Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 380 378-Peggy's Anger

Chapter 380 378-Peggy's Anger

"What else do you need to do?"

Lana was somewhat puzzled. Previously, it was Ethan who was always in a hurry, and now it was Ethan who wanted to rest.

Ethan shook his head slightly, his eyes filled with caution, "I thought after coming out of Santos Tower, relying on what I gained there, I could traverse Deityforsaken Land unimpeded. But I was wrong..."

Lana didn't speak, instead listening attentively.

"...That Bounty Hunter dealt me a direct blow. Even though I've become stronger now, I still can't confidently say I would defeat him."

"Deityforsaken Land is more dangerous than I imagined. I must sort out everything I have. The journey ahead isn't as simple and easy as it seems."

Ethan's thoughts drifted to Luther's face.

When Luther and the Thousand-Faced Demon Spider left, he had said something:

"The dangers in Deityforsaken Land are no less than the legacy of the Crystal Tribe."

Now, it seemed Luther had foreseen this, a warning for Ethan.

Ethan cleared all arrogance and pride from his mind.

He had to ensure that he gave his all in every battle.

After pondering for a while, Lana nodded in agreement, "Alright, then we'll rest a bit longer."

The three of them decided and sat down again.

Ethan pulled out a golden bone shard from his pocket.

The shard was an irregular polygon in shape, its edges sharp and angular, glinting with an eerie light.

The surface of the bone seemed to be coated with a thin layer of metal, making it appear more durable and sturdy.

Under the sunlight, the metallic coating reflected a dazzling array of colors, mesmerizing to behold.

At night, the shard emitted a soft, blue glow, as if exuding a mysterious power from the abyss.

The bone shard was covered in complex and enigmatic patterns.

These intricate designs intertwined in a bewildering fashion, resembling a mystical totem concealing endless secrets.

The starting point of the patterns was an ancient symbol, seemingly emblematic of the beginning of life.

From this symbol, the lines branched out into countless directions, each leading to a different path.

Some patterns resembled meandering rivers, carrying the traces of time; others were like lightning in a storm, cutting through the dark night sky...

Ethan, looking at the shard, suddenly paused, "Huh! Where did this dragon pattern come from?"

When Ethan first received the shard, there had been no sign of a dragon pattern on it.

Lana, curious, softly asked, "May I have a look?"

Ethan handed the bone shard to Lana.

She scrutinized it, her brow slightly furrowed:

"Dragon? I see a flying phoenix on this pattern, its wings spread wide, radiating a dazzling light!"

Ethan raised his eyebrows, his face showing a hint of perplexity.

A thought crossed his mind, so he passed the shard to Daphne: "What do you see on it?"

"Okay, brother."

Daphne held the shard in her hands, her eyes lighting up:

"Wow, the pattern here is an ancient tree, lush and probably very old. The drawing is really beautiful. I wish I had such artistic skills..."

Ethan and Lana exchanged a glance.

Three people saw three different patterns; could this bone shard be some kind of diagnostic tool?

Ethan then presented the shard to King: "Take a look, what pattern do you see on this?"

"Yes, my lord." King took the shard in both hands, examining the complex and dense lines.

"My lord," King frowned, wiping the shard with his sleeve, "It seems foggy on the shard; I can't see it clearly."

Ethan took the shard back, still seeing a dragon. Where was there any hint of fog?

The dragon's body was curved into a graceful arc, as if soaring through the sky. 

Its scales glittered with a metallic sheen, each one intricately detailed as if carved, resembling real skin.

Entwined around the dragon's body was a long flame. 

This flame was not the usual red but a deep purple, like a mysterious force emanating from the abyss.

Could it be...

A spark of insight flashed in Ethan's mind. Clutching the bone shard, he channeled energy into it.

He used his Power of Soul to guide this energy through the intricate patterns on the shard.

The lines on the bone shard lit up one by one, but as the patterns at the front illuminated, those at the back instantly dimmed. 

The sequence of the glowing lines was not coherent.

"The intensity of the energy is different!" Ethan's thoughts became clearer.

He took out a divine crystal and began to refine it, drawing the power of deity into the bone shard.

