The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 701 The Best Life**

Chapter 701  The Best Life**

In an instant, Calypso felt his shaft being engulfed by her amazing walls as he took Lia up on her offer. Her insides eagerly welcomed him, her moans quickly showing themselves in a showing that he never thought he'd ever see her do.

"Y-You're letting yourself moan?" he asked in both surprise and pleasure.

"J-Just this once," she panted, her moans coming out in between breaths as he began thrusting into her. "D-Don't get too attached… AHH!"

Hearing her cute moans, Calypso couldn't help himself as he began to thrust into her in earnest. Pinning her down onto the carpet below, he took her words by heart as he made her his in the way that he had always wanted to do. Their earlier positions were reversed now as he lay on top of her, his hands pinning her down onto the ground as his lips began to trail all over her succulent body.

He groaned in pleasure as he began kissing her, his lips colliding with hers as he eagerly let himself inside her lips. Unlike before, she gave way to his tongue, allowing him to have a full taste of her as she moaned and grunted into her mouth.

"C-Calypso…" she panted. "S-Speed up…"

"If you insist, my Lia…"

Smirking, Calypso began to pound into his mate. His cock felt like it was melting as her inside hugged him tightly, milking him for all that he was worth. Of course, he was far from done taking in all that her body had to offer him.

Letting go of her hands, Calypso allowed himself to caress her curves, her breasts now acting as his playthings as he pinched and kneaded them to his own amusement.

"A-Ahh! S-So good…" she moaned out.

"You're so tight as well…" he grunted out, his thrust becoming more angled as he did her best to hit all of her weak spots. "You're really made for me…"

At another time, his words would've made his mate glare at him for even saying such a thing. Currently, however, they were both too busy enjoying each other's bodies for them to even care about the usual games that they played. Calypso grunted and panted as he felt her wrap her arms around his neck, pulling herself up to him as she allowed him to go as deep into her as he possibly could.

"G-Go ahead, Calypso," Lia panted into his lips, her passionate eyes gazing deep into his. "Put one inside me…"

Calypso's eyes widened. It wasn't that they weren't already doing it before, but hearing her say it now… "A-Are you sure?"

For the first time that session, she gave him a half-hearted glare. "D-Do I really have to spell it out for you?"

He smirked as he felt her insides tighten even further, her body doing all the talking for her as he pistoned deeper into her than he had ever done before.

"Message received, my Lia," he chuckled. "Don't regret this, alright?"

"As if I regret anything I've ever done," she scoffed at him in between her beautiful moans. "Don't make me repeat myself…"

Taking her word for it, Calypso hugged her back, both of them now lying on the carpet below as they both allowed their instincts to take over. His shaft throbbed in time with her insides as they both made love with reckless abandon, completely uncaring of where and how they were doing things as their only concern was the complete and utter satisfaction of the other.

"L-Lia… I'm close…" he warned her in between grunts, his cock throbbing painfully as he did his best to delay the inevitable.

"I-I as well," she moaned, her body already shuddering from the pleasure as her insides tightened like a vise.

One more time, their lips collided as they shared a kiss of pure and unadulterated passion. With their bodies intertwined, their love for one another shone through their Bond to the point that there was no mistaking it for any other emotion other than for what it was. For a brief few seconds, they felt their love for one another, and it was at that point that they both shared their peak.



They both screamed out each other's names as they both achieved their ultimate goals. Calypso felt himself shudder as he emptied himself into Lia's quivering insides, his balls squeezing out all that he had for her as he filled her womb with his potent seed. Likewise, his mate twitched and shuddered beneath him as she was thrown into a deep pleasure, her inner walls milking and sucking him in as if he was the only source of life that could possibly sate her needs.

For a few minutes, they both stayed in the same place, both of them panting from the exertion as they lay joined at the hip on the carpet of Calypso's office.

"I-I love you…" Lia admitted, her cheeks still burning as she stared at him with deep longing. "There… I said it…"

Staring back at her, Calypso chuckled as he caressed her face. "I love you too, Lia," he answered back. "I… I didn't think I'd ever say it, but the moment you came into my world… It was just inevitable…"

Love was never really in his vocabulary when it comes to women until his Lia came into his life...

"Oh stop it with your… cheesiness…" she panted out, her rare smile still on her face as she chuckled. "Our… relationship simply developed better than expected…"

"On that, I agree," he smirked. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and I'll never let you go even if you wanted me to."

They both shared a chuckle before they slowly managed to sit back up on the carpet. Both of them were drenched in each other's fluids, and the sight of it was just so surreal that they couldn't help but be amused by their own actions.

"You better follow your word then, Calypso," Lia scoffed. "Or so help me I'll kill you before you can even think of leaving me."

"If it ever happens, I'm giving you permission to do so."

Another beat passed, and they both shared another bout of laughter as they finally picked themselves up from the floor. All the while, their eyes never left each other's gaze, their love for one another now overflowing as they enjoyed each other's presence. Truly, this was the best life that they could both live…


June this year. I can probably start a new book for Mineah and Nikolai's Story around May. The working title is The Crown's Game. "So, who's going to ask one of the servants to clean up the mess we made?"

***** END of Volume 4 *****

Author's Note April 18, 2023:

Bella and Osman's Story will be next for our Volume 5. Hoping you'll stay till the end... We'll wrap up the TCE book hopefully around June this year. I can probably start a new book for Mineah and Nikolai's Story around May. The working title is The Crown's Game. I can't decide yet to be honest so I would be delighted to see your suggestions for a good title in the comment section. It will be a part of The Crown's trilogy. I'm so excited about it but my schedule right now is a mess *cries* so please bear with my slow updates in the meantime. Thank you so much for your understanding and support... Always take care guys and God bless.

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