand this point quite well, given that he had embraced the legacy of the Wraith Cult.

It made sense that a magus who utilized Wraith Magic would require a robust Power of Soul. 

Therefore, the explosive increase in his Power of Soul was entirely justifiable.

As for the other stats, at Ethan's level, they were practically inconsequential.

Take Agility, for instance. 

At this realm, individuals would frequently employ various spatial abilities, capable of traversing thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

For Ethan, Agility was merely a pleasing number, nothing more.

His attention then shifted to [soul of war].

In his heart, Ethan felt that this was his greatest gain in recent times...

It wasn't the Grip of the Underworld, nor the inheritance of the Wraith Cult, but the [soul of war].

Ethan had always lived by a creed: only what belonged to him was real.

Both the Grip of the Underworld and the legacy of the Wraith Cult were external acquisitions. 

Only the [soul of war] was truly his.

Ethan calmed his mind and returned to his conscious space.

A desolate aura emanated from this space.

The entire soul space became eerily quiet.

It was as if time itself had frozen, with only the unique essence of the soul of war permeating the air.

This aura, filled with a tragic and heroic spirit, involuntarily evoked a sense of awe.

A golden object, resembling a seed, bobbed up and down in Ethan's soul space.

A profound epiphany struck him:

"[soul of war] is capable of growth."

Ethan was startled by his own realization, but the golden seed underwent a sudden transformation.

A horn sounded, and around the seed, various images began to materialize.

The representations of the soul of war were diverse: some depicted heroes clad in armor, wielding swords or spears; others showed scholars draped in white robes, holding pens or scrolls; and there were images of elderly figures leaning on canes, their faces kind yet commanding...

Ethan watched, mouth agape, as his soul space transformed with these visions.

"[soul of war] is not just about combat; it represents a spirit," he realized.

With this thought, the golden [soul of war] seed actually began to sprout.

Yes, it sprouted in the literal sense.

Its shell gradually cracked open, revealing a small, budding sprout. 

The sprout was a pale yellow, adorned with unique shapes and patterns, as if nature itself had stamped it with a distinct mark.

However, the transformation of the soul of war's seed was limited to sprouting, with no further changes.

Only Ethan understood that his sensitivity to his surroundings had heightened. 

He felt a stronger affinity with the various elemental energies in space. His understanding of weaponry and previous spells and skills had deepened remarkably.

This development brought Ethan a clearer comprehension of [soul of war].

The power of [soul of war] was unimaginable.

Those who possessed the soul of war could effortlessly manipulate the forces of nature, control elemental energies, and wield a variety of magical spells and skills. 

Their proficiency in various weapons was unparalleled...

But it was the spirit and willpower that nourished the [soul of war].

The deeper Ethan's understanding of [war] became, the more rapidly the [soul of war] would grow.

"It's no wonder the War God Tribe was not embraced by the deity. If every member of the War God Tribe possessed the [soul of war] and allowed it to grow, who could possibly stand against the tribe's members?" Ethan pondered.

Ethan reflected silently, turning his attention to [Rule of Wraith (broken)].

The Rule of Wraith was the first Power of Rules Ethan had acquired. 

Rule, a power that deities could wield, was far more potent than the Language of Nature. 

However, Ethan was currently at a loss on how to utilize it.

He had his theories about the incomplete state of the Rule of Wraith. 

Logically speaking, the Wraith Cult had been an enduring legacy for over a million years, even believed to be connected to a Supreme Deity. 

So, why would the Rune of Law of the Wraith be fragmented?

This conundrum was something Ethan couldn't fathom.

Bogart, too, hadn't mentioned anything about the Rule of Wraith, and Ethan had no intention of asking. 

If this Rune of Law wasn't meant for him at this juncture, revealing it might put him at a disadvantage.

Even now, looking at the Rule of Wraith, Ethan felt overwhelmed.

The simple six words "Neither dead nor alive" exerted an immense pressure on him. A vague sense of unease prevented Ethan from dwelling on it for too long.

After sorting through everything he had acquired, Ethan opened his eyes.

Lana and Daphne, seeing Ethan's eyes open, jumped in surprise.

Ethan, with a furrowed brow, curiously asked, "What are you doing?"

Daphne, her eyes red, exclaimed, "Brother, I thought you were dead!"

Ethan's mouth twitched slightly as he turned to Lana.

Lana, her face slightly flushed, nodded towards Ethan, "You might want to take a look at yourself."

Ethan looked down at his body.

His body was completely covered in blood. 

The golden blood had congealed into scabs all over him.

These scabs had formed a thick layer, resembling a hard armor.

As he moved, the scabs made a creaking sound, eliciting a spine-chilling fear.

However, as he shook his body, these blood scabs began to gradually fall off.

They peeled away from Ethan's body bit by bit, revealing the skin beneath.

The body hidden beneath the blood scabs had become more robust and muscular, with more defined muscle contours. 

His skin was covered in a layer of golden radiance, as if he was under the protection of a deity.

Not only that, Ethan observed his own body.

His bones seemed to have been baptized by the power of a deity, becoming incredibly hard, akin to steel.

This transformation had elevated Ethan's physical strength to an unprecedented level. 

Even if he were to face Batou again, he was confident he wouldn't be as badly defeated.

Inside his bones, there was also a powerful force. 

This force allowed Ethan to rapidly recover his physical strength in battle, endowing him with astounding endurance.

This power felt somewhat like an awakening, nurtured by the Golden Divine Dragon Blood, giving Ethan a feeling of ease and comfort, like a fish in water.

Simultaneously, Ethan's bloodline had undergone a significant transformation.

His blood had become as hot as molten lava, radiating intense heat as it flowed.

Moreover, his blood contained a magical power that enabled Ethan to heal quickly from injuries and even turn the tide in critical moments.

Ethan suddenly thought of the Golden Divine Dragon Blood. 

Could it be that his Golden Divine Dragon Blood had ascended to a higher level?

This might also be one of the reasons for the tenfold surge in his life value.

As the last of the blood scabs fell from Ethan's body, he was completely exposed to the air.

His skin felt a cool sensation, as if basking in the early morning sun.

His body had become more agile and light, giving him an unprecedented sense of comfort.

Lana, looking at Ethan's body, blushed deeply, "You... you should get dressed quickly."

Daphne, on the other hand, curiously gazed at the area between Ethan's legs, where a golden glow emitted from his manhood, almost mesmerizing to behold.

Ethan hurriedly covered himself and chuckled awkwardly, "Sorry about that, I didn't expect this to happen."

Once Ethan was fully clothed, Lana, still somewhat irritated, said, "Can we leave now? To find Alvin?"

"Let's not rush, just a bit more rest."

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