Sure enough, the patterns on the shard started to shimmer brilliantly, emitting an ancient, powerful, majestic, and vibrant aura.

"If you're trying to tear apart my Mother-Child Wraith Tree, you better stop what you're doing."

Peggy, surprisingly stirred, spoke in Ethan's mind.

"Peggy? You're awake?" Ethan was pleasantly surprised. "Do you know what this thing in my hand is?"

"Um — it seems like an Enchanted Bone. Too bad there's no Enchanted Heart in your bone; otherwise, you could actually summon what you see."

Enchanted Bone? Enchanted Heart? Ethan's mind stirred, committing these terms to memory.

"Don't experiment with all sorts of strange things around me. I'm very fragile right now," Peggy's voice came again, still gentle and pleasant.

"Alright, this is the only odd thing I have."

As he finished speaking, Ethan put the bone shard back into his space ring.

"Why did you stop?" Lana asked curiously.

"This thing works like a scroll; infusing it with energy awakens it. I've figured it out."

"I see."

Engaging in casual conversation, Ethan took out the second mysterious object he had obtained from Fernard – a dagger sheath.

The moment the sheath was brought out, a cold sensation filled the air.

This coldness was not a change in temperature, but a chill that seemed to seep into one's body, almost freezing the blood into ice shards.

Ethan toyed with the dagger sheath in his hand.

The sheath, as if having traversed through ancient times, carried an air of antiquity.

Its exterior was a deep, dark color, reminiscent of the star-studded night sky, mysterious and profound.

The patterns on it were not ordinary designs, but seemed to be symbols containing mystical powers. 

They intertwined and overlapped, forming complex and mysterious images.

Despite the clear signs of age, these patterns remained distinctly visible.

Its dense runes were dizzying to behold.

"Here, take a look at this. Can you make anything out?" Ethan handed the dagger sheath to Lana.

Lana held the sheath and skillfully turned it back and forth. 

But in the end, she shook her head slightly. "I can't decipher it. These runes are not documented anywhere."

Ethan retracted the sheath, an odd idea forming in his mind.

From his Space Ring, he took out a bunch of swords and daggers he no longer needed.

He then forged one of the swords into a dagger using the flames from his body. 

Although he wasn't a blacksmith, crafting a simple, featureless dagger was still within his capabilities.

The dagger, fitting perfectly into the sheath, was completed.

Holding the dagger, Ethan inserted it into the sheath. 

As soon as the tip of the dagger touched the sheath, a tremendous blade aura erupted.

This soaring blade aura, like an invisible force, instantly tore through the surrounding air.

A howling gale arose, whipping up dust and leaves into a massive vortex.

In this powerful air current, trees were uprooted, and rocks were split into pieces.

As the blade aura continued to expand, the entire forest began to tremble.

The ground cracked open with numerous fissures, as if on the brink of collapse.

Even the distant mountains quivered, seemingly ready to crumble at any moment.

This was just the external chaos. 

At the heart of the blade aura, the few people there instantly sustained various injuries.

The blade aura, like a ferocious storm, made it nearly impossible for Ethan to stand.

His body was so pressured he could hardly breathe, and even the flow of blood in his veins felt unbearably heavy.

He quickly pulled Lana and Daphne behind him.

King was just a moment too slow, and his clothes disintegrated into tatters, his skin lacerated by an invisible force, blood streaming all over his body.


The ordinary dagger within the sheath shattered instantaneously under the immense pressure.

The severe pressure Ethan faced vanished in an instant.

Peggy's voice came again:

"Ethan, what exactly are you trying to do? Are you here to take revenge on me?"

There was uncontrollable anger in her voice.

Even when she was besieged by Julius and his companions, she never showed a hint of anger.

But today, Peggy sounded somewhat indignant.

As the dagger was pulled from its sheath, the overwhelming aura dissipated as well.

Had it not been for the lingering stinging sensation on his skin, Ethan would have thought all that had just happened was an illusion.

Holding the sheath in his hands for a long while, Ethan finally came to his senses and said, "I'm sorry, Ms. Peggy."

